Culture and Research (ACECR) ,
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Background and Aims: Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone density and as a result weakening of the bone and an increase in its susceptibility to fractures (Ayer et al., 2023). Based on the mechanism of bone metabolism, the clinical treatment against osteoporosis are divided into 3 categories: treatments against bone tissue resorption; anabolic treatment and drugs that synthesis mineral compounds in bones (Lorentzon, 2019). Currently, the most widely used anti-osteoporosis drugs are anti-resorptive drugs such as bisphosphonates and anti-nuclear factor kappa-beta-activating ligand (RANKL) antibodies, and two new anabolic drugs called triparatide (recombinant human parathyroid hormone) and romosuzumab (monoclonal sclerostin antibody) (Satio et al., 2023;Che et al., 2023). Due to the side effects of taking high and long-term doses, it has created problems for people suffering from this disease. The title of complementary/alternative treatments is a safe, cheap and more accessible strategy to deal with osteoporosis (Khosla and Shane, 2026; Swallah et al, 2023) and bone differentiation have been the focus of research (Khosla and Shane, 2026; Swallah et al, 2023; GE. 2016). One of the most important mushrooms effective in the treatment of osteoporosis is Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst (commonly known as Reishi) is a species of medicinal mushrooms belonging to the Agarocomycetes class, the Polyporales order, and the Ganodermataceae family (Rezaeian and Pourianfar, editor). This mushroom contains 400 bioactive compounds from the group of polyphenols, polysaccharides, steroids, triterpenoids, nucleotides, amino acids, minerals, rare elements, and various vitamins in the fruit, mycelium, and spores, which are effective in curing osteoporosis through Various things, including binding to estrogen receptors, inhibiting the function of osteoclasts, increasing the content of important minerals in the blood for bone health, helping bone fracture repair processes, etc., have been widely studied. Although, despite the identification of the therapeutic benefits of this mushroom for osteoporosis, there are very few review reports through which this information can be obtained in a coherent and organized manner. This is despite the fact that the existence of such reports can provide a more accurate and targeted perspective to other researchers. Hence, this review article is intended to make this necessary.
Methods: method of conducting this study is a systematic review. For this purpose, various research sources were used to answer the question of whether the effective compounds in Ganoderma lucidum mushroom (Reishi) are effective in improving osteoporosis. To find relevant research sources, the key words Ganoderma lucidum, Reishi, Lingzhi 8, Ganoderic acid, Polysaccharide, Osteoporosis and Osteoclast were used. Research sources were searched from several international and domestic reliable databases including PubMed, Scopus, Science direct and Google Scholar, SID and Magiran in the period from 1989 to 2023. Based on this, 257 articles were selected, among them 200 articles were removed due to not being relevant or repetitive, and finally 56 articles were selected and used for this study.
Results: The results were based on a systematic study of 56 articles. The effective bioactive compounds of bearded mushroom against osteoporosis include ganoderic acid DM and F, ganomycin I, Lingzhi protein 8, polysaccharides and prebiotics. Ganoderic acid DM was extracted from the fruit, mycelium and spores of the bearded mushroom and research has shown that it has an inhibitory activity in the differentiation of osteoclasts and also inhibits the expression of the specific proteolytic protein of dendritic cells and reduces deformation. They are used to connect to osteoclasts By reducing the number of osteoclasts, reducing the formation of the active ring of osteoclasts and reducing bone resorption without affecting the viability of cells, ganomycin I was able to inhibit the differentiation induced by osteoclasts by RANKL. Lingzhi 8 is a protein that is able to promote the ability of osteogenesis, and it also protects the bone by suppressing the proliferation of macrophages leading to inhibition of acute and chronic inflammations that damage bones. Also, this protein prevents osteoclast cells and leads to bone resorption. Prebiotics in beard mushroom tend to increase osteoblastic activity. As a result, mushrooms such as Reishi, which are rich in beta-glucan, may have beneficial effects on bone physiology by changes in intestinal microbiota or SCFA production Various bioactive compounds extracted from the bearded mushroom can act through all three mechanisms related to the improvement of osteoporosis, including reducing bone resorption, inhibiting estrogen receptors, and increasing the absorption of bone nutrients. To suppress the formation of osteoclasts, the beard fungus directly affects the precursors of these cells. Also, it has been found that Lingzhi 8 protein purified from the bearded mushroom may suppress the ability and migration of osteoclasts and thus reduce bone resorption. Treat osteoporosis by binding to estrogen receptors or by increasing the content of important minerals in the blood for bone health, such as calcium, iron, and phosphorus, and increase the healing rate of osteoporosis. Ethanol extract of beard mushroom has a high ability to increase the absorption of calcium in the blood and improve osteoporosis.
Conclusion: In summary, this review article showed that various bioactive compounds obtained from Reishi, G. lucidum have remarkable anti-osteoporosis properties. In general, it be conclude that various bioactive compounds extracted from the Reishi mushroom can exert their effect through all three mechanisms related to the improvement of osteoporosis, including reducing bone resorption, inhibiting estrogen receptors and increasing the absorption of bone nutrients. Do It seems that there have been more studies on some compounds extracted from this mushroom such as triterpenoids ganoderic acid and Lingzhi-8 protein than other compounds, especially polysaccharides. This is despite the fact that the bearded mushroom is an important source of polysaccharide compounds such as beta-glucans, for which many medicinal and therapeutic properties have been confirmed.
Also, most of the studies have only used the ethanolic extract of this mushroom and less have been devoted to the complete isolation of its unique compounds. If the purity of these compounds improves the effectiveness of the mushroom in a more effective way. The lack of accurate identification of many molecular mechanisms through which the bioactive compounds of the bearded mushroom affect the bone and also the small number of clinical scale studies in this field. The field is one of the other research gaps in this field. It is hoped that in the future there will be a broader perspective for natural treatments for osteoporosis.