Volume 29, Issue 8 (11-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(8): 306-315 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است
Ethics code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است و نویسندگان متعهد می شو

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Faki A, Khoshnam E, Afrozeh M S, Sultanpour S, Zareian H. Development of an interpretive structural model of sports strategies of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization. RJMS 2022; 29 (8) :306-315
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7836-en.html
Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran , khoshnam.khoshnam@gmail.com
Abstract:   (277 Views)

Background & Aims:   The current situation of management in our society shows that there is no balance between the developments and complexities of the organization and their abilities. In such an environment where everything is changing and evolving, organizations must constantly be ready for internal developments and face changes. In order to survive and grow in this changing environment, they are forced to accept strategy and to overcome this challenge, they must rely on the strategic management process. Meanwhile, managers and strategic planners can adopt appropriate strategies for their organization and implement them according to the conditions and situations of the organization. In this regard, predetermining the strategy as a prerequisite for the success of the organization is necessary, but the experts believe that for the success of the strategies, it requires careful attention to both the formulation of the strategy and the implementation of the strategy. In the field of sports organizations and within the country, success in the implementation of plans and strategies has not been remarkable, and most organizations have not achieved what they have planned in their plans. Therefore, the researcher in this research aims to answer this The question is, what is the pattern of sport strategies of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization?
Methods: To conduct the current descriptive-analytical and applied research, which is a type of SWAT analysis (one of the sub-branches of strategic studies), in which it analyzes the internal and external environment, including identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization. Among the officials and sports experts of the Pars Special Economic Zone Organization, members of the strategic council, members of the academic staff specializing in physical education and knowledgeable about the subject of the research, 82 people were considered as a sample due to the limited comprehensiveness of the total number of people in the society. The method of data collection included library studies, using a focus group and finally a researcher-made questionnaire. In this way, first, information was collected in these areas using the library method, then using a focus group was used to create a consensus and gather information in a group because there was no complete certainty about the information. Finally, through the SWOT analysis matrix of sports strategies of Pars Ehsa Energy Special Economic Zone Organization, Shannon's entropy method was used to weight and prioritize the indicators, and the titles of the corresponding programs of each of the desired strategies were presented. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) in the form of tables and graphs and Kalmogorov Smirnov tests for the normality of data distribution and Friedman tests were used to rank the points.
Results: The results of Friedman's test (Table 1) showed that the four factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of sports of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization do not have the same ranks. In this test, it was found that in relation to internal factors, the ranking of weaknesses is higher than strengths. It is also observed in connection with external factors that threats have a higher rank and average than opportunities (Figure 1). According to the obtained result, the strategic point; defined; It was placed in the offensive strategies section. According to these strategies, in order to develop the sport of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization, it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities and deal with the weaknesses in order to move this area towards the desired situation, which is aggressive strategies. In Table 2, the most important sports opportunities of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization are the positive attitude of the organization's officials regarding team management in various fields in the championship section, the positive view of the people of the surrounding special zone to team management in the premier leagues and one-country leagues, the presence of talented young people in the teams section. Based on the cities surrounding the special region, it shows the increasing tendency of families to attract young people to the basic teams of the club and the attention of the officials and managers of the organization on the matter of public sports. The existence of an annual program and calendar for the implementation of sports competitions in the general and championship sections and the regular holding of sports competitions for various national and religious occasions in the sports field of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization and factors such as the lack of funds and necessary credits in the South Pars club department, inadequacy The facilities in the professional sports department, the  inappropriateness of the marketing and income generation system in the sports department of the organization, the livelihood and economic problems of the coaches and trainers, the lack of research and research activities in the sports department of the organization and the existence of various obstacles in attracting financial sponsors for sports teams are among the most important weaknesses in These are the fields.
Conclusion: The results showed that in relation to the internal factors, the ranking of weaknesses is higher than the strengths, and the sports threats of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization have a higher rank and average than the sports opportunities of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization. Arabi (2016) stated that the organization's goal in implementing WT strategies is to reduce internal weaknesses and avoid threats from the external environment. An organization whose most agents are concentrated in this house. They do not have a good condition and will be in a risky position, and in these cases, a defensive strategy is recommended. Based on the results of the most important strengths in the sport of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization, the favorable management system and proper organization in the sport of the organization, the existence of active teams in various sports fields, the existence of suitable sports facilities and equipment for public sports, the existence of expert and educated coaches. It is in different sports fields. In this regard, Farkins and Shilbury (2016) in reviewing the design and development of a strategic plan for public sports based on the SWOT model, showed that public sports for women has a conservative strategy, increasing public participation in financing public sports for everyone, especially women. According to cultural issues, social and climatic requirements, the opportunities available in the external environment should seek to improve internal weaknesses, it is consistent. Finally, the most important points of threats are the sport of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization, the ever-increasing costs of team ownership and the procurement of various sports in the championship sports sector, the increasing investment of rival clubs in the sport of football, the lack of financial sponsors and sports sponsors, and special weather conditions. warm and lack of acceptance of public sports programs by the employees. Karakadis et al. (2010) stated that the most important threats in holding large sports events are the cost of the event, pollution, displacement of residents.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Medicine

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