Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 138-147 | Back to browse issues page

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Shojaei F, Zaferani Z, Fazeli H, Fazeli A. Investigating the Relationship between Schema Therapy and Parenting Styles in Parents with Adolescents Suffering from Social Isolation and Cyberbullying. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :138-147
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8246-en.html
PhD in Qur'anic and Hadith Sciences, comparative interpretation, Faculty of Theology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran. , hr.fazeli114@gmail.com
Abstract:   (458 Views)
Background & Aims: Cyberspace has become an important part of people's lives, among them teenagers use cyberspace more than others. Excessive use of virtual space can involve mental, social-emotional problems, behavioral and emotional incompatibility in teenagers due to the lack of development of physical and mental development. One of these negative behaviors that teenagers face increasingly in digital life is cyber bullying. In a short period of time, this problem has become a worrying social phenomenon, which has spread rapidly and simultaneously with the adoption of new technologies and smart phones among teenagers. Cyberbullying is a form of cyber-aggression with an aggressive and deliberate action by a group or individual, using electronic means of communication, repeatedly over time against a victim who cannot easily defend himself. Among others, we can refer to actions such as defamatory actions, displaying annoying comments, hacking a user account, disclosing personal information of others without their consent, harassment and sending threatening messages. This problem significantly affects the mental and physical health of adolescents and is associated with a wide range of internal and external problems, negative emotions, loneliness, and emotional regulation problems. In general, this phenomenon reduces positive emotions in teenagers and replaces negative emotions and emotional instability. Cyberbullying increases the likelihood of social isolation in adolescents. Social isolation is a state of complete lack of connection between an individual and society, whose symptoms may be different based on the age group of individuals, which can be caused by a combination of internal and environmental factors that are associated with a variety of negative developmental outcomes including social, cultural and environmental factors (such as age, gender, housing, place of residence, living alone), psychological and cognitive factors (such as depression, anxiety, disorder) are associated. This disorder has negative consequences on physical and mental health in teenagers and its complications can last for years. On the other hand, it limits the opportunity for teenagers to interact with their social environment and as a result, it delays the growth and learning of social norms and causes the physical and social separation of teenagers from their peers, which has destructive effects on the sociability of teenagers. One of the most important indicators of social isolation is being alone, having few social relationships, not participating in social or group activities, and finally, the perception of loneliness. The persistence and intensity of this structure can lead to unhealthy lifestyles and communication disorders. On the other hand, the way parents interact and educate affects all aspects of teenagers' lives. The prevalence of social isolation disorders and cyber bullying is increasing in Iran, and the mothers of these children face many challenges. One of the most important factors affecting teenagers is the parenting style of parents, especially mothers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between schema therapy and parenting styles in mothers with teenagers suffering from social isolation and cyberbullying.
Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose, and in terms of methodology, it was descriptive (correlation) research. The statistical population of this research was all mothers with teenagers suffering from social isolation and cyberbullying in Arak city. In order to select a sample of teenagers in Arak city, 100 mothers whose teenagers have these disorders responded to the questionnaires of social isolation (Yazdi School, 2013) and cyberbullying (Antoniado, Kokinos, and Markos, 2016). The title of the sample was selected. In order to collect data, Baumrind's parenting style questionnaires (1973) and Young's initial maladaptive schemas short form (1988) were used. The obtained data were entered into SPSS24 software for regression analysis.
Results: The findings of the research showed that between the initial incompatible schemas and the release parenting style (r=0.487); authoritarian parenting style (r = 0.302) and logical authority parenting style (r = -0.514); between the schemas of the cutting-off domain with the release parenting style (r=0.369) and the logical authority parenting style (r=0.604); between self-management schemas and impaired performance with release parenting style (r=0.218); authoritarian parenting style (r = 0.309) and logical authority parenting style (r = -0.394); between the schemas of the domain of impaired limitations with the liberation parenting style (r=0.711) and the logical authority parenting style (r=0.590); between the schemas of the orientation domain with the release parenting style (r=0.713) and the logical authority parenting style (r=0.408); between schemas in the field of listening and liberating parenting style (r=0.224); authoritarian parenting style (r = 0.643) and logical authority parenting style (r = -0.519); There was a relationship, which is statistically significant with 99% confidence (p ≥ 0.01).
Conclusion: In explaining this finding, it can be stated that in relation to the nature of schemas, it is assumed that the five basic needs of the child must be satisfied in order for him to have a healthy growth. The child becomes prone to develop early maladaptive schemas in one or more areas. Schemas, especially those formed mainly as a result of adverse childhood experiences, may be the core of personality disorders, milder behavioral problems, and many chronic disorders such as anxiety, depression, cyber aggression, and social isolation. Schemas grow in childhood and are brought to life and act in adulthood by different situations in which a person is placed; Therefore, they spread throughout life and play a major role in thoughts, feelings, behaviors and relationships with others, and in a paradoxical and inevitable way, they bring adult life to childhood conditions. In order to reduce the problems of teenagers in the field of presence in real and virtual space, parents are advised not to involve their schemas in choosing the parenting style.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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