Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 163-171 | Back to browse issues page

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Moradi O, Razmjoo S. Designing a Residential Complex with a Biophilic Architectural Approach with an Emphasis on Increasing Mental and Physical Health. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :163-171
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8715-en.html
Master's degree, Department of Architecture, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran , omranmoradi2022@gmail.com
Abstract:   (120 Views)
Background & Aims: Today, the development process of cities in most of the territories has a remarkable and uneven speed, the consequence of which is the emergence of megacities. Indiscriminate and unplanned development of cities, increase in work and living places, increase in urban traffic, lack of recognition of human needs, noise and visual pollution and air, lack of suitable housing, and other factors can be considered as inappropriate urban conditions and qualities. In today's era, due to the development, construction, and destruction of the environment, regardless of the quality of the space, today's man is facing a serious threat due to the problems that have arisen, such as endangering his mental and physical health. The presence of nature and plants is an effective factor in human health, if it is forgotten in the city and architectural space, freshness, health, mental peace, and physical health will also be removed. Today, in the construction of residential buildings, what attracts the most attention is the lack of attention to human needs, both psychologically and physically. Ignoring the peaceful coexistence of man, architecture, and nature, not responding to the spiritual and psychological needs of man, and also not paying attention to the proper presence of nature in the physical environment of life is the source of many problems of today's urban man. Today's constructions in all parts of Iran have been designed without even considering the basic needs of humans. Failure to pay attention to human needs in the design of residential complexes has resulted in low quality of life and people's dissatisfaction. Direct use of nature, in such a way that we can bring nature and the natural environment into the human space. Use plants, natural light, and natural ventilation in architectural spaces. Replace natural materials such as stone, wood, etc. for construction. Use photos of natural landscapes, symbols, and signs of nature in interior architecture and facade decorations and spaces. In all these cases, nature is perceived directly and without mediation. Indirect use of nature; the second approach is that the characteristics and properties of nature are used in the design. For example: at first, they research the geometric and complex pattern of natural elements and then use it to design architecture or structure and create the complexity that humans like in the natural environment in the architectural space. Such cases are understood indirectly and subjectively. Biophilic architecture seeks to solve these problems. Biophilic principles can be crystallized in design by using different methods, but in general, it considers two main approaches: direct use of nature and indirect use. Positive reactions, like human physical and mental health, largely depend on human contact with the natural environment, and this issue is a necessity. Biophilic design is actually design and construction with nature in mind. Of course, biophilic design does not mean that we make our buildings green with grass and vegetation and simply increase their attractiveness and beauty by using trees and bushes. Rather, the issue is about humanity's place in nature, as well as the place and place of the natural world in human society. This research aims to design a residential complex with a biophilic architectural approach with an emphasis on increasing mental and physical health.
Methods: This research is based on document and library studies and reviews. After the studies were conducted in line with the studied problem, the five main spaces of the residential environment (living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, and open space) were modeled and designed using the templates in Sketchup software. Using the designed designs, a visual questionnaire was prepared based on the five-point Likert spectrum and then it was analyzed using Excel software and the Shannon-Topsis entropy technique. This research is based on documentary and library studies and reviews. And in this direction, the patterns of the five main spaces of the residential environment have been designed in Sketchup software
Results: A visual questionnaire was used for this research, whose validity and reliability were measured according to Cronbach's alpha and SPSS software, and its value was 0.912. Finally, the patterns that have been used based on biophilic architecture to increase mental and physical health have been displayed for the design of residential complexes.
Conclusion: The purpose of the research was to investigate the effects of biophilic architecture on the mental health of people in residential spaces. To measure and determine the effective patterns on mental health (feeling of peace and environmental health) in each of the residential spaces (living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, open space) separately, at first, patterns of biophilic architecture that affect mental health were selected and after that, the spaces were designed and simulated using those patterns.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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