Volume 29, Issue 12 (3-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 29(12): 306-317 | Back to browse issues page

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Pezeshgi E, Abedi A, Raeisi Z, Jebel Ameli S. The Development of Mathematical Talent of 4-6 Year Old Children Based on Peyreto's Talent Growth Pyramid. RJMS 2023; 29 (12) :306-317
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8742-en.html
Professor, Department of Psychology and Education of Children with Special Needs, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran , a.abedi@edu.ui.ac.ir
Abstract:   (286 Views)
Background & Aims: Every child is born with potential abilities and talents that need the right environment to flourish. In fact, it is true that some abilities are inherited in some people, but if these same people are placed in the wrong environment and find their way, they may never achieve success. As a result, it is very important that parents consider their children as individual beings and let them freely find their way. One of the types of talents that parents pay special attention to is math talent. Mathematical talent, just like sports, music or writing talent, takes time to develop. One of the reasons that the definition of mathematical talent is different is that the children's description of their talent in math shows in a different way. Some researchers believe that mathematical talent is not having great ability to perform mathematical calculations or obtaining high ranks in mathematics; Rather, above all, it means a high and unusual ability to understand mathematical ideas and reason based on mathematics.
Considering the importance of discovering mathematical talent in early childhood and the few studies in the field of developing a model for discovering and cultivating children's mathematical talent, it seems necessary to use a qualitative method and in-depth to investigate and analyze the tools for discovering talent and developing activities. And special math talent games for parents. Also, according to the surveys, no research has been done in Iran in the field of developing a model for discovering and nurturing mathematical talent based on Peyreto's pyramid of talent growth on preschool children. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a model for discovering and cultivating mathematical talent based on Pirreto's talent growth pyramid for preschool children (4-6 years old). In other words, the current research seeks to answer these questions: what are the structures and components of the discovery tools and activities and games for mathematical talent based on Pireto's talent growth pyramid?
Methods: The present research is a type of qualitative research and the method used for this research was thematic analysis method according to Brown and Clark (2006). Analyzing and describing the text included getting to know the text, coding, creating primary codes, and finally searching and recognizing the themes. In the description and interpretation of the text, the network of themes was drawn. Finally, in the stage of combination and integration, the analysis of the network of themes and compilation of the report was done. In order to draw the theme network, the themes were sorted first. The most important action in this stage was to identify the main and sub-theme categories. To analyze the theme network, themes were defined and named. Finally, the description and explanation of the theme network was presented.
Results: After reviewing the texts and extracting the codes and analyzing them, 2 subjects were selected, including the discovery of mathematical talent and the cultivation of mathematical talent. Discovering mathematical talent including 20 main themes and 30 sub-themes; and talent development included 15 main themes and 77 sub-themes. The main themes include: 1) time, 2) measurement, 3) creativity, 4) counting numbers and figures, 5) patterns and sequences, 6) solving puzzles, 7) finding new solutions, 8) classification, 9) conducting experiments, 10) differences and similarities, 11) the concept of numbers, 12) attention and concentration, 13) resilience, 14) interest in scientific subjects, 15) reasoning, 16) numerical memory, 17) identifying geometric shapes, 18) watching movies and scientific documents, 19) comparing, and 20) sorting.
Conclusion: The development of talent is considered as a valuable asset and a necessary resource for children in the 21st century, which is used as a powerful tool to improve the quality of life. Considering the acceleration of the development of advanced technologies and the improvement of the level of civil societies, it seems that the discovery and cultivation of children's talents in home and educational environments is vital and necessary for any society. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compile a package for discovering and developing mathematical talent of children aged 4-6 based on Peyreto's talent growth pyramid. In this research, the findings showed that the growth of talent includes two areas: discovery and cultivation of mathematical talent. The discovery of mathematical talent included 20 main themes and 31 sub-themes. Cultivating mathematical talent including 15 main themes and 78 sub-themes were discovered and compiled. This finding was consistent with the research of Thornton and Vuklich (2021) under the title of time concept issues in mathematics education. Counting and the concept of numbers and digits is one of the basic skills of mathematics for children. Familiarity with numbers and figures provides children with the concept of size and order, and this is the most fundamental step in the development of their mathematical skills. Geometric shapes are another component of discovering and nurturing children's mathematical talent. Children gifted in mathematics usually have a good understanding of geometric shapes, because understanding geometric concepts is one of the main foundations of learning mathematics. These children may naturally be interested in recognizing and distinguishing geometric shapes and are faster in learning them. According to the present research, mathematically gifted children usually have high skills in identifying and working with patterns and sequences. These skills are important for deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and solving complex problems. The development of the reasoning component helps children to strengthen their logical and analytical thinking and become better at solving problems. Also, children learn to express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and logical way, which is effective in strengthening their language skills. Barrett, (2017) in his study of developing reasoning in children mentions that strengthening reasoning helps children to face different problems and strengthen their problem solving skills. And it allows them to evaluate information and make appropriate decisions that are useful in their daily life and academics. It is suggested that experts, parents and educators know that the development of talent is a process of grounding, identification, nurturing and guidance in the developmental area of children. Also, in the context of the development of mathematical talent of preschool children, they can discover 20 main components and develop from Use 15 main components. Therefore, this package can be used for parents and teachers of schools to identify and develop the child's mathematical talent. It can also be a guiding model for parents to be more aware of the importance of identifying and nurturing children's mathematical talent. The development of mathematical talent based on Peyreto's pyramid of talent growth in preschool children has practical components and the necessary credibility to discover the tools and games of 4-6-year-old children's mathematical talent. And with more and more researchers paying attention to the subject of children's talents in pre-primary school age, it will help to develop new educational programs.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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