Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Sofi M, Salimi L, Hosseini Tabaghdehi L. Dimensions of Professional Ethics Curriculum with Mentoring Approach in Golestan University of Medical Sciences. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8594-en.html
Assistant Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences, Sari Branch, Azad Islamic University, Sari, Iran , s.ladan@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (605 Views)
Background & Aims: Various educational approaches have been proposed to enhance the professional ethics of students, one of the most effective of which is mentoring. Mentoring is defined as an educational process based on a close relationship between a mentor (instructor) and a mentee (student), where the student benefits from the mentor's experiences, knowledge, and professional skills. This approach not only facilitates the transfer of knowledge and specialized skills but also creates an environment for promoting ethical values and professional principles in academic and clinical settings. In medical sciences universities, where students require a deeper understanding of ethical concepts in dealing with patients, colleagues, and society, designing a professional ethics curriculum based on mentoring can significantly contribute to improving the quality of education. The dimensions of the professional ethics curriculum with a mentoring approach encompass various aspects, each of which influences the development of students' professional character. One of the most important dimensions of this program is the cognitive aspect, which focuses on teaching the theoretical foundations of professional ethics, ethical principles and frameworks, and international standards in the field of medicine. In this section, students are introduced to concepts such as patient confidentiality, informed consent, ethical decision-making in critical situations, and professional responsibilities. The transfer of these concepts through mentoring, due to its interactive nature, promotes a deeper understanding among students and enhances their ability to address ethical challenges. Another dimension is the skill-based aspect, which focuses on empowering students to apply ethical principles in real-world environments. In this section, mentors prepare students for ethical decision-making in complex situations by providing practical experiences, case studies, and clinical simulations. The mentor’s role in this process is crucial, as they serve as a role model, demonstrating how to execute ethical decisions and guiding students to a deeper understanding of their professional responsibilities through constructive feedback. The attitudinal aspect is also a key component of this curriculum. This section focuses on strengthening ethical values, increasing professional commitment, and cultivating empathy and accountability in students. Mentoring, by fostering close relationships and mutual trust between mentors and students, provides an ideal environment for the formation of positive ethical attitudes. Through interaction with experienced professors and observing their ethical behavior in real-life environments, students gradually internalize ethical principles and apply them in their professional journeys. Furthermore, the social and interpersonal aspect of the professional ethics curriculum with a mentoring approach addresses interactions between students, professors, and work environments. In this section, students learn how to communicate effectively with their colleagues, respect group decisions, and adopt the best possible solutions in cases of ethical conflict. Mentors play a guiding role in this process, helping students strengthen their communication and interpersonal skills, enabling them to behave responsibly and ethically in professional environments. Given the importance of these dimensions, the design of a comprehensive professional ethics curriculum with a mentoring approach in medical sciences universities can play a significant role in training committed and responsible specialists. Implementing this program requires developing appropriate educational content, selecting experienced mentors, creating supportive structures, and continuously evaluating the performance of students and mentors. Ultimately, the goal of this program is to nurture a new generation of doctors and medical professionals who not only possess sufficient knowledge and skills but also regard ethical principles as an inseparable part of their profession and take responsible and committed steps towards improving community health.
Methods: The study employed a mixed-methods approach (qualitative-quantitative). The qualitative sample included 20 specialists, experts, and university professors, with thematic analysis conducted through semi-structured interviews with 12 academic experts. The quantitative sample consisted of 305 professors from Golestan University of Medical Sciences, with 170 selected as participants based on the Krejcie and Morgan table. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews for the qualitative section and a researcher-made questionnaire with 128 questions for the quantitative section.
Results: The results indicated that the dimensions of the professional ethics curriculum with a mentoring approach include education, mentoring, skill development, practical training, cultural promotion and community interaction, technology and external content, flexibility and motivation, responsibility and participation, and interaction.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the various dimensions of the professional ethics curriculum with a mentoring approach at Golestan University of Medical Sciences can have significant impacts on the professional development of students and the enhancement of education quality in this field. Since mentoring programs specifically focus on the mentor-mentee relationship, this approach can play a crucial role in transferring ethical and practical concepts to students. Various dimensions such as theoretical and practical education, mentoring, skill development, community engagement, use of technology, flexibility and motivation, responsibility and participation, and interaction, all emphasize the creation of a comprehensive process that not only affects the improvement of students' scientific and professional knowledge but also promotes their ethical, social, and professional growth. This curriculum enables students to encounter not only scientific education but also ethical and professional skills in real-world environments, allowing them to make ethical decisions in complex situations. In this regard, creating a space for continuous interaction between mentors and students, through counseling, feedback, and ongoing guidance, can effectively contribute to strengthening students' professional ethics. Furthermore, the use of modern technologies and digital educational content, as a complementary component, can improve educational processes and enhance the learning of professional ethics. Overall, the findings of this study emphasize the need for designing and implementing curricula that, while focusing on theoretical and scientific dimensions, also concentrate on practical, social, and ethical aspects. By implementing these dimensions, it is possible to train professionals with high professional ethics and appropriate skills in the healthcare sector, who not only excel in their work but also act with care and responsibility in ethical and social decision-making. These types of educational programs can ultimately improve the quality of healthcare services in the community and enhance the reputation of medical sciences universities.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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