Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 148-156 | Back to browse issues page

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Tahmasebi M, Mohammad Khani P, Azizi M. The Effectiveness of Compassion-Based Treatment on Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms in Girls with Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms in Tehran. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :148-156
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8652-en.html
Master's degree in clinical psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Science and Art affiliated to Academic Jahad, Yazd, Iran , mahshid.tahmasebi79@gmail.com
Abstract:   (334 Views)
Background & Aims: Most sufferers have limited control over their thoughts (unless they have successful treatment). The importance of intervention measures in improving people's conditions is not hidden from anyone, and one of these measures is the use of newer and third-wave treatments such as self-compassion, which includes the expansion of affection, love, and understanding of the individual's pains and sufferings. Self-compassion allows a person to respond to his troubles correctly and warmly instead of wallowing in self-criticism and self-pity. The goal of compassion therapy is to facilitate emotional change to care more and support oneself, which weakens self-attack, increases self-acceptance instead of avoidance, and reduces emotional turmoil. Therefore, the person who sleeps can relieve and control himself more. Self-compassionate people experience less pain and defects than others and have a supportive view of themselves, which reduces depression and anxiety and increases their satisfaction with life. Admitting that all humans are flawed, make mistakes, and engage in unhealthy behaviors is a characteristic of human commonality. While experiencing suffering and facing life's challenges, people may unconsciously evaluate themselves negatively, instead of watching themselves with awareness and looking at their experience from a higher perspective, which causes them to have a holistic view and realism. Self-compassion includes awareness and recognition of the fact that pain and suffering are a natural part of the human condition since the lack of familiarity with how to deal with one's problems can lead to emotional dysfunction and negative effects on the individual and social situation. Be him But until now, there has been no research that has objectively investigated and confirmed the effectiveness of compassion therapy on the symptoms of dysmorphic disorder in girls, so the researchers in this research have tried to answer the question whether the therapy based on Is compassion effective on the symptoms of dyslexia in girls?
Methods: The current study is a descriptive quasi-experimental type (two-group design with pre-test and post-test) according to the practical purpose and according to the method of data collection. The statistical population includes all the people who were referred to centers such as counseling and cosmetic surgery clinics as well as mental hospitals in Tehran city with a diagnosis of (impulsive disorder) in 1401. The research sample of 40 people was selected by the available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups and a control group (20 people in each group). The criteria for entering the intervention included the following: a low score in the self-esteem questionnaire, their average score obtained from the body disfigurement questionnaire by one standard deviation above the average, single girls, having a diploma or higher and not receiving psychotherapy interventions during the study The criteria for withdrawing from the intervention included the following: having underlying diseases, reporting a history of psychosis and other serious mental disorders, as well as drug use, taking psychiatric drugs, and a history of hospitalization in psychiatric hospitals. The body was established by Stozin et al. (2007) and normalized by Rabiei et al. (2010). The validity of this four-factor questionnaire (metacognitive control strategies consisting of 14 items, thought-action coalition or intermingling of thoughts consisting of 8 items, positive and negative metacognitive beliefs consisting of 5 items and safety behaviors consisting of 4 items) using construct validity and The reliability of this questionnaire has been checked and confirmed using the internal consistency method, and Cronbach's alpha value is 0.94. The content of group counseling sessions was adjusted according to the treatment plan of Gilbert (2014) based on compassion-focused therapy. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used and data analysis was done using SPSS-23 software. Multivariate analysis of the covariance test was used to analyze the hypotheses. To describe the variables of the research, the central indices and dispersion of the average and standard deviation were used.
Results: The results showed that in terms of malformation disorder, there was a significant difference between the compassion-based treatment group and the control group, and 43% of the difference in malformation disorder can be explained by compassion-based treatment.
