Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 385-395 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.211
Clinical trials code: 01

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Zaree M A, Yar Ahmadi Y, Jadidi H, Ahmadian H. The Effect of the Causal Model of the Relationship between the Tendency to Psychosocial Injuries and the Hope of Education in Students. RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :385-395
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8568-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran , yyarahmadi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (143 Views)

Background & Aims: This research aims to investigate the effect of the causal model of the relationship between the tendency to psychosocial harms and the hope of education in students with a statistical population and statistical sample of about 1050 people in 26 schools, of which 14 were in District 1 and 12 were in District 2. Psychological injuries result from the complex interaction of biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors. In this context, there are different views, including Freud's psychodynamic view, which emphasizes the role of unconscious determinants of behavior, and focuses on unconscious motivations and conflicts in the case of psychological injuries. Another view in this regard is the view of humanism, which believes that psychological damage occurs when people are not able to experience life in the present, and the socio-cultural point of view considers the cause of psychological damage to be factors outside the individual, social damage to any type of individual action with A group is defined as a group that does not fall within the framework of moral principles and general rules of formal and informal collective action of the society where the activists are active, and as a result, it faces legal prohibition or moral and social disgrace. The law of public morality and social order is hidden. Because otherwise, they face prosecution, moral excommunication and social exclusion. which was selected based on the proportional multi-stage cluster random method. Considering the size of 1050 people in the statistical population, the target sample was calculated using Cochran's formula, and its number was determined to be approximately 281 people.
Methods: The research tool was the tendency to psycho-social harms with a standardized 60-question questionnaire by Oruji, Marzieh (2015) with a 5-point Likert scale and to collect data related to educational hope from Sohrabi and Samani's educational hope scale. (2011) was used based on Snyder's theory of hope and Omid Shouri and Snyder's questionnaire. In the present study, the educational hope scale of Sohrabi and Samani (2011) based on Snyder's theory of hope and Omid Shouri and Snyder's questionnaire is used to collect data related to educational hope. Omid Shouri prepared the educational hope scale and adapted it for the Iranian society. This scale includes 9 items that are scored based on an 8-point Likert scale (from 1 for completely false to 8 for completely true). The academic hope scale measures the two components of agency and pathways. The sample items of these two components are, respectively, "I have many academic goals", I am looking for different ways to get good grades". Shuri and Snyder (2004) reported favorable concurrent validity as well as Cronbach's alpha reliability of the original instrument with which this instrument has high content consistency. In Iran, Sohrabi and Samani (2011) also extracted the factor structure of this instrument using the factor analysis method. Also, by calculating the correlation of hope scale with similar tools, its concurrent validity was confirmed. In addition, in the mentioned study, Cronbach's alpha higher than 0.70 for both dimensions indicated the good reliability of the tool. In the research of Sohrabi and Samani (2011) using confirmatory factor analysis method and calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the psychometric properties of academic hope scale were investigated. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicate the presence of two factors of passage and agency for this questionnaire, so the factor structure of the academic hope scale was confirmed. In the transit factor, the range of factor loadings of the transit factor items was between 0.63 and 0.72 and the agency items were between 0.63 and 0.73.
Results: the causal model of the relationship between the tendency to psychosocial injuries has an effect on the hope of education of the second year high school students of Sanandaj city; And it can be analyzed in this way that the F value of the effect of the independent variable in the fourth row of the table (204.3127) is significant, that is, after removing the effect of the pre-test, there is a significant difference between the average scores of the students' expectation of learning in the two groups in the post-test of the predicted educational program. Based on the mentioned model, there is; Therefore, the null hypothesis of the non-significance of the difference in the average of the two groups in the post-test after removing the possible effect of the pre-test is rejected.
Conclusion: In explaining the above findings, it can be said that mental health is "finding individuality" and the first condition of individuality is to be aware of the aspects of the self that are sometimes neglected, and the level of psychological toughness and the type of excitement can determine the type of relationship with the school. Communication with the school, which includes communication with school parents (principal, assistants and other personnel), teachers and classmates can be the main form and a specific predictor of the tendency to social harm. In other words, if a person has high psychological toughness, or in other words, the level of commitment, control, and struggle of a person, as the main components of psychological toughness and the type of positive emotion, can have positive tendencies towards the school, school staff and parents. creates and practically creates a range of student's interests to the school, which determines the form and type of relationship with the school, and this can lower the tendency to social and psychological harm in the individual, and the reverse of this characteristic Based on the obtained model, it can create a positive result in the tendency to psychological and social harms.It can be said that the causal model of the relationship between the tendency to psychosocial injuries and the hope of education of the second year high school students of Sanandaj city is effective.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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