Background & Aims: Suicide is a phenomenon that can cause serious harm to the people around, in addition to harming the person himself. Due to the fact that the rate of suicide in the modern era has always been increasing and threatening, from a specialized point of view, from the perspective of experts and related organizations such as the world health organization, suicide is recognized as one of the social issues and problems of the present age. Especially the threatening and painful aspect of this phenomenon appears in the form of thinking and mental preparation for suicide and committing it among teenagers and young people. According to the statistics of the world health organization, suicide and post-mortem deaths caused by road accidents and aids are the third most common cause of death among teenagers. According to this organization, the phenomenon of suicide is one of the important factors threatening mental and social health. According to the statistics reported by the countries in 2008, the world health organization has announced that the suicide rate in the world is an average of 11.6 cases per 100,000 people. Despair is one of the most important factors that is related to suicide attempts and is actually a connection between depression and suicide. According to researchers, despair is a feature of depression. Cognitive factors such as negativity and hopelessness along with a pessimistic view of the future, belief in one's inadequacy and inefficiency, and social isolation can increase a person's vulnerability to suicide. Disappointment confronts teenagers with many emotional and psychological problems, such as increased anxiety levels, increased irritability, and severe depression, and anxiety is a type of intense emotion with an unpleasant state and inner turmoil. A person with this condition is often afraid of predictable events in the future that can be considered a threat. Anxiety is one of the most common emotional states and is a subset of most mental disorders. This condition affects many people. They often experience it in the form of discomfort, severe stress and worry that the daily life of a person will be significantly affected. Among the effective behavioral therapy approaches in this field, we can mention the treatment focused on compassion. Compassion-focused therapy is derived from neuroscience, social psychology, development, and many therapeutic models that include the three principles of mindfulness, self-kindness, and a sense of sharing with humanity. The main focus of this treatment is cultivating a compassionate mind; therefore, therapists help clients by creating and increasing an inner compassionate relationship with themselves, instead of blaming, condemning, or self-criticizing. All psychotherapists believe that treatment should be done in a compassionate way, meaning that it should be full of respect, support, and generally with kindness. Also, cultivating compassion and kindness towards oneself and others as a way to promote well-being has been the focus of eastern traditions for thousands of years. The therapeutic approach of self-compassion is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the three components of self-kindness versus self-judgment, human commonality versus isolation, and mindfulness versus extreme identification. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of effective treatment based on compassion therapy on improving the level of depression and anxiety in people with a history of suicide.
Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with control and experimental groups. The statistical population also consisted of people with a history of suicide who were referred to counseling centers in Tehran. The research sample was 30 people, which was done by the available sampling method and was formed into two control (15 people) and experimental (15 people) groups. The experimental group was formed for 8 one-hour sessions. The data were obtained using Beck's anxiety and depression questionnaires and the results were analyzed by covariance analysis.
Results: The results showed that the treatment based on compassion therapy improves the level of depression and anxiety in people with a history of suicide.
Conclusion: In this study, the treatment focused on compassion improved the level of depression and anxiety in people with a history of suicide. Creating a non-judgmental, compassionate, flexible, and moment-to-moment relationship using compassion therapy techniques in the interpersonal relationships of people with a history of suicide can be useful in various ways. In the explanation of these results, it can be said that one of the cases that are significant in people with a history of suicide is that the pressure of the situations they are in and the influx of information that they receive at the same time causes It may be difficult for them to make a decision. The existence of these consecutive problems causes him to experience successive failures and this feeling of helplessness causes him to feel anxious, paralyzed, confused, and angry with himself. Considering that in compassion therapy, the participants learn to have a kinder view of themselves, they also realize that all humans have problems in their lives and the only difference between humans is in the way deal with these problems, so when problems arise, they accept themselves with pride. It can also be said that when these people have problems, it becomes difficult for them to keep calm and engage in emotional behaviors such as engaging in other behaviors, aggression, depression, and withdrawal, taking revenge for their problems on others, and In some cases, they make themselves careless. The results of this kind of dealing with problems lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration and strengthen the feeling of inadequacy in the person, these people blame themselves and are strict with themselves, and therefore help to improve the process of forgiveness. Can help them. In the compassion therapy approach, by using compassionate techniques and self-empowerment, the person realizes that by using problem-oriented methods, he can be successful in solving his problems and as a result, he loves himself better. By using self-compassion techniques, a person can remove negative emotions be kind to himself, and love himself. It can also be said that one of the methods can be the use of the support of trusted experienced people. In the intervention of compassion therapy, a person learns to have a compassionate approach towards himself and his life problems. Compassionate therapy involves a compassionate relationship with oneself. This treatment is more than solving internal disputes; It helps people change by creating care, new attention to the self, and offering compassionate inner processes. A person learns that by taking a compassionate look at himself and those around him, people such as his parents and relatives can always support him in difficult times. Repair your broken bond with these loved ones again. In fact, by creating a compassionate bond between himself and those around him, a safe base is created for him so that he can refer to these people in times of need. Therapeutic compassion facilitates emotional change to care more and support oneself, increases the ability to accept discomfort, and reduces emotional disturbances. This treatment method enables people with a history of suicide to relieve and control themselves more.