Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.076
Clinical trials code: 01

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Mahdavi N, Sadeghian Z, Jankhani F. The Effectiveness of Teaching Communication Skills and Emotion Management on Improving the Modesty of Farhangian University Students. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8646-en.html
Member of the Faculty of Farhangian, University of Alborz Province, Iran , Mahdavi6271@gmail.com
Abstract:   (555 Views)
Background & Aims: To maintain modesty and chastity, emotions can be the result of fulfillment or failure of desires, in parallel with the control of emotions, effective communication skills and management cover the whole human life. Man survives, grows, and evolves with the help of communication, and his prosperity and happiness largely depend on how he communicates with others.
 Communication is one of the oldest and best outputs of humans, which is the reason for the continuity of life and getting help from others in the past and now. The present research was conducted with the aim of effectively teaching communication skills and emotion management in order to improve the self-esteem of Farhangian University students in Alborz province.
Methods: The research method is a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test type with a dependent group (pair). The statistical population of the present study included all students of Farhangian University in the academic year 2023-2024 of which 150 people participated in this workshop voluntarily according to the educational call using the available sampling method. The educational certificate was announced as a necessary condition to participate in all meetings. Admission criteria for students: 1- Age range, 2- Not having a mental disorder according to the existing medical record, 3- Attending all the meetings, 4- Willingness to participate in the meetings. First, a pre-test was conducted at the beginning of the sessions for each group before the skills training, then the educational intervention (skills training) was presented during 5 sessions of 2 hours for the experimental group during 2 months and after the completion of the training program, the post-test It was performed for this group.
Results: The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the results showed that the significance level of all three variables in this group is less than 0.05, which indicates the normality of the distribution of scores in these three groups. The variable is before and after training. In the next step, using paired t-analysis, the post-test and pre-test scores of communication skills and emotion management were compared to determine whether the communication skills training had a change in the variable of modesty and chastity after the training or not. The correlation of the modesty test in Table No. 3 before and after the training period shows a relatively good correlation between the scores in the pre-test and post-test periods. The average score of students' modesty in the pre-test was 3.41, which decreased to 2.64 in the post-test. As can be seen, the average difference of the post-test of modesty and chastity compared to the pre-test is equal to 0.77. In this table, the amount obtained from the t-test is equal to 19.69, which shows it at a significance level of 0.000. This difference is significant, and according to the average obtained from the pre-test and post-test, it can be said that teaching communication skills and emotion management with 0.95 confidence and an alpha error rate of 0.05 after the study increases modesty. And chastity becomes after education. The results of dependent (paired) t, to compare the mean of modesty, in the two stages of pre-test - post-test, and the difference in the mean and standard deviation of two variables of emotion and communication skills at two different times, after training, show a significant difference (p < 0.05 between the two groups It is dependent. The average modesty of the students in the pre-test was 3.41, which decreased to 2.64. The difference in the average modesty compared to the pre-test is 77 19/ which is a significant difference at the significance level = 000sig.
Conclusion: The results showed that teaching communication skills and emotion management has an effect on improving the modesty of Farhangian University students. The results showed that modesty is also a form of self-control and communication skills and emotional management is one of the most rooted moral concepts that many moral examples go back to this concept. Every human being needs an inner force to control and regulate his thoughts, feelings, and behavior in order to save himself both in his personal and social life. Since modesty is mostly known as a religious or cultural construct, there are few studies on this issue in psychology. The field should be done and there is still a lot of room for study and research. Shyness is caused by the fear of evaluation due to the lack of correct verbal and non-verbal communication and high self-control in people. However, excitement and lack of proper communication are caused by low self-esteem and weak self-control. These two variables will have different consequences, in other words, failure to manage communication skills and emotional regulation will lead to wrong social behavior and a lack of control over environmental behaviors in the community, which will result in a decrease in the quality of life in various social, family, and family aspects. Now these consequences will be manifested in shame. Based on the results, communication skills training is effective in emotion management in order to improve the modesty of Farhangian University students in Alborz province.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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