Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 396-405 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.202
Clinical trials code: 01

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toozandehjani Z, Rezaee Noor J, Falah Shams M. Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Performance and Innovation of the Organization in Software Development Companies with Regard to the Role of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital based on Hybridization Technique. RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :396-405
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8577-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of industrial engineering, Qom University. , J.rezaee@qom.ac.ir
Abstract:   (61 Views)
Background & Aims: New and innovative ideas are breathed into the organization's body like a spirit and saved from non-existence and destruction. The emergence of knowledge innovation not only enables organizations to gain a competitive advantage over competitors but also provides a useful tool for improving organizational performance. Knowledge is a major source of organizational innovation and productivity, and it is extremely important. This is why knowledge management is often known as the main source and reference of innovation and is considered one of the basic requirements of the innovation process in the organization. New knowledge allows the organization to improve its performance, develop its capabilities, and use the available resources more appropriately. Theoretically, knowledge management is a process during which the organization produces wealth from its knowledge or intellectual capital. Knowledge management means the creative, effective, and efficient use of all the knowledge and information available to the organization for the benefit of the customer and thus improving the organization. Knowledge management is the use of individual and collective experience and knowledge through the process of knowledge production, knowledge sharing, and its application with the help of technology itoachieve the organization's goals. Knowledge management includes theories, processes, technologies, and models that support the support, development, and exploitation of knowledge assets. In fact, intellectual capital includes all employees, organizational knowledge, and abilities to create added value and causes continuous competitive benefits. Intellectual capital is an intangible asset that is considered a competitive advantage for organizations and can increase the company's market share through knowledge and information. Intellectual capital is defined as intellectual action and something beyond the concept of pure thinking. The economy of the past depended on the use of natural resources, equipment, and capital to create value, while today's economy depends on the use of knowledge and information. On the other hand, organizational innovation is a management system that emphasizes the organization's mission looks for exceptional and new opportunities, and determines the success criteria. Innovation success requires hard, focused, and purposeful work. Innovation is a fundamental factor in creating competition at the global level, which leads to organizational growth, includes future success, and is like an engine that allows organizations to enjoy continuous efficiency in the global economy. Different definitions of innovation have been given by different authors. These studies are placed in the three fields of innovation outputs, inputs, and far end. The studies that have been carried out in these companies so far have been focused on identifying the implementation factors effective factors or key success factors in the knowledge management system, while the current research deals with this issue and answers these questions. - What effect does knowledge management have on the organizational performance and innovation of software development companies? What effect does intellectual capital have on the organizational performance of software development companies? In this research, by examining previous research and existing scientific documents and using the opinions of subject matter experts, the researcher also answers the question of what mediating variables affect these relationships. A suitable model will be presented to show the relationships of these variables.
Methods: The present study is a meta-combination type that was approved by the code of ethics IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.202 in the Code of Ethics Commission of the Islamic Azad University of Sari Branch. Meta-synthesis is a type of qualitative study that examines the information and findings of other qualitative studies with a related and similar topic. To achieve the goal of the research, the ultracomposition method was used according to Sandlovski and Barso (2007). By applying the qualitative meta-combination and systematic review approach, he analyzed the results and findings of previous researchers, and by performing the seven steps of the Sandlovski and Barroso method, the conceptual model of the factors affecting the organization's performance and organization's innovation has been categorized.
Results: Based on three-stage coding, these factors were analyzed and categorized into 6 main categories and 49 core codes. The Kappa method was used to measure the reliability and quality control of the present study. The calculated Kappa coefficient is equal to 0.76, which is at the level of a valid agreement. The results showed that the factors affecting the organization's performance and innovation are: individual factors, organizational factors, technology and smart technology factors, knowledge, dynamism and agility, education, and learning.
Conclusion: To answer the research question, the meta-combination method - which is a suitable method to obtain a comprehensive combination of a subject based on the findings of internal and external articles - has been used. After performing the meta-synthesis steps, the conceptual model of the factors affecting the organization's performance and innovation about the role of knowledge management and intellectual capital, consisting of 6 factors and 49 criteria, was obtained: Individual factors: formal and informal relationships, self-learning and personal development, trust, perception, individual feelings and attitudes, communication skills, communication skills, motivation, spirit of cooperation and interaction. Technology and smart technology factors: social software (smart site, messenger, dash management software, information and communication navigation (Internet, software, and hardware according to the type of company), technological infrastructure, web Semantics (virtual discussion, types of sharing in social networks), knowledge management systems, ability to use new technology in massive data analysis, use of artificial intelligence, use of data mining. Knowledge: types of knowledge (specialized knowledge, practical, qualitative, general, and management of all types of knowledge and...)- Knowledge management processes (knowledge planning, knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge retrieval, knowledge application, knowledge maintenance, knowledge evaluation, knowledge dimensions (tracking, representation), flow, map, audit, ontology, classification, clustering, etc.). While complying with regulations, and using smart knowledge in decision-making (dynamics).Education and learning: creativity and innovation, oral and experiential education and learning, distance and virtual education, exchange of ideas and educational storytelling, cooperative learning.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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