Volume 28, Issue 2 (4-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(2): 117-126 | Back to browse issues page

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Faramarzi N. Investigating the Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in the Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Teachers' Happiness. RJMS 2021; 28 (2) :117-126
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8834-en.html
Instructor, Department Of Management, Payam Noor University, Po Box 1955643185, Tehran, Iean , faramarzi.n@pnurazavi.ac.ir
Abstract:   (264 Views)

Background & Aims: Organizational culture means a set of values, beliefs, and behaviors that prevail in an organization and can have a significant impact on the behaviors and attitudes of employees. In educational environments, organizational culture can act as a key factor in strengthening or weakening organizational commitment and teachers' happiness. A culture that supports teachers, encourages continuous learning, and creates an atmosphere of collaboration and trust can help increase teacher commitment as well as happiness. Teachers, as the most important executive factors in educational systems, play a significant role in shaping the future of students and society. In educational settings, teachers with high commitment are more likely to put more effort into improving teaching processes, building positive relationships with students, and increasing the quality of learning. In addition to having strong personal motivations, committed teachers also have a sense of belonging to the school and educational community. This commitment can make teachers more resistant to job challenges and work environment problems and continuously strive to improve their knowledge and skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of organizational culture in the relationship between organizational commitment and teachers' happiness.
Methods: In terms of purpose, the current research is applied, and in terms of method, it is correlational descriptive research, which was carried out with the aim of structural relationships between organizational commitment and teachers' happiness with the mediating role of organizational culture. The statistical population of the research included all primary school teachers in Kalat city who were working in 2019. The number of the statistical population was 180 people according to the inquiry from the recruitment unit of the education department of Kalat city. The sample size of 123 people was selected using the simple random sampling method through Morgan's Kargesi table. In this research, two methods have been used to collect the required information. In order to examine and study the theoretical foundations of the research subject and obtain basic information using books, articles, theses, and publications, as well as using the Internet to obtain articles related to the research subject, in different parts of the research. The theoretical foundations and also the examination of the variables were used. According to the nature of the present research, a questionnaire was used to investigate the relationships between the variables, which was distributed among the statistical sample of the research and collected after completion. In this research, a standard questionnaire was used, and the research hypotheses were evaluated and tested using the data obtained from the answers of the people. In this research, to collect the required information, two methods have been used to analyze the data: descriptive statistics (prevalence, percentage of frequency, graph) and inferential statistics (Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation test, and structural equation modeling) have been used. SPSS and Smart PLS software are also used for data analysis. Because the presentation of the model is based on structural equation modeling, the data are analyzed.
Results: The significance test is performed by the bootstrapping command. The output of the research model in the SmartPLS environment after executing the bootstrap command is shown in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, the t-values ​​for all paths are higher than the standard value of 1.96 and it proves the existence of a significant relationship between the research variables. The t-value calculated between the two variables of organizational commitment and organizational culture is equal to 3.887, which indicates the existence of a significant relationship between these two variables. The t-value calculated between the two variables of organizational commitment and happiness is 6.317, which indicates the existence of a significant relationship between these two variables. The t-value calculated between the two variables of organizational culture with happiness is 3.034, which indicates the existence of a significant relationship between these two variables. Also, in Figure 2, the path coefficients that indicate the intensity of the relationship can be seen. The size of the path coefficient indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables. The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the significance level of all the variables of this research (organizational culture, organizational commitment, and happiness) is above 0.05, so the data distribution is normal. Therefore, according to the normality of the data, specific parametric tests were used. The results showed that because the significance level of the organizational commitment and happiness variables (Sig=0.000) is smaller than the predicted error value, the relationship between the variables is statistically significant and since the calculated correlation coefficient is equal to 0.585 Therefore, with a confidence level of 95%, we can conclude that there is a direct and meaningful relationship between organizational commitment and teachers' happiness; That is, with the increase in organizational commitment, happiness increases and vice versa. In general, it can be said that there is a relationship between organizational commitment and happiness with the mediating role of teachers' organizational culture.
Conclusion: The results of your research show that organizational culture can create an important link between organizational commitment and teachers' happiness. This means that when the organizational culture is positive and supportive, the effect of organizational commitment on increasing teachers' happiness is strengthened. In other words, teachers' high commitment to the organization, when they are placed in an environment with a suitable organizational culture, leads to their sense of satisfaction and happiness. Organizational culture, as a set of values, beliefs, and norms that prevail in an organization, plays an important role in shaping the behavior and attitude of employees. When teachers feel that they are working in an environment where the organization's values ​​and goals align with their personal and professional perspectives, this commitment to the organization is strengthened. This happiness, in turn, can be effective in increasing productivity, reducing stress, and creating a more pleasant work environment. Therefore, organizational culture acts as a mediator that links teachers' organizational commitment to greater feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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