Background & Aims: In many cases, students with a weaker professional identity experience moral confusion when faced with challenging situations. Lack of a clear understanding of the professional role, lack of commitment to work values, and insufficient awareness of ethical responsibilities are among the factors that may negatively affect individuals' decisions. This becomes more important in educational environments, especially in fields that are directly related to the health and rights of individuals. One of the important challenges in this field is the impact of environmental and social factors on the formation of students' professional identities. Many people face pressures from their workplace, professors, and peers in their professional careers that can affect their adherence to ethical principles. In such circumstances, students who do not have a strong professional identity are more likely to deviate from ethical values. In addition, the lack of adequate training in professional ethics and the lack of emphasis on the development of professional identity in educational systems is another major challenge. Many educational programs mainly emphasize scientific and technical aspects and less attention is paid to topics such as strengthening professional identity and promoting moral intelligence. This causes students to encounter situations in real professional environments that they are not adequately prepared to manage. Another challenge is the lack of appropriate moral models in educational and professional environments. When students encounter examples of unethical behavior in academic and work environments, they may experience value conflicts and internalize ethical principles. In such circumstances, strengthening professional identity can be an important factor in increasing an individual's resistance to such challenges. Given the importance of this issue, educational and professional systems must develop well-established programs to strengthen professional identity and increase students' moral intelligence. Teaching ethical principles, creating practical opportunities for experiencing ethical decision-making, encouraging students to reflect on their professional roles, and providing appropriate role models can help reduce existing challenges. In general, strengthening professional identity not only increases students' commitment to ethical principles but also helps improve their professional performance and raise the moral level of society. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of professional identity on students' moral intelligence.
Methods: The study method was a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative). To collect qualitative data in this study, semi-structured interviews were used in the form of a paradigmatic method. Of the total of 20 experts considered for the study based on the saturation rule, 10 were considered for this study. In the quantitative part, based on the criteria extracted from the qualitative phase, a researcher-made questionnaire of professional identity with a hidden curriculum approach and the moral intelligence questionnaire of Lenik and Keel (2005) were used to collect the required data. In the quantitative part, the opinions of students from universities in Mazandaran province, 381 out of a total of 47,507 people, were used with a stratified random sampling method based on the academic field. For the analysis of qualitative data, three stages of open coding, axial, and selective coding were used, and in the quantitative part, structural equation testing was used. Data analysis was performed using SPSS21 and PLS software.
Results: The results showed that the t-value for the relationship between professional identity and moral intelligence is 16.961. This value is outside the range (-2.58 to 2.58), which indicates that this relationship is significant at the 99% confidence level. An examination of the t-values for different dimensions of moral intelligence shows that honesty (82.934), forgiveness (72.758), compassion (34.447), and responsibility (67.073) all have very high t-values, and on the other hand, the dimensions and components of professional identity (such as causal conditions, intervening conditions, strategies, and consequences) also have t-values higher than 2.58, indicating that these variables have a significant effect on the development of professional identity.
Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that the relationship between professional identity and moral intelligence clearly shows that the development of these two factors can play an important role in training committed and responsible professionals. Professional identity is one of the key concepts in personal and professional development, which means an individual's understanding and acceptance of his or her professional role, commitment to the principles and values of that profession, and internalization of the ethical standards associated with it. On the other hand, moral intelligence includes a set of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills that enable an individual to make informed ethical decisions and act responsibly in different situations. Research has shown that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between these two concepts, such that people who have a stronger professional identity make more informed ethical decisions when faced with different situations and observe ethical principles in their behaviors. Students with a high professional identity tend to be more committed to ethical values and professional standards and strive to be ethical in their educational and work environments. This is especially important in fields such as medicine, law, and engineering because decisions made in these areas can have profound effects on society and public welfare. Professional identity not only helps an individual better understand their duties but also makes them more resistant to unethical temptations and environmental pressures. In addition, professional identity increases a sense of responsibility. When an individual is aware of their professional status and considers themselves a member of a professional community, they will have a greater commitment to their behaviors. This sense of responsibility prevents unethical behaviors and disregard for professional values.