Review Process
| Post date: 2024/06/15 |
Initially all the submitted articles to the Razi Journal of Medical Science are first reviewed by an editorial committee consisting of 3 or more members of the editorial team to ensure their appropriateness and relevance to the framework of the journal. The prime purpose is to decide whether to send a paper for peer review and to give a rapid decision on those that are not. Papers which do not meet basic standards or are unlikely to be published irrespective of a positive peer review, for example because their novel contribution is insufficient or the relevance to the discipline is unclear, may be rejected at this point in order to avoid delays to authors who may wish to seek publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are also excluded by the editors if there are major faults in the methodology of research. Authors can expect a decision from this stage of the review process within 2 weeks of submission.
Accepted articles at the stage are reviewed in a double-blind manner, which means that during the reviewing process the names of the authors are unknown to the reviewers and vice versa. The journal follows a reviewing process, with a maximum of 12 weeks for peer reviewing process.
Each article is sent to two peer reviewers and a reviewer of statistics. The Editor-in-Chief evaluates the comments of reviewers and in case of clear discrepancies in the comments, the article is sent to the fourth reviewer. The comments of the reviewers and the decision of the Editor-in-Chief for accepting, reviewing (general or partial correction) or rejecting the article will be sent to the authors. The comments also include feedback on technical requirements and structural errors in the manuscript. The authors must submit the revised version containing the response to the reviewers within four weeks.
Plagiarism, Duplicated Publication, Data Fabrication and Falsification
Razi journal of Medical Sciences (Razi J Med Sci) is committed to publish the original studies and recent reviews that have not already been submitted to other journals and is not under review elsewhere. All submitted manuscripts to the journal are scrutinized for plagiarism. The plagiarized materials will incur the “Plagiarism Sanctions”. Such cases as redundant publication, translation to other languages and other journals without permission are subjected to research misconduct.
Submitted manuscripts, which are found to be published or under review elsewhere, will be sustained and experience the “Duplicated Publication Sanctions”.
Submitted manuscripts, which are found to include either fabricated or falsified data including the manipulation of images, will confront with the “Data Fabrication/Falsification Sanctions”.
Based on the COPE guidelines, however Razi J Med Sci is not currently a member of COPE, the journal will consider retracting a publication if:
It has clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error).
The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication).
It constitutes plagiarism.
It reports unethical research.
In the case of any aforementioned allegations of misconduct occur, it is the journal’s right to apply the following sanctions:
However Razi Journal of Medical Sciences (Razi J Med Sci) is not currently a member of COPE, Razi J Med Sci keeps all the rights to retract the infringing published works at any time found based on the COPE guideline for retracting articles,
Immediate rejection of the infringing manuscript and sanction of the infringed author(s).
Prohibition against all the authors for any new submissions to the journal for a minimum of 24 months.
Prohibition against all the infringed authors from serving as a reviewer of acting as a member of the Editorial Board of Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences for a minimum of 36 months.
In cases of violations found to be particularly ostensible, the journal reserves the right to apply additional sanctions beyond the aforementioned actions.
Academic dishonesty
Suspected redundancy or duplication
Suspected plagiarism
Suspected fabrication and falsification
Request for addition of extra author or after publication
Request for removal of author before publication
Request for removal of author Suspected as guest, ghost or gift authorship
Request for being advised on how to spot authorship problems
Competing Interests
If the reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript
If the reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published article
Other considerations
If we suspect an ethical problem with a submitted manuscript
If we suspect a reviewer has appropriated an author’s idea or data
Everyone could receive complete set of flowcharts.

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