Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.212
Clinical trials code: 01

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Sayahi A, Majedi N, Naderi Nasab M. Marketing Model of the Hydrotherapy Industry in the Health System and Sports Sector of the Country. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8645-en.html
Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran , mts261054@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (221 Views)
Background & Aims: The hydrotherapy industry is one of the growing sectors in the country’s health system and sports sector, playing a significant role in improving individuals’ physical and mental health. This industry, based on the use of water resources for therapeutic and rehabilitative purposes, has gained attention in many developed countries as part of health tourism and the sports economy. In Iran, despite vast natural potentials, including hot springs and hydrotherapy centers, this industry has not yet achieved a desirable position in the health and sports economy of the country. While increasing musculoskeletal disorders, the prevalence of chronic diseases, lifestyle changes, and rising daily stress levels have heightened the need for non-invasive and complementary therapeutic methods, the hydrotherapy industry can contribute significantly to improving people's quality of life through a scientific and systematic approach. Given that the development of this industry requires the formulation of a comprehensive and efficient marketing model, identifying the factors influencing its growth and sustainability is crucial. Effective marketing can play a decisive role in raising public awareness, attracting customers, and expanding service coverage. However, weaknesses in marketing, lack of proper understanding of customer needs, absence of an appropriate management structure, and failure to utilize modern technologies are major obstacles to the growth of this industry. Additionally, insufficient legal support, economic challenges, infrastructure limitations, and lack of attention to specialized human resources are other factors that have hindered the development of the hydrotherapy industry. On the other hand, the increasing interest in sports activities and natural treatment methods has created numerous opportunities for entrepreneurship in this field, which, with proper planning, can lead to economic growth and job creation. Accordingly, this study aims to present a marketing model for the hydrotherapy industry in the country’s health system and sports sector by relying on qualitative data and using the grounded theory approach. Analyzing causal, contextual, intervening, and strategic factors, along with the outcomes of the development of this industry, will assist policymakers, managers, and stakeholders in the health and sports sector in gaining a better understanding of challenges and opportunities and formulating more effective programs for the growth and expansion of this industry. It is hoped that the findings of this study will help improve the marketing situation of the hydrotherapy industry and increase its share in the country's health and sports system.
Methods: This qualitative study employed Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory approach. The statistical population included marketing experts and sports professors (15 individuals), senior experts in small businesses and top entrepreneurs in the country (15 individuals), managers of water sports clubs and academies (50 individuals), managers of sports websites (15 individuals), and hydrotherapy center managers. The sampling method was theoretical. Data collection was conducted through fieldwork, and the data collection tool was interviews. Data analysis was performed using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding.
Results: The results indicated that causal factors included the growth of the sports industry, job creation opportunities, and operational weaknesses. Contextual factors encompassed supportive infrastructures, weaknesses in entrepreneurial thinking and managerial support, insufficient sports penetration in society, social support, specialized human resources, entrepreneurial intention, and financial support. Intervening factors included political, economic, managerial, facilitative, supportive, production, technological, and educational elements. Strategic factors involved support for programs and regulations, structural development, knowledge expansion, financial growth, interaction development, motivation enhancement, and entrepreneurship. The outcomes consisted of economic growth, sports sustainability, improved sports performance, the institutionalization of an active lifestyle, and socio-cultural development.
Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that entrepreneurs in the sports and hydrotherapy sector should focus on business planning, improving marketing activities, networking, leveraging government support, technological development, and enhancing entrepreneurial preparedness to achieve sustainable success. Additionally, government institutions and universities can play a crucial role in information management and investment in this industry. Improving the legal environment for small and medium-sized sports businesses is also vital for their success. These businesses should adopt a marketing system tailored to the Iranian sports market, distinct from traditional sales strategies. Given the annual changes in government support policies, continuous monitoring and evaluation of these policies are necessary. Since production technologies and sports services are constantly evolving, staying informed about these changes and continuously incorporating them into sports businesses is essential. Business planning should be updated annually and include the latest information on human resources, market conditions, regulations, technology, government support policies, and available financial resources. Compliance with laws and regulations, including tax laws, employee rights, insurance, and internal corporate policies, is a distinguishing factor between modern businesses and traditional ones. Furthermore, government attention and support, even in providing financial facilities, are clearly evident. Therefore, continuous awareness and training regarding relevant regulations can significantly enhance the status of sports businesses. Ultimately, this study has designed and validated a successful marketing model for the hydrotherapy industry within the health and sports system of the country.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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