Volume 29, Issue 1 (3-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(1): 199-207 | Back to browse issues page

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Roknianzadeh A, Esmaeilpour K, Pahlavanpour P, Mazaheri M. Comparing the Effectiveness of Couple Therapy Based on Acceptance and Commitment and Schema Therapy on Quality of Life, Communication Beliefs of Couples Applying for Divorce. RJMS 2022; 29 (1) :199-207
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8532-en.html
Master's degree, Department of Psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , khatoonesmaeilpour@gmail.com
Abstract:   (517 Views)
Background & Aims: Family is known as the most important unit of societies and marriage is the most basic human relationship; Because the basic structure of family relationships and the growth of the next generations depends on the formation of the family. The family center is based on love and is the center of love and affection, however, marriage is not always desirable and in some situations, life becomes almost impossible for couples. In a situation where a couple is not able to respond to each other's basic needs and marital expectations and has low skills, there is a possibility of filing for divorce. Divorce or asking for divorce is one of the reliable indicators of marital conflict in marital relations and emotional separation between couples. Divorce-seeking couples have a negative relationship and unsettled marital relationship and get confused. Also, the negative interactions of couples applying for divorce are more than their positive interactions. Relational beliefs are among the factors that affect the relationship of couples and have a significant relationship with the increase in divorce requests among couples. These beliefs are important both for the beginning of the relationship and for its continuation, in other words, correct verbal and non-verbal communication is the basis of a successful married life. Beliefs are influenced by factors such as internal processes, personality traits, environmental factors, and social context. According to Ellis (2003), many of the adverse reactions and problems are caused by the irrational beliefs and thoughts of couples, and as long as such thoughts continue, the problems related to communication, acceptance, and companionship will continue. These beliefs are a major issue in the analysis of social cognition and communication processes. This cognitive component can be useful or ineffective. If people's beliefs are realistic and logical, the relationship will progress. Useful communication beliefs, such as the belief that couples can change, can strengthen behaviors that lead to maintaining the relationship and improve the quality of the relationship. On the other hand, dysfunctional communication beliