Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Arbabi F, Zargham Hajebi M, Tabaraei R. Effectiveness of Educational Package to Facilitate and Promote Child Social Development in One-Child Families Based on Erickson Theory. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8307-en.html
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology Department, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran , Zarghamhajebi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (527 Views)
Background & Aims: Social transformation is a process in which children move from basic social interactions based on self-centeredness to more social behaviors. Good social development is one of the foundations of a successful life in society. Families make conscious efforts to shape children's social development. Postmodern thoughts, changes in lifestyle, mechanization of societies, women's desire for activities outside the home, mothers' depression, spending time on children and economic problems that families face in raising and raising children. has caused an increase in the number of single-child families. The research of Constanta and Marslica shows that the main problems of children in single-child families are the balance between authority and responsibility, affection and discipline, guidance and independence. Krynen believes that while having only one child may be easier financially, the psychological costs of single-child families are higher. From Khasaune's point of view, only children grow up in families where there is no possibility of establishing communication and lifestyle skills through peer groups. The problems faced by children in single-child families are a warning sign and it is necessary to think of measures to reduce the damage of this emerging phenomenon. One of the sources that we can use to facilitate the growth and social transformation of children is the theories that exist in this field. Considering the unfortunate consequences that the lack of social development and as a result antisocial behaviors have for people, educational and psychological interventions play a significant role in facilitating social development. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the Education facilitates and promotes the social transformation of the child on the social growth (growth of hope, will and purposefulness) of children from single-child families.
Methods: The present study community consisted of all mothers who had only one child and their children were in school and resided in Qom during this study (2022-2023). The sampling method was simple by random sampling. To this end, one of the multiple areas of Qom is first selected and by referring to the health networks of that area, the list of Single -child mothers is selected, then 70 people (considering the possibility of falling) from single -child mothers by random sampling. It was chosen simple, in a way that all Single -child mothers had an equal chance of participating in the research. Then the selected mothers were contacted and invited to participate in the research, then a group of 30 people were selected for the control group and a group of 30 for the test, followed by a consulting -based consulting protocol in 8 sessions on The experimental group was implemented. The Vinland social growth test has been used to collect data.
Results: The results of covariance analysis showed that educational effectiveness facilitates the child's social transformation (growth, hope, and purpose) of children in single -child families, and the size of the effect (0.769) shows that the Impact of the Training Package Facilitate the Transformation. The social child's social development (growth, will, hope and purpose) in children in monochone families is strong.
Conclusion: Since poor social growth and low social competence are the cause of many other developmental problems such as poor academic performance at school, interventions can be helpful to restore a child to their natural development. Good social growth is not only for family members but for valuable societies. However, no similar research has been done to compare the results of this research with it, and from this point of view, it can be said that this research is new; But the results of this research can be aligned with the researches of Tafti brothers and Mousavi; Moqtadari, Refahi and Khosravi; Ahmadi and Moini; Rahnama and Alian; new and individual; Taheri et al; Park, Roizman and Rose; Khasaune and Ribeaud, Murray, Shanahan and Isner. According to Erikson, in order not to procrastinate in the next stages of psychosocial development, it is necessary to go through each stage correctly and to have the necessary capabilities to enter a higher stage. In general, it can be said that since poor social development and low social competence are the cause of many other developmental problems such as poor academic performance in school, interventions can be helpful to return a child to his natural development path.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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