Background & Aims: Today, it is known that employees who have higher psychological well-being will be more resistant to stress and maintain physical and mental well-being and happiness in the face of stress. In fact, psychological well-being includes performance and satisfaction, reducing stress, reducing absenteeism, and related organizational performance and behaviors (3). Meanwhile, the organizational moral climate is one of the influencing variables on psychological well-being. Ethical climate not only determines decision-making and its behavioral consequences in response to two ways and ethical issues, but also determines ethical criteria for understanding, evaluating and solving these issues (4).
Another variable related to psychological well-being is organizational health. The role of organizational health in the psychological well-being of employees is such that in occupational health issues, it is mainly used to refer to the health status of employees, and one of the main methods of measuring it is to examine the psychological well-being of people. Because in a healthy organization, employees will work without any physical, mental, occupational stress and in complete peace, which provides the grounds for the productivity of the organization on the one hand and the productivity of the employees on the other hand. (8). Pivotal self-evaluations are also one of the variables that can affect how employees evaluate and react to their work environment and actually adjust psychological well-being. Pivotal self-evaluations as evaluations and measurements The basis that people do based on their values, abilities, talents and qualifications has been defined (9). In other words, core self-evaluations refer to a person's conclusions about who he is and how he perceives himself. This concept consists of four dimensions: self-esteem, self-efficacy, skill level, emotional stability, and low neuroticism (10).
It can be said that due to the fact that the psychological well-being of the employees of the organizations is of special importance and the improvement of the psychological well-being of the employees helps to improve the level of public health in the society and on the other hand, the identification of important factors and Effectiveness in increasing psychological well-being is important and necessary, and since according to the searches carried out in previous researches, a research simultaneously deals with the effect of organizational ethical climate, organizational health and self-evaluation centered on psychological well-being. It was not observed, therefore, the present study examined the effect of these factors on psychological well-being.
Methods: To conduct the current applied research, which is a correlation-survey type and was approved by the ethics committee in research of the Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj, with the code of ethics number IR.IAU.SDJ.REC.1400.061. The researcher first went to the central branch of the National Bank of Alborz province and after explaining the purpose of the research and getting the satisfaction of the officials, he went to the branches of the National Bank of Alborz province with the introduction letter in hand, and among the employees of all the branches (761 people), 274 people were selected using the sample method. Multi-stage cluster sampling of the Plant formula was determined as a sample, and for more validity, 327 people were selected as a sample. Finally, in order to collect the necessary data, standard questionnaires were used in this research, which include: psychological well-being (Reif, 2000), organizational health (Hoy and Feldman, 1996), organizational ethical climate ( Powell, 2000) and core self-evaluation (Judge et al., 2003). In the end, spss23 and LISREL statistical software and structural equation method were used to analyze the data.
Results: According to what is shown in the above table: the psychological well-being variable has a strong positive relationship with moral atmosphere (0.619), self-evaluation (0.613), organizational health (0.459) at the significance level of 0.1 It has 0. The variable of self-evaluation has a moderate positive relationship with moral climate (0.467) and organizational health (0.32) at a significance level of 0.01. After evaluating the measurement model, the structural model of the research was tested using the structural equation modeling method. In this model (Chart 1), it was assumed that organizational health and moral climate are related to psychological well-being through self-evaluation. Examining the fit indices obtained from the structural model test of the research showed that, as expected, the obtained chi-square showed the fit of the model with the data (p < 0.05, df = 720, df = 720 (2c = 1322.972). ), other fit indices were also examined (DF2=1.837, CFI=0.914, GFI=0.9, AGFI=0.81 and RMSEA=0.051) and it was observed that indicates the acceptable fit of the model with the data. Table 4 shows the coefficients of the path of organizational health and moral climate with psychological well-being with the mediation of self-evaluation in the structural model.
Conclusion: The findings show that the coefficient of the indirect mediating path of central self-evaluation between moral climate and organizational health is significant. In explaining this hypothesis, it can be said that moral climate and organizational health, with the mediation of self-evaluation, are the key components that make psychological well-being definable for employees. Psychological well-being includes emotional responses of people, satisfaction with life and judgment about the quality of life. The findings of this research prove the claim that moral climate, organizational health and central self-evaluation have an effect on psychological well-being.
The research findings also show that the coefficient of the direct path between organizational ethical climate and psychological well-being is significant. In explaining this finding, it can be said that psychological well-being requires an emotional inner state that arises as a psychological response to the work environment, this inner emotional state is created by trust, cooperation, cohesion, autonomy, mutual support. , the preservation of moral values or a combination of these factors, which is one of the clear characteristics of an ethical atmosphere in the organization, arises (18). The findings of the research also show that the coefficient of the indirect path between the organizational ethical climate and the psychological well-being of National Bank employees is significant. In explaining this finding, it can be said that moral climate is considered as a positive situational resource that has a positive effect on people's work experiences. Self-centered evaluation also acts as a positive personality resource, which on the other hand allows people to invest in acquiring additional resources, which in turn leads to positive personal returns for them. and on the other hand, it can be used as a kick for the threats of a person's resources when he is faced with unfavorable conditions. Moral climate is a situational resource that provides favorable conditions that activate the process of self-regulation of people with high self-evaluations to invest individual resources in order to acquire positive resources. The result of this is the increase in the well-being of employees. (19).
The research findings also show that the indirect path coefficient between organizational health and psychological well-being of National Bank employees is significant. In explaining this finding, it can be said that the unconscious conclusions and evaluations that people make about themselves can effectively affect the employees' sense of usefulness in the organization, and when the organization provides an environment where employees feel achieve personal growth and development, they like and accept most of the exciting work that provides inner satisfaction, and they will look for responsibility and opportunities for career advancement and success, and in fact, in a healthy organization, people are interested in their workplace. They are forthcoming, committed, conscientious, and benefit from high morale and performance, all of which lead to employees' life satisfaction.