Background & Aims: Most sufferers have limited control over their thoughts (unless they have successful treatment). The importance of intervention measures in improving people's conditions is not hidden from anyone, and one of these measures is the use of newer and third-wave treatments such as self-compassion, which includes the expansion of affection, love, and understanding of the individual's pains and sufferings. Self-compassion allows a person to respond to his troubles correctly and warmly instead of wallowing in self-criticism and self-pity. The goal of compassion therapy is to facilitate emotional change to care more and support oneself, which weakens self-attack, increases self-acceptance instead of avoidance, and reduces emotional turmoil. Therefore, the person who sleeps can relieve and control himself more. Self-compassionate people experience less pain and defects than others and have a supportive view of themselves, which reduces depression and anxiety and increases their satisfaction with life. Admitting that all humans are flawed, make mistakes, and engage in unhealthy behaviors is a characteristic of human commonality. While experiencing suffering and facing life's challenges, people may unconsciously evaluate themselves negatively, instead of watching themselves with awareness and looking at their experience from a higher perspective, which causes them to have a holistic view and realism. Self-compassion includes awareness and recognition of the fact that pain and suffering are a natural part of the human condition since the lack of familiarity with how to deal with one's problems can lead to emotional dysfunction and negative effects on the individual and social situation. Be him But until now, there has been no research that has objectively investigated and confirmed the effectiveness of compassion therapy on the symptoms of dysmorphic disorder in girls, so the researchers in this research have tried to answer the question whether the therapy based on Is compassion effective on the symptoms of dyslexia in girls?
Methods: The current study is a descriptive quasi-experimental type (two-group design with pre-test and post-test) according to the practical purpose and according to the method of data collection. The statistical population includes all the people who were referred to centers such as counseling and cosmetic surgery clinics as well as mental hospitals in Tehran city with a diagnosis of (impulsive disorder) in 1401. The research sample of 40 people was selected by the available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups and a control group (20 people in each group). The criteria for entering the intervention included the following: a low score in the self-esteem questionnaire, their average score obtained from the body disfigurement questionnaire by one standard deviation above the average, single girls, having a diploma or higher and not receiving psychotherapy interventions during the study The criteria for withdrawing from the intervention included the following: having underlying diseases, reporting a history of psychosis and other serious mental disorders, as well as drug use, taking psychiatric drugs, and a history of hospitalization in psychiatric hospitals. The body was established by Stozin et al. (2007) and normalized by Rabiei et al. (2010). The validity of this four-factor questionnaire (metacognitive control strategies consisting of 14 items, thought-action coalition or intermingling of thoughts consisting of 8 items, positive and negative metacognitive beliefs consisting of 5 items and safety behaviors consisting of 4 items) using construct validity and The reliability of this questionnaire has been checked and confirmed using the internal consistency method, and Cronbach's alpha value is 0.94. The content of group counseling sessions was adjusted according to the treatment plan of Gilbert (2014) based on compassion-focused therapy. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used and data analysis was done using SPSS-23 software. Multivariate analysis of the covariance test was used to analyze the hypotheses. To describe the variables of the research, the central indices and dispersion of the average and standard deviation were used.
Results: The results showed that in terms of malformation disorder, there was a significant difference between the compassion-based treatment group and the control group, and 43% of the difference in malformation disorder can be explained by compassion-based treatment.
Conclusion: In this research, the treatment focused on compassion led to the improvement of delusional disorder, so it is suggested that counselors and psychotherapy centers use the approach of compassion therapy to improve this disorder in people with delusional disorder. In explaining this hypothesis, it can be said that people with body deformity disorder; experience low self-esteem, shame, and guilt because they blame themselves for their ugliness and deterioration of their appearance, and on the other hand, sadness and depression are common in those affected people, and they often isolate themselves from others. These people feel worthless and reach the point where they can no longer bear the pain caused by the deformity and feel extremely hopeless. These affected people spend a lot of time on the problem and controlling the thoughts related to the deformity. Many of these people try to deal with the intrusive thoughts by focusing on other things. But the mental preoccupation of some of these people is so strong that they are unable to pay attention to other matters and turn away from disturbing thoughts. Most sufferers have limited control over their thoughts (unless they have successful treatment). Most of the patients with body deformity disorder are repeatedly preoccupied with thoughts related to the ugliness of their appearance, and along with these thoughts, they feel shame, self-blame, and anger.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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