Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 555-564 | Back to browse issues page

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Golchin M, Zahiri H, Karimian H. Investigating the Dominant Discourses of Iranian Families Regarding the Attitude towards Free Time in the Families of Qom City. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :555-564
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8803-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran , Hoshzahiri@gmail.com
Abstract:   (373 Views)
Background & Purpose:   Leisure time in society is very important from the point of view of sociology and psychology because it acts as an opportunity to restore and renew people's energy and has positive effects on people's physical and mental health. Economically, industries related to leisure time, such as tourism, entertainment, and sports, contribute significantly to job creation and economic growth. These activities not only create new job opportunities but also lead to the development of infrastructure and improve the quality of life in the community. Also, free time allows people to get away from daily pressures and stress and pay more attention to their mental health; therefore, this study aimed to investigate the dominant discourses of Iranian families regarding the attitude towards free time in the families of Qom city.
Methods: The study method was qualitative and quantitative, and the population and statistical sample in the qualitative part included 35 people from the families of Qom City, and in the quantitative part, among the families in Qom City, due to the uncertain size of the statistical population, the number was 410 people. The statistical sample was chosen by cluster sampling method. To collect data, a semi-structured interview was used in the qualitative part and a questionnaire obtained from the interview was used in the quantitative part. Qualitative studies (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative studies (surveys) were used to identify the main and dominant discourses in the fields of leisure and Qomi families. In this research, it is necessary to state a few points in line with the methodological considerations of the present research: Discourse analysis has two aspects, theoretical and methodological aspects, which are strongly intertwined; In such a way that discourse analysis as an approach allows us to get close to the relevant data and be guided to the explanation by paying attention to them. In the methodological approach, this concept also referred to areas such as the signifier or the central signifiers of the language. The method of data analysis was used in the qualitative section based on coding and in the quantitative section, statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, median, and standard deviation were used.
Results: Demographic results of the qualitative part showed that the average age of the respondents was 32 years old the youngest person was 18 years old and the oldest was 52 years old. More than half of the interviewees were men and the other half were women. 4 of the interviewees were single. Among the interviewees, there were 2 divorced people. More than half of the respondents stated that they are employed. 30% of women and 43% of men were employed at the time of the interview. Most of the employees, about 30%, were employees and engineers in the public or private sector. 8% of the employees were teachers and a small percentage of 4% of the respondents had managerial and medical jobs. In terms of the level of education, they were up to diploma. 15% of the respondents had a university education. About 12% of the respondents were educated up to middle school. The results showed that 30% agreed with the discourse of official culture in the field of approach to leisure time. Also, nearly 40% agree with the transformational discourse. In the qualitative studies, it was found that in the city of Qom, in the field of approach to leisure time in the family, Mayton spoke from two points of view or discourse. Discourse which is the discourse of official culture believes that leisure time is a collective matter and being together in the family. This approach prefers spending leisure time with family and intimacy. There is another approach that believes that free time is proportional to the personality characteristics of each person. Each member of the family can spend appropriately. This approach, which is a transformational discourse, believes that family members can enjoy being together, but do not see the need for emotional relationships with relatives. The findings of this field show that these two approaches have so many supporters that each of them can be placed under one of the discourses.
Conclusion:  The results of the study show that only 30% agree with the discourse of official culture in the field of leisure time, while nearly 40% agree with the discourse of transformation. This difference shows that the transformational discourse is more accepted and supported than the official discourse. This may be due to the greater flexibility of the evolutionary discourse and its better adaptation to the modern needs and preferences of people. As a result, to improve the acceptance of the official cultural discourse and more optimal use of leisure time, efforts should be made to increase awareness, promote the values ​​related to this discourse, and diversify the activities related to it. Also, due to the relative acceptance of the transformational discourse, this approach can be strengthened and the quality of life and the use of leisure time in the society can be improved by developing infrastructures and programs that suit it. Increasing social interactions and effective use of media can also help to deepen and expand both discourses and ultimately lead to the strengthening of leisure culture in the society. In general, it can be said that the transformational discourse has more acceptance and support than the official discourse. This may be due to the greater flexibility of the evolutionary discourse and its better adaptation to the modern needs and preferences of people. As a result, to improve the acceptance of the official cultural discourse and more optimal use of leisure time, efforts should be made to increase awareness, promote the values ​​associated with this discourse, and diversify the activities related to it.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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