Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 87-99 | Back to browse issues page

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Aboutalebi Adargani K, Moshkelgosha E, Askari A. Identify the Factors Affecting the Psychological Empowerment of Managers. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :87-99
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7428-en.html
Department of Physical Education, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran , Elham_moshkelgosha@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1691 Views)

Background & Aims: Organizations today must be run in a highly competitive environment that is accompanied by amazing developments. In such situations, managers do not have much opportunity to control employees and must spend most of their time and energy identifying the external and internal environment of the organization and leave other day-to-day tasks to employees. Employees can perform their tasks well when they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and ability and know the goals of the organization well. The tool that can help managers in this regard is the empowerment process. Club management in professional sports has undergone numerous changes in recent years. Changes in the rules, increasing the number of people interested in management (such as investors, sponsors, members, supporters and the media, etc.), and the community's demand for greater transparency in management are among the most important of these factors. On the other hand, professional sports clubs in highly variable and complex domestic and international environments face many challenges such as limited and ending financial resources, increasing tasks and activities, solving rapid changes in technology, and the influx of different management ways to improve the club's situation. One of the most effective ways to achieve a competitive advantage in the current situation is to make the managers of professional sports clubs more efficient. The role of top managers in the success of the club seems to be important. In a review of 36 Brazilian football clubs, one of the effective factors in the financial and sports success of the club's management performance was introduced. Managers of professional sports clubs are no longer the cost manager and managers of a competition; Rather, like the managers of enterprises, they should seek to create a strong organizational and economic structure and work in space with the idea of increasing revenues, reducing costs, transparent financial system, efficient financial management, increasing profitability, increasing market share and gaining new markets. Competitiveness, success in competition, improving the quality of products and services in terms of their specific characteristics, and these characteristics have made the management of professional sports clubs a heavy and complex responsibility. Empowerment is a process that helps to continuously improve performance by developing and expanding the capabilities of individuals and teams. The goal of empowerment is to create an organization composed of committed and enthusiastic employees who perform their job duties because they both believe in and enjoy it. Also, the purpose of human resource empowerment is to use the potential capacities of human beings to develop organizational added value, strengthen the sense of self-confidence and overcome individual disabilities. In other words, the purpose of empowerment is to provide the best intellectual resources related to any area of the organization's performance. Managers can play a decisive role in the organization due to their impact on the behavior of subordinates and related people, therefore, the importance, role, and impact of managers, and their empowerment should be a priority in the organization's programs. The proposed models in the field of empowerment have mostly examined the empowerment of employees and the empowerment of managers, especially senior managers of the organization has been neglected despite its great importance because until there are no capable managers in the organization, there is no basis for strengthening the identified components of employee empowerment. A comprehensive look at the structure and processes in professional sports clubs in Iran shows that despite efforts to train managers, it still seems that the current management structure and methods in the study community are based on traditional views, these views and Methods In the current changing conditions, as it should be, it has not been able to provide a suitable platform for empowering the managers of professional sports clubs in Iran. Many sports managers enter the field of sports with minimal expertise and only because they are connected to political currents or centers of power. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to level the relationships between the empowerment components of the managers of professional sports clubs in Iran.
Methods: The statistical population of this study included 10 experts and faculty members (sports management) of universities, managers of professional sports clubs, and researchers in the field of job empowerment who were purposefully selected. To level, the empowerment components of the managers of professional sports clubs in Iran, the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) technique was used with the help of MATLAB software. For this purpose, in this study, the expert judgment system has been used and a questionnaire has been distributed in pairs between groups of experts in terms of effectiveness and impact on each other. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through the face and content validity and the alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the research, the value of which was estimated to be 0.86.
Results: The findings showed that in examining the relationships between research components, the factors that had high penetration but low dependence are: (human factors), (organizational factors), (environmental factors) and (facilities and capabilities) and criteria. Which had weak influence and dependence are: (organization) and AS (comprehensive support) and variables that had weak influence but strong dependence are: (effective communication), (management style), (personal desire), (Professional empowerment) and (psychological empowerment). Finally, using the MICMAC technique, the variables were analyzed in terms of conductivity and dependence.
Conclusion: According to the results, the empowerment of managers in professional sports can be interpreted as follows: Human and organizational factors are necessary reasons for the formation of a special approach to the empowerment of managers of professional sports in Iran. In fact, by improving the necessary skills of managers, increasing the level of managers' trust, not being afraid of losing power, having a proper organizational system such as planning, rewarding, promotion, training to empower managers, and also having a proper organizational monitoring and control system is a combination of There are human and organizational factors that lead to the formation of approaches such as human resource empowerment, managerial specialization and having clear goals. Finally, the special approach of empowering professional sports managers with effective communication strategies and management methods including manager communication with professional sports experts, knowledge of management styles, knowledge of different management styles of professional club management in the world, ability to choose the appropriate management style are combined. The managerial desire of the manager and the creation of special organizational units of a professional sports club as intervening conditions and in the presence of comprehensive support of the club and appropriate physical facilities of professional sports in the club, professional empowerment, and psychological empowerment will be formed as consequences. Management style was leveled as one of the influential factors in this study. Many professional sports club managers choose the wrong management style that does not suit the club's conditions, absolute bureaucratic or absolute human relations styles are not always appropriate, and a competent manager should be able to choose the right management style to suit the circumstances.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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