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Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Savadkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Savadkooh, Iran ,
Abstract:   (357 Views)
Background & Aims: Attendance of faculty members refers to the amount and quality of their participation in educational, research and social activities of the university. This component not only affects the members themselves, but also directly affects the quality of teaching and research, as well as the students' learning experience. The active presence of faculty members includes participation in classes, research meetings, seminars and social activities of the university. This presence helps faculty members to be up to date and to exchange opinions and experiences with each other. Also, these interactions can lead to the improvement of the quality of teaching and research, because faculty members provide a better learning environment for students by sharing their knowledge and experiences. Therefore, the aim of the present study was the effect of attendance on the educational productivity of faculty members of North Khorasan universities.
Methods: The method used in this research was exploratory based on two qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the first part of this study, a qualitative research method was used. The sampling used in this analysis is purposive sampling. The statistical population of the current research in the qualitative phase includes the participating team, scientific and practical experts. Experts are people who have at least ten years of executive experience and have scientific publications in the form of books and articles in this field. Based on this, 15 people's point of view has been used in this study. In the second part of this study, fuzzy Delphi method is used. The statistical population and the respondents are faculty members of North Khorasan universities who are experts in the discussed field. In the third part of this study, structural equation model method is used. The statistical community and the respondents in this section were made by distributing the researcher's questionnaire and finally reaching the validation of the model, the opinions of the faculty members of the university were used, the estimated number of which is about 400 people. The methods of collecting information in this research are divided into two categories: library and field. Regarding the collection of information related to the literature of the subject and the background of the research, library methods have been used, and field methods have been used to collect information to confirm or reject the research hypotheses. In this research, interviews were used to collect research data. In the quantitative part of this research, 2 questionnaires were used to collect research data. One standard questionnaire is related to the screening of indicators and fuzzy Delphi technique, and the other questionnaire is researcher-made and based on the indicators obtained in the first part of the research. To analyze the data of the study, the structural equation model was used using Spss18 and Lisrel 8 software.
Results: The results showed that attendance has a significant effect on the educational productivity of faculty members of North Khorasan universities, so that the assessment of curricula and guidance and communication with students has the most relationship with the component of educational productivity, and critical thinking and creative thinking, holding educational workshops have the least. They are related to the educational productivity component. Due to the fact that the significance level of the factor loadings is less than 0.05, it is clear that all the observed variables, except items 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, significantly explain their respective hidden variables. The closer the value of the standard estimate is to one, the more important and stronger the relationship is. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis for the educational productivity component with 14 questions indicate that the considered questions, except items 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, are related to this component at a suitable level and can improve this component. Measure properly. And question 7 (curriculum assessment) and question 8 (guidance and communication with students) has the most relationship with the educational productivity component, and question 6 (critical thinking and creative thinking), question 10 (holding educational workshops) has the least relationship with the productivity component. They are educational.
Conclusion: Finally, the attendance of university faculty members has significant positive and negative effects on educational productivity. On the one hand, direct communication with students and colleagues can improve teaching quality and increase motivation and cooperation. On the other hand, the pressure caused by the necessity of continuous presence may lead to fatigue and reduced productivity. Therefore, achieving a proper balance between physical presence and task management can be the key to improving educational productivity in universities. First, the continuous presence of faculty members in the university allows them to communicate directly with students and better understand their needs and challenges. This close relationship can lead to improving the quality of teaching and improving the learning process. Secondly, the presence of faculty members in the university helps to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations and participation in research projects. Face-to-face interactions with colleagues can generate new ideas and new initiatives that lead to scientific and educational advancements. Also, the academic environment can informally provide a space for exchanging ideas and learning from each other. This type of interaction helps to increase the motivation and spirit of cooperation between faculty members and can have a positive effect on the quality of education and research. On the other hand. For example, it may put more pressure on faculty members to be available all the time, which can lead to burnout and reduced productivity. Therefore, the effect of attendance on educational productivity is somehow dependent on the balance between physical presence and time management and duties of faculty members.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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