Research code: این مقاله مستخرح از رساله دکتری میباشد
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TON.REC.1401.076
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.TON.REC.1401.076

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Department of Educational Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract:   (390 Views)
Therapeutic reality is a set of techniques, methods and tools to help people, in order to move from ineffective behaviors to effective behaviors, from destructive to constructive choices, and most importantly from an unhappy lifestyle to a happy lifestyle; Also, other psychological approaches use their own special methods to change the behavior of clients. Every type of behavior that comes from a person has been chosen and every behavior is done to reduce the level of failure or to satisfy a specific need. Although this behavior may be ineffective, but because the person does not know a better way to reduce his failure at that moment, he continues his behavior (1).
Among many individual problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder is considered as one of the disabling and serious mental states. This disorder is distinguished by three separate components. People who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder more than others; Adolescents, people who have experienced traumatic events, people who have had a difficult delivery, (postpartum obsession), housewives, drug users, people who have symptoms of depression (5).
In spite of the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral approach on the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and since clients with obsessive-compulsive disorder always complain that they have no control over their obsessive behaviors, in other words, these people always see the environment as the driver of their behavior. That is, they believe in some kind of external control. Since, according to Glaser, the external view of behavior has caused the greatest harm to human beings in such a way that it has taken away the permission to develop responsibility from humans, therefore, in this study, it has been tried in connection with the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder as a To examine the impact of selection theory on disorders that cause inability to function.
In order to carry out the current applied research, which was conducted in the field and in the form of a pre-test and post-test, 3 people were selected as a sample from among working women with obsessive-compulsive disorder who referred to Vofur Counseling Center in Tehran city by random sampling method. In order to observe the principle of confidentiality, a code was assigned to each client. To collect data from the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y_BOCS Goodman, Price, Rasmussen); A semi-structured interview was used to assess the intensity of obsessions and compulsions, regardless of the number and content of current obsessions and compulsions.
Another method was to use an 8-session therapy intervention called reality therapy. Another method that was used to measure the subjects was self-monitoring and self-reporting; In this way, the subjects declared their recovery rate on a 5-point scale. Also, at the end of the therapy sessions, the patients were asked about the level of satisfaction with the reality therapy approach. Three-month follow-up for all three patients, survival It showed therapeutic effects. It is necessary to acknowledge that this research is carried out with the code of ethics IR.IAU.TON.REC.1401.076 from the Islamic Azad University, Tonkabon branch.
According to the results reported in Table 2, related to the pre-test and post-test, which were obtained based on the comparison of the results obtained from answering each of the questions of the Yale Brown questionnaire, it was determined that the statistical value is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, the average variable of women's obsessive-compulsive disorder in the test subjects after Glaser's reality therapy treatment had a significant decrease, in other words, Glaser's reality therapy has a significant effect on the reduction of obsessive-compulsive disorder in women. And all three cases compared to the baseline, which is the same It is a pre-test, they have improved in reducing obsessive symptoms. In the case of problem number one, the most washing was related to the feeling of impure clothes, a significant reduction was observed and the frequency of changing clothes was reduced. In the case of Ybmar number two, which was the most washing due to the feeling of contamination and regular change of clothes, according to Ybmar's report, the symptoms improved. Treatment number three, which was highly resistant compared to the other two treatments, progressed very slowly, but at the same time, an improvement was seen in the control of obsessive symptoms.
The results showed that Glaser's reality therapy method has an effect on the mental-practical obsessions of working women in the experimental and follow-up group. During the eight treatment sessions, the signs of obsessions and increased ability to reduce negative emotions such as anxiety when faced with the triggers of obsessive behaviors, as well as the feeling of more control through understanding the right to choose in obsessive behaviors Paziri Oolite is more common in It was before actions, thoughts and feelings (general behavior). In the selection theory, instead of using adjectives and nouns, verbs should be used for complaints (which is the usual way of people). This change is very important because it not only shows that we have chosen our complaint and we can make better choices and get rid of this complaint. In terms of being effective, some cognitive theorists believe that a general element in the attitude that exists in obsessive people is negative spontaneous thoughts or interpretations that come along with disturbing and unwanted experiences. Therefore, treatment is based on identifying and correcting the negative evaluation of disturbing thoughts, correcting attitudes related to extreme responsibility and preventing neutralization caused by this feeling, increasing exposure and reducing avoidance behaviors focused on the formation and persistence of obsessions, the role of cognition (beliefs and currency). inefficient searches) in relation to information processing has been given higher theoretical and research priority. Belief in external control of behavior, as Glaser believes, reduces the sense of responsibility. Choice theory helps people to choose internal control psychology instead of choice theory or external control psychology. It does not have the thoughts, activity, feelings and physiology of others. Therefore, this psychological approach provides an opportunity for people with a sense of control to take more steps towards reducing the symptoms of obsession, and this problem causes the reduction of symptoms of obsession (7).
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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