Volume 29, Issue 8 (11-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(8): 297-305 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezaeirad M. Investigate the Relationship between the Dimensions of Organizational Health on the Academic Optimism of The Professors of Islamic Azad University Sari Branch. RJMS 2022; 29 (8) :297-305
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8575-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran. , mojtabarezaeirad@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (394 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the most important resources of any organization is the human force of that organization. Organizational health is one of the most telling and obvious indicators of organizational effectiveness. In a healthy organization, the manager has a very friendly and supportive behavior with his employees and has unity in his plans. Employees also have a greater desire to work in the organization and do things more effectively. Organizational health is more about the durability and survival of the organization in its environment and adaptability to it and the promotion and expansion of its ability to compromise. Factors such as the perception and perception of employees, the way of managing affairs, the policies of the organization, the nature and extent of supervision, job security, working conditions, status and dignity, the level of salaries and wages, the establishment of mutual relations, supervisors, peers, and supervisors, and the personal life of employees. The general public thinks of optimism as seeing the glass as half full seeing a shiny layer in every phenomenon, or the habit of expecting a happy ending for every real problem. The angle of positive thinking from positive thinking and optimism indicates that optimism requires repeating self-reinforcing phrases such as "I am improving in different ways every day" or visualization. That all work is done successfully. In all these cases, there are manifestations of optimism and positive thinking, but optimism is deeper than these. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of organizational health on the academic optimism of the professors of Islamic Azad University Sari branch.
Methods: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of method, which was carried out in the field. The statistical population of this research includes all the professors of Islamic Azad University, Sari branch, who were working in 1401. The number of the statistical population was 360 people according to the inquiry from the recruitment unit of Azad University of Sari. According to the table of Karjesi and Morgan, 186 people were selected through a simple random sampling method. The research tools included two organizational health questionnaires by Hoy and Feldman (1996) and an academic optimism questionnaire by Baird et al. (2010), both of which were standard questionnaires. Their reliability coefficient was calculated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient for organizational health (0.92) and academic optimism (0.79), which indicates the appropriate reliability of this questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic variables and SPSS software was used to check the research hypotheses. One of the most important prerequisites for performing parametric tests is checking the normality of data distribution in the dependent variable. For this purpose, for each of the studied variables, the test of normality of data distribution has been done.
Results: The findings of the research show that the significance level of the variables of organizational health and academic optimism (Sig=0.000) is smaller than the predicted error (α=0.05), so the relationship between the variables is statistically significant. It is significant and since the calculated correlation coefficient is equal to 0.585, it can be concluded that there is a direct and significant relationship between organizational health and academic optimism of professors. In a more detailed explanation, it can be said that so far, different conceptualizations of optimism have been implemented, an example of which is nature optimism and explanatory optimism. Optimism of nature or tendency is a general expectation based on the fact that in the future, more good events will happen than bad events. Shier et al. argue that optimistic people, in the face of difficulties, continue to pursue their valued goals and by using effective coping strategies, they and their states adjust their personalities so that they can reach their goals. One of the fundamental changes that happened in recent decades in the field of psychology is that unlike the previous psychologists who focused their research and scientific works on the disturbing aspects of thoughts and pathological aspects of the psyche. were focused on human beings, today many psychologists, in addition to dealing with the morbid and pathological aspects of the human psyche, also pay attention to the positive aspects of human thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors. The concept of optimism is one of the central and important topics of positive psychology, which emerged in the field of psychology as a result of the value change in beliefs, in recent decades, by people such as Allport, Erikson, Fromm, Maslow, Rogers, and Peterson. and tries to make the presence of positive components in various aspects of human life more vivid and impressive with scientific methods and perspective. Higher education is one of the most basic and important organizations in the world today, and most people have direct and indirect relations with this organization, and this shows the key and vital role of this institution in the complex life of humans. Knowledge of organizational health can be a facilitator and predictor of the quality and continuity of the health system, and it can lead to the implementation of programs in a scientific and expert manner, avoiding imprudent actions. Organizational health refers to an environment that facilitates the growth and development of an organization and enables the achievement of goals. Organizations, while thinking about their preservation and survival, should take a step beyond this view and pay attention to their consequences and effects on the society. Social responsibility is considered as an important issue for any organization, the factor of its survival or decline.
Conclusion: The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between organizational health and the academic optimism of teachers, and according to the results of this research, it was determined that the contribution of each component of organizational health in predicting the academic optimism of teachers is different.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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