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XML The Effect of Atorvastatin on Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Rheumatoid Arthritis
R. Abhari,, M. Mobini, M. Fakhri,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Delayed Graft Function (DGF) on Graft Survival in Pediatric Renal Transplantation
H. Otoukesh,, R. Hosseini,, S.M. Fereshtehnejad, Sh. Faramarzi, A. Basiri,, N. Simforoosh, M. Chalian,, S. Jazayeri,, H Chalian,, M. Sharifian,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Effect of Hat on Phototherapy-Induced Hypocalcemia in Icteric Newborns
F. Ehsanipour,, N. Khosravi,, S. Jalali,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Sleep Parameters and the Factors Affecting the Quality of Sleep in Patients Attending Selected Clinics of Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital
A. Afkham Ebrahimi, M.F. Ghale Bandi,, M Salehi,, A.R. Kafian Tafti,, Y. Vakili,, E. Akhlaghi Farsi,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Characterization of Heat Shock Response in Brucella melitensis and Interaction of Heat Shock Protein with Sick and Healthy Sera
N. Amir Mozaffari,, F. Ghazi,, A. Mostafazadeh,, A. Mostafaii,, R. Rajabnia,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigation of Total IgG and IgA and IgG2 in Adult Subjects with Blastocystis Hominis
H. Oormazdi,, L. Akhlaghi,, E. Razmjoo,, M Beirom Vand,, Sh. Sarvi,, M. Tavalla,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A 12-year Survey on the Incidence of Causes and Complications of Pediatric Tracheostomy in Hazrat Rasool-e-Akram Hospital
F. Izadi,, M. Maleki Delarestaghi,, S.B. Pousti,, A. Zanganeh Kazemi,, P. Mir,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A Case Report of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with the Primary Presentation of the Loosening of the Teeth
H. Behnam,, F. Farhat,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Time Indices of Pediatric Prehospital Emergency Care in Tehran, 2006
F. Panahi, M. Khatami,, M. Azizabadi Farahani,, H.R. Khoddami Vishteh,, Sh. Assari,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Effect of Morphine Dependency on Spatial Learning and Memory in Male Rat
A. Pourmotabbed,, E. Mehrabi Nasab, F. Soraya, S. Moradi, H. Haghighizad,, M. Tahmassian,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A Comparative Survey of Gastrointestinal Complications Caused by Iron Supplement and Placebo in Pregnant Women with Hb>13.2gr/dl
E. Jaffar Begloo,, S. Ziaee,, S. Faghih Zadeh,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Auditory Steady State Response Findings in Adults with Auditory Neuropathy/Dys-synchrony
Z. Jafari,, P. Ahmadi,, H. Ashayeri,, M. Motesadi Zarandi,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Study of the Effects of Intravenous Paracetamol with Different Doses on Opioid Sparing during and after Upper Limb Surgeries
V. Hassani,, M. Manoochehripour,, M. Nojoomi,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison of MCA flow Velocity in Preeclampsia and Normal Pregnancy with Transcranial Doppler
M. Rohani,, F. Sina,, B. Zamani,, M.A. Akbariannia
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment of the Effect of Intravenous Dexamethasone on the Prevention of Post-General Anesthesia Shivering in Patients Undergoing Knee Arthroscopy
B. Zaman,, V. Hassani,, M. Alimian,, P. Sohrabi,, M. Radmehr,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Cerebral Vasomotor Reactivity in Normal Pregnancy and Preeclampsia
F. Sina,, M. Rohani,, B. Zamani,, S.M.A. Akbariannia,, E. Sariri,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment of the Prevalence of Anti H-Pylori Antibody in Patients with Osteoarthritis and Healthy Persons referred to Baqiyatollah Hospital, Tehran 2006
Gh.H. Alishiri,, M. Amini,, M. Ahmadzad Asl,, Gh.A. Ghorbani, A.M. Jafari,, A. Salimzadeh,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A Comparison of the Knowledge of Breast Self-Examination in Female Students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and Those of Shiraz University of Sciences, 2004
H. Ghaem,, P. Jafari,, Sh Moslehi,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Role of Sinonasal Endoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Sinonasal Headaches
A.R. Mohebbi,, S. Mohebbi,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Thyroid Dysfunction and Thyroid Anti-Bodies in Iranian Patients with Vitiligo
S. Moradi,, Gh.H. Ghaffarpour,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A Comparison of the Quality of Life in HIV/AIDS Patients and Control Group
M. Nojoomi,, Kh Anbari,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation of the Extent of Cytogenetic Damage Induced by Ionizing Radiation at Different Intervals of Cell Incubation with Iudr in Spheroid Model of Glioblastoma Cell Line Using Comet Assay
A. Neshasteh-Riz, N. Bishesari,, S. Khoei,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Effect of Heel Height on Standing Balance Indices
A Vaseghnia,, I. Ebrahimi Takamjani,, J. Sarrafzadeh,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment of the Frequency of Hejamat Centers and Characteristics of Their Clients, Tehran 2006
F. Hashem Dabbaghian,, S.A. Gooshegir,, S.M. Siadati,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Epidemiologic Study of Children on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in three Children's Hospitals(Ali Asghar, Mofid, Markaz Tebi) from 1993 to 2004
N. Hooman,, H. Otoukesh,, A. Madani,, S.T. Esfehani,, M., M. Sharifian,Mohkam, A. Mahdavi,, N. Ataei,, P. Mohseni,, F. Gholikhani,, E. Latif,
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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