Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.091
Clinical trials code: 01

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Sharifpour H. The Effect of Self-Care on Improving the Mental Well-Being of Victims of Drug and Psychotropic Crimes. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8683-en.html
Assistant Professor, Crime Prevention, Amin University Of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran , ali_2124@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (453 Views)
Background & Aims: Drug addiction is a chronic recurring disorder that is characterized by the use of addictive substances despite the adverse consequences for the individual and the society. Addiction to drugs and psychoactive pills is increasingly becoming a global lifestyle trend that is prevalent in rich and poor countries alike. Commonly abused substances have a profound effect on the nervous system, especially the brain. Some of these substances such as opium, marijuana, cocaine, nicotine, and caffeine are obtained from natural sources while others are synthetic or designed drugs. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of self-care on improving the mental well-being of victims of drug and psychotropic crimes.
Methods: Considering the nature of the subject of this research, which is to investigate the effect of self-care on improving the mental well-being of victims of drug and psychotropic crimes, this research was a semi-experimental design of pre-test-post-test type with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all addicts who were referred to six addiction treatment clinics in Sari city in 2022-2023. The sample of the present study included 30 people (15 people for each group; that is, 15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group). In this research, the cluster sampling method was used; 30 people were selected from among the addicts who were referred to addiction treatment centers, and these people were not at the optimal level in terms of their condition and mental well-being, they were screened and again randomly divided into two groups and each group consisted of 15 experimental and waiting people. Treatment was assigned. After obtaining the consent form from the people participating in the study, then the psychological well-being questionnaire was given to the experimental and control groups, and the participants were asked to answer the questionnaires. Then the intervention sessions started at the addiction treatment clinic in Sari city. The arrangement of the seats will be semi-circular to facilitate group participation. In order to implement self-care group therapy, before starting the therapy sessions, a 30-minute briefing session was held for the members of the experimental and control groups separately, and the general principles, rules, and goals of the group were discussed in general. After the pre-test, therapy sessions were implemented within two months. Self-care was done in 8 group sessions, each session lasting about 60 minutes, one session per week for 8 weeks. In the last stage, the research tool was again used as a post-test, and finally, the questionnaire was given to the subjects two months after the intervention period as a follow-up period to check the durability of the training sessions. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using the multivariate covariance statistical method. The inclusion criteria were: the subjects were suffering from addiction and psychoactive substance use for at least more than 6 months; The minimum level of education of these people was considered a diploma, which was to understand the concepts of questionnaires and the importance of research; Among the other criteria for entering the study, it was tried that the subjects did not have physical or mental disabilities and had the ability to do their own daily tasks; Also, the subjects should not suffer from psychological disorders and should not have a serious psychological illness that has received medication and psychotherapy; Also, the ability to listen normally and informed consent to participate in the study were among the criteria for entering the research. The non-entry criteria were: lack of consent to participate in the research; The presence of physical or mental disabilities and mental disorders such as depression (according to their medical records), as well as distorting the questionnaires and not completing them, and the subjects' non-cooperation. Multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) and SPSS-22 software were used for data analysis.
Results: The results of multivariate covariance analysis to investigate the effect of self-care treatment were presented in Table No. 3. According to the F values in the post-test (29.53) and psychological well-being follow-up (10.82) as well as their significance level which is less than 0.05, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in all variables and in each There are two stages of post-test and follow-up. According to the obtained results, it can be seen that the intervention group has improved the effectiveness of psychological well-being compared to the control group.
Conclusion: In general, based on the results of the research, it can be stated that self-care treatment is effective on the psychological well-being component of drug and psychoactive crime victims, and this type of intervention can be used in addiction counseling and treatment. In explaining the effectiveness of self-care on the psychological well-being of victims of drug crimes, it can be said that self-care with an emphasis on abilities and developing talents has been effective in increasing positive feelings and emotions and positive thinking. Increasing happiness and reducing ineffective attitudes are factors that indicate the mental health of people, considering that in self-care, increasing happiness and living happily, reforming thoughts, and using strengths and capabilities are emphasized, self-care exercises and training sessions increase the states of psychologically, emphasis has been placed on character abilities and their development. By increasing positive thoughts and behaviors, self-care interventions help people compensate for some risks and reduce their negative consequences, which not only reduces negative emotions but also directly leads to the increase and growth of character abilities in people. Self-care intervention with the motto of focusing on and cultivating capabilities, virtues positive emotions, and optimism creates a positive feeling in people and causes them to be more committed to their lives and engage in it actively and with higher motivations, as a result, it leads to the promotion of well-being. This category of people is psychological.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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