Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.BIRJAND.REC.1403.006
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Kosari Esfahani L, Jafar Tabatabaee T S, Jafar Tabatabaee S S, Jarrahi Feriz J. Comparing the Effectiveness of the Communication Skills Training Package based on Phubbing and Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy on the Perception of Childhood Attachment and Emotional Behavioral Regulation of Adolescents. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8975-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran , Toktamtabatabaee@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (395 Views)
Background & Aims: In today's world, interpersonal relationships have been affected by widespread changes in lifestyle and technological advancements. One of the emerging phenomena that has affected the quality of social interactions is phoobbing; a concept that refers to the neglect of face-to-face interactions due to excessive use of mobile phones or other digital devices. This phenomenon can lead to the formation of inappropriate communication patterns during adolescence and, in the long term, affect an individual's perception of childhood attachment and their ability to regulate emotional behavior. Childhood attachment refers to a child's sense of security and emotional bond with their primary caregivers, which has a profound impact on their future relationships. People who have experienced secure attachment in childhood have deeper and more adaptive relationships in adolescence and adulthood. However, if this attachment is insecure, the individual may have difficulty establishing social relationships and managing their emotions. Meanwhile, emotional behavioral regulation, i.e., the ability of an individual to control emotions and emotional reactions in different situations, is considered one of the key factors in adolescent mental health. In recent years, cognitive-behavioral therapy has been recognized as one of the effective methods in improving emotional regulation and correcting maladaptive cognitive and behavioral patterns. By changing negative thoughts and dysfunctional behaviors, this method can help adolescents have better social and emotional interactions. On the other hand, phubbing-based communication skills training packages focusing on communication problems caused by excessive use of technology can provide solutions to improve adolescents' social interactions. Despite extensive research in the fields of attachment, emotional regulation, and cognitive-behavioral interventions, it is still unclear which intervention method can be more effective in improving adolescents' perception of attachment and emotional regulation. This highlights the importance of comparing the effectiveness of these two methods and shows the need for comprehensive research in this field.
Methods: This study was a comparative causal study in terms of its fundamental purpose and methodology. The statistical population in this study was all male adolescents in Garmsar city. The sample was based on purposive sampling according to the inclusion criteria of 60 students. All sample subjects responded to the Armsden and Greenberg (1987) attachment perception questionnaire and Garnevsky and Kraij (2006) emotional behavioral regulation questionnaire in the pre-test stage, then they were randomly divided into three groups of 20 people (20 control subjects, 20 people in the first experimental group, 20 people in the second experimental group). The first experimental group received eight sessions of training on researcher-made communication skills based on phubbing, and the second experimental group received eight sessions of Hoffman and Otto cognitive behavioral therapy. At this stage, the control group remained without intervention. After completing the training sessions, the sample subjects responded to the research questionnaires.
Results: A comparison of the two treatment groups shows that phubbing-based communication skills training is more effective in reducing rumination and increasing trust, communication, acceptance, and refocusing on planning in adolescents. The results of this study showed that phubbing-based communication skills training and cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions had a positive and significant effect on adolescents' perception of childhood attachment and emotional behavioral regulation. In contrast, the control group that did not receive any intervention showed no significant changes.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that both phubbing-based communication skills training and cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions had a positive and significant effect on adolescents' perception of childhood attachment and emotional behavioral regulation. However, phubbing-based communication skills training was more effective in reducing rumination and increasing trust, communication, acceptance, and refocusing on planning. Overall, these findings emphasize the important role of communication skills training in improving adolescents' interpersonal relationships and indicate that addressing communication challenges caused by digital technologies can have more favorable outcomes in improving adolescents' mental and social health. These findings indicate that communication problems caused by excessive use of digital technologies can have negative effects on adolescents' interpersonal relationships and that educational interventions that directly target these challenges can have more favorable outcomes. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is known as one of the common methods in improving emotional regulation, but in this study, the phubbing-based intervention performed better in some indicators, including reducing rumination and improving communication skills. This difference may be due to the practical and targeted nature of communication skills training, which helps adolescents understand the negative effects of phubbing-related behaviors in their social lives and acquire practical solutions to improve them. In contrast, the control group, which did not receive any intervention, did not show significant changes, which confirms the need for educational and therapeutic methods in this area. These results highlight the importance of designing and implementing educational programs in schools and counseling centers and indicate that addressing adolescents' communication challenges, especially in the context of technology use, can play an important role in improving their mental health and emotional regulation. It seems that the combination of communication skills training methods and cognitive-behavioral therapies can be more effective in improving the quality of social interactions and emotional regulation in adolescents.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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