Volume 28, Issue 12 (3-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 28(12): 176-184 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1400.130
Clinical trials code: 1

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kamangari A, Shojaei S, Ahmadi Zahrani M. Provide a Model of Job Motivation, Mental Health and Some Personality Traits of Employees. RJMS 2022; 28 (12) :176-184
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6719-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of management, Aliabad Katoul branch, Islamic azad uninersity, Aliabad Katoul, Iran , shojaie@aliabadiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2029 Views)
Background & Aims: Psychological aspects can lead people to success in their careers by improving their mental and behavioral capacities. One of the most important issues in today's environment is mental health. Mental health has been identified as one of the concerns of researchers today. Paying attention to mental health as an important issue among individuals can create appropriate capacities in mental areas. On the other hand, paying attention to the personality aspects of individuals can create serious capacities in individual areas and bring them to the stage of coordination between themselves and their work environment. Personality is a distinctive and specific pattern of thought, emotion and behavior that determines the style of his interaction with physical and social environments. One of the key variables in the organizational field is job motivation. Job enthusiasm can be important and necessary in directing the behaviors and attitudes of people in the workplace and even has the capacity among people to perform well in their jobs. Employees with energy and enthusiasm are very passionate about their job, they are completely fascinated by their job, and they perform their job duties in a desirable way. The research vacuum on job motivation functions in areas such as mental health and some personality traits of employees has caused that today the operational process to improve mental health and some personality traits of employees has not been formed. And there is insufficient evidence on the effect of job motivation on mental health and some personality traits of employees. The governorate of each province is the highest and highest executive, supervisory and governmental institution in each province, whose duty is to decide and supervise all the affairs of the province and to regulate and supervise various issues in the political, security, disciplinary, social, Pays cultural and economic. Considering the role and position of the governorate's governing body in advancing and realizing public policies and government development programs at the provincial level, we can consider the special role and position of the governor's staff in advancing the lofty goals and promoting the position of Golestan province in the above fields. Most CEOs acknowledge that employee dissatisfaction is one of the biggest threats to their organization. Research vacuum on job motivation functions in areas such as mental health and some personality traits of employees has caused that today the operational process to improve mental health and some personality traits of employees has not been formed. On the other hand, this research gap has led to insufficient evidence on the effect of job motivation on mental health and some personality traits of employees. This issue can be effective in the process of forming concerns in organizations in response to the development of job enthusiasm and overshadow the process of developing job enthusiasm in organizations. Therefore, the present study aims to provide a model of job motivation, mental health and some personality traits of employees, trying to answer the question whether job enthusiasm affects mental health and some personality traits of employees?
Methods: The present research is a descriptive, survey and applied research that was conducted in the field. For this study, 306 people were selected from the staff of the governorates of the northern provinces (1500 people) by stratified random sampling method and according to Morgan table. After the necessary coordination and satisfaction of the officials, the researcher-made questionnaire of job motivation with 68 aspects and 10 components of leadership, work environment, employment, human resource systems, personality traits, job meaning, perception of organizational justice, organizational capital, psychological capital And organizational commitment based on the Likert 5 value spectrum. A researcher-made personality traits questionnaire with 45 questions and 4 components of self-efficacy, mental tenacity, emotional independence and responsibility was designed based on the Likert 5 value spectrum. And Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (1972) with 28 items and 4 subscales of physical shoulders, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and depression were distributed and collected among the sample. Finally, the structural equation method using SPSS and PLs software was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that job motivation has an effect on mental health of 0.764. It was also found that job motivation has an effect on personality traits of 0.859. On the other hand, the results related to the research fit indices showed that all the research model fit indices are in good condition, which indicates the appropriateness of the research model fit.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that job motivation has a significant role in improving mental health and personality traits. Improving job motivation can provide a serious basis for increasing the level of mental health and personality traits. Undoubtedly, job enthusiasm capacities to improve attitudes and behaviors have caused to provide a suitable platform for improving the mental health and personality traits of employees. Mental health in the workplace governs all aspects of a person's life. The positive or negative effects that a person receives during working hours affect all individual and social aspects such as personal mood, self-confidence, life expectancy, social relationships and family relationships. Improving mental health has always been a concern. Improving mental health can have beneficial effects. Mental health today is defined as the feeling of satisfaction and mental improvement and adequate social adaptation to the accepted standards of any society. A healthy work environment can be closely linked to employees' mental health. Mental health and attention to it in all areas of life, including personal, social and occupational life is very important and neglecting it can be effective in reducing efficiency, loss of manpower and causing physical and mental complications. The results of the present study showed that job motivation has a significant role on personality traits. In a way, improving job motivation can provide a serious ground for improving the status of personality traits. In interpreting this issue, it should be noted that job motivation can have a profound impact on people's behaviors and attitudes. On the other hand, this variable can have an effective effect on some of their personality traits by engaging their inner nature. There is no doubt that job motivation can be effective in improving some aspects of personality by engaging people's attitudes and behaviors. On the other hand, job motivation capacities in individual attitudes and behaviors have caused this variable to play an important role in employees' personality traits. It seems that job motivation by influencing individual behaviors can lead to good capacity building in job areas and ultimately overshadow some personality traits of employees. This issue has caused job motivation due to its capacities and functions to be of great importance in improving and promoting mental health as well as personality traits of employees.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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