Volume 29, Issue 4 (7-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(4): 224-232 | Back to browse issues page

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Faki A, Khoshnam E, Afrozeh M S, Sultanpour S, Zareian H. Investigating the Strategic Sports Situation of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization. RJMS 2022; 29 (4) :224-232
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8800-en.html
Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran , khoshnam.ebrahim2022@gmail.com
Abstract:   (301 Views)
Background & Aims:  The vast changes in today's world have made organizations face many challenges that require strategic management. Strategic management is a process through which organizations analyze their internal and external environment and gain knowledge from it, in addition to that, they establish their strategic path and create strategies that enable them to achieve Help the set goals and implement those strategies. By examining the external and internal environment of the organization, strategic planning identifies environmental opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses, and considering the organization's mission, it sets long-term goals and to achieve these goals, it selects strategies from strategic options that Relying on the strengths and taking advantage of the opportunities, eliminating the weaknesses and avoiding the threats, so that if implemented correctly, it will cause the success of the organization. In such a situation, it is important for sports organizations to have a clear vision of the mission, the external and internal influencing factors and the progress achieved on the way to the goals, and it is important for doing it correctly and for strategic management. The purpose of this research is strategic sports management of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization.
Methods: This research was conducted in a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) retrospective manner. The current research was descriptive-survey and in terms of its purpose, it was among applied research. The statistical population of this research is all sports experts of the Pars Special Economic Zone Organization, officials and sports experts of the Pars Special Economic Zone Organization, members of the strategic council, experts in the field of sports management, knowledgeable experts. They were in the field of research. The statistical sample consisted of 18 experts in the qualitative section and 82 experts and experts in the quantitative section. In this research, the systematic method of Strauss and Corbin was used. The systematic research plan emphasizes the use of data analysis steps through coding, central coding, and selective coding, as well as providing a logical paradigm or visualization of the theory in During these three stages, concepts and categories emerge from the coding of the data With open coding, the text of the interviews was read line by line many times and many codes were obtained, and during the continuous comparative process of data analysis, the set of these primary qualitative data were merged and reduced to fewer concepts due to the similarity in meaning and repetition of these codes. With axial coding, the coding process took the form of an excerpt. At this stage, the concepts that were similar to each other were considered in the same category and under the main categories Causal conditions, the central phenomenon, the conditions of the fields, the intervening conditions of the strategies and consequences were placed. By selective coding, integration of categories and their analysis were done in two ways, presenting expressive theory and theoretical propositions. The expressive theory was based on the relationships of the paradigm model around the central category, which explained the pattern of implementation and evaluation of the strategies of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization. Also, theoretical theorems that expressed the conceptual and generalized relations between the main classes were presented. In addition to presenting as a story, the communication line between the general structures, including the causal conditions of the category, the centrality of the conditions, the placement, the intervening conditions, the strategies and the consequences, was also drawn in the form of a visual model (paradigm model). The reliability of the grounded theory was controlled through the preparation and application of a written framework for the interview. This written framework was used in all the interviews after the approval of the professors and ensuring its effectiveness in covering the research objectives. In the last stage, by conducting a qualitative study and using the Delphi method, the designed model was validated. For this purpose, the proposed model was examined by the Delphi group, which included experts and experts from the table, and then their corrective comments were obtained, and at the end, the Delphi group's proposed comments on the model were considered and the final model was presented. became. In order to collect information at this stage, a semi-structured and in-depth interview was used. The figure below shows the five stages of research and design of the sports structure of the country. After the necessary documents for content analysis were provided from the above sources, the research team proceeded to build the SWOT tool and determine the reliability and validity of the tool. Then the mentioned tool was distributed among the sample of the quantitative part of the research in order to prioritize the research subjects. In the first step, the visions, missions, core values, key areas and long-term goals of the sports organization were identified, as well as SWOT recognition.
Results:  In Friedman's test, the four factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of sports of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization do not have the same ranks (0.001). According to the results obtained in relation to internal factors, the rank related to the weak points is higher than the strong points of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization. Also, in relation to external factors, it can be seen that the threats of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization have a higher rank and average than the opportunities of the country's championship sports. As a result of these strategies, based on the analysis of the SWOT model, they are placed in the position of WT strategy (offensive strategy). Based on the evaluations of the strategic position and action, the strategic situation of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization is offensive strategies. This means that the organization's strengths are more than its weaknesses. A total of 11 strategies include four strategies combining strengths and opportunities (SO), two strategies combining strengths and threats (ST), three strategies combining weaknesses and opportunities (WO) and two strategies combining weaknesses and threats (WT).
Conclusion: Based on the results obtained from the situation evaluation matrix and strategic action, the strategic situation of sports of Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization is aggressive strategies. This means that the organization's strengths are more than its weaknesses. Also, the opportunities of this organization are in a better state than the threats. Based on this situation, it is necessary for the organization to focus on its strengths and opportunities and also pay attention to its weaknesses. From the point of view of determining the possible strategies for creating and developing sports infrastructure, developing sports tourism and identifying personal material and spiritual capital for foreign investment in the organization's sports and exploiting the SO category in the SWOT strategy with an offensive strategy approach, it should be used by the decision makers for the management of the organization of the Pars Economic Zone. be considered Also, according to the results of this research, it seems necessary to make the sports environment attractive in order to attract the audience and find ways to generate income and strengthen the sports marketing of the Pars Energy Special Economic Zone Organization.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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