Background & Aims: Rhizomatic thinking is an approach that can be effective in teaching and learning by changing concepts and attitudes. This type of thinking can improve self-direction and information literacy in the university environment, especially for students. The most important challenges and existing issues related to the development of Rhizomatic thinking in universities can be first mentioned in terms of coherent and unrelated educational programs, which in many cases, courses and educational programs in universities are presented separately and unrelatedly. This makes it difficult for students to relate concepts to each other and understand the overall perspective. Rhizomatic thinking can help students understand connections and holistic aspects by providing situations and examples that point to the connection points of different topics. Second, educational maps and standard displays; in university education, standard presentations and maps that show each unit from beginning to end are often used. This type of presentation can miss a valuable opportunity for students to understand the learning process by focusing on holistic and interactive aspects. Rhizomatic thinking can force students to think creatively and differently about educational concepts by presenting concepts and examples and influencing educational plans. Third, the comprehensive aspect of education that is absent in many courses is the response to daily developments and events and the focus is on learning old theory and research. Rhizomatic thinking can encourage students to think creatively through new and relevant situations and force them to interact and relate to events and up-to-date information. Considering all these challenges and issues, providing a model for Rhizomatic thinking should strengthen the ability to think creatively and differently in students so that they can better relate to everyday issues and challenges and achieve creative thinking and innovation in education. On the other hand, most societies are implementing educational reforms today, because the need for self-study and self-motivation of students is essential in the current rapidly changing world that has become a knowledge-based world. The increasing production of knowledge, information, and technological advancements have caused the life of knowledge to be very short. Also, the complexity of today's life and the emergence of many unforeseen problems necessitate the urgent need for students to learn independently and take improvised measures; therefore, in order to overcome these conditions, instead of transferring a set of information to students, they should be made self-directed learners who are independent and autonomous in learning and are up-to-date in the field of science and knowledge. Self-directed learning is a process in which the learner, with or without the help of others, takes the initiative in identifying learning needs, shaping learning goals, identifying material and human resources for learning, selecting and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes. Individuals with high levels of self-directed learning are active learners who are highly interested in learning and use problem-solving skills, can engage in independent learning activities and independently manage their learning, and their information literacy is also high. Therefore, the main question of the present study is: What is the effect of Rhizomatic thinking on self-directed learning in university students of Mazandaran province to present a model?
Methods: The mixed research method (qualitative-quantitative) was exploratory, the Grand Theory method was used in the qualitative part, and the descriptive survey method was used in the quantitative part. The statistical population consisted of 20 specialists, experts, and professors of universities in Mazandaran province in the qualitative part, and 73,124 students of universities in Mazandaran province in the quantitative part. In the qualitative part, 10 people were selected as statistical samples using a non-random sampling method of purposeful type and considering the saturation law, and in the quantitative part, 382 people were selected as statistical samples based on Cochran's formula using stratified random sampling method according to gender. To collect data in the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview was used, and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire of Rhizomatic Thinking with 45 questions, and the Self-Directed Learning Questionnaire of Fisher et al. (2013) with 40 questions were used. To analyze the data in the qualitative part, the theoretical coding method (open, central, and selective) was used, and in the quantitative part, confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Friedman, and structural equation modeling tests were used to examine the research questions.
Results: The results showed that; Rhizomatic thinking has 7 dimensions: "flexible thinking, creative thinking, network thinking, system thinking, design thinking, evolutionary thinking, and interaction with the environment", which showed that the effect of Rhizomatic thinking on self-directed learning in students of universities in Mazandaran province is positive and significant, and the presented model has a good fit.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that this type of approach plays an important role in learners' self-directed learning. Rhizomatic thinking emphasizes the complex and networked nature of the relationships between different components. In Rrhizomatic system, each component or node can be connected to several other points simultaneously, and these connections are dynamic and changing. This approach enables students to examine complex problems from different angles, rather than thinking of a simple, one-dimensional solution. Similarly, students learn to use multifaceted and flexible approaches when faced with complex problems. In self-directed learning, this feature is important because students must analyze and solve problems themselves. They must be able to apply multiple perspectives and strategies simultaneously and understand the various connections between topics. Rhizomatic thinking improves this skill and allows students to experience learning in a dynamic and non-linear way. Rhizomatic thinking also emphasizes dynamic change and flexibility. In a Rhizomatic system, no point in the system is fixed and everything is constantly evolving and changing. This feature is especially important in self-directed learning, as students need to be able to flexibly adjust their learning, search for different resources, and shape new learning paths based on their needs and interests. This thinking helps students to experiment with different ways of approaching challenges, rather than following a fixed and predetermined method, and to choose new paths when necessary. This flexibility in learning is part of the key characteristics of self-directed learning that is strengthened through Rhizomatic thinking. Therefore, the impact of Rhizomatic thinking on self-directed learning was not far from expected.