Research code: 0
Ethics code: IR.SHAHROODUT.REC.1402.019
Clinical trials code: 0
Sheybani H, Fathi A, Fathi S, Azam nezami N, Almasi P. The role of compromise, emotional atmosphere of the family and feelings of loneliness in orientation to the opposite sex among female student athletes in Tehran, with the mediating role of religious orientation. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-13
Bahonar Tehran Farhangian University ,
Abstract: (676 Views)
Background and goals: Religion is a valuable secondary passage that affects physical and mental health. Religion can be a durable source in people's lives that this source of positive beliefs, in addition to creating dependence, gives meaning to life. Also, religious beliefs can bring order and meaning to life events by creating a sense of coherence in people's lives, as well as forming a valuable cognitive framework. The present research was conducted with the aim of the role of reconciliation, emotional atmosphere of the family and feeling of loneliness in orientation to the opposite sex among female student athletes in Tehran, with the mediating role of religious orientation.
This research is practical in terms of its purpose and in terms of the research method, it is among descriptive survey and correlational research. The statistical population included female student athletes in Tehran. The statistical sample was selected based on the table of Karjesi and Morgan (1970), which included 384 people. A random cluster sampling method was chosen. Data collection in this research is a combination of library and field methods. To describe the data and observations, descriptive statistics methods such as: frequency distribution tables, descriptive charts and central indices (such as mean, mode, mean) and dispersion indices (such as standard deviation and variance) were used. Statistics including Cronbach's alpha test were performed for the reliability of the questionnaire. Data analysis in the model process was done with the help of structural equation method using Lisrel software..
Considering that the significance level of the test for the variables was higher than the error rate of 0.05the null hypothesis of the test was accepted for all variables, as a result, the distribution of the research variables was normal and there was a significant relationship between the research variables, because with Considering the significance level of the test (0.000) which is smaller than α (0.05), the relationship between the emotional atmosphere of the family and social adjustment with the opposite sex orientation is inverse and significant, and the relationship between religious orientation and the opposite sex orientation is positive and. The findings of the research showed that religious orientation has a mediating role in the relationship of reconciliation with opposite sex orientation among female student athletes in Tehran, and this role was confirmed.
According to the findings of this research, it is suggested to help parents in creating social compatibility in families by holding training courses. The incompatibility of children and teenagers can be caused by the conditions in the school. One of the most important of these conditions is the quality of the relationship between the school officials and the students, especially the relationship between the teacher and the student. The emotional atmosphere that governs the school is like the atmosphere that governs the family in the social adjustment of children and teenagers, the quality of the relationship between the school members is also the same as the relationship between the family members, so that the social adjustment of the student can be influenced by the manager, the serving teacher, classmates and Even the educational environment
Also, considering the effect that religious orientation has on dealing with problems and various aspects of social life, such as academic and occupational adaptation, and the important role of the family in promoting this maturity in children, it is recommended that therapeutic counseling workshops and appropriate training classes be used to deal with Sahih should be established with children, especially in the more disadvantaged areas of the city due to more cultural and economic problems. Due to the importance of the religiousness of parents, it is necessary in various aspects of their children's lives, including emotional and social maturity; Officials, counselors and teachers, with more knowledge of parents' adherence and commitment to religious orders, order to increase religious knowledge and the consequences and effects of religiosity on children in classes with the given topic; and make it mandatory for parents to participate in it and continuously get information about the effectiveness of the classes. In addition, the school should provide a suitable platform for students to perform religious rituals, and to do this, the school can use experienced religious counselors..
Considering the role of the family's emotional atmosphere in reducing the tendency towards the opposite sex, it is suggested to help parents in creating a calm emotional atmosphere in families by holding training courses. Considering the role of feeling alone in increasing the tendency to have a relationship with the opposite sex, it is suggested that cultural and educational programs and courses with peer groups be put on the agenda for students so that they can learn skills or materials constructively from their alone time. use new
Among the limitations and obstacles that existed on the way of the present research, the following can be mentioned:.
Although it was tried to design the questionnaire or clear sentences as much as possible, there was a possibility of mistakes in understanding the real meaning of the options. One of the limitations of this research was the lack of comparison between boys and girls, and the lack of control over the socio-economic status and the level of education of the parents, which could have an effect on this issue; therefore, it is suggested that future studies with a larger sample size of high school boys and girls in connection with the current research topic, with control of socio-economic status and the level of education of parents to be compared. Undoubtedly, with more control of mediating variables, the importance of parent-adolescent relationships becomes more clear. Also, the comparison of teenagers in the early, middle and late period of adolescence in relation to the current research variables will provide more complete knowledge to the researchers and of course to the parents
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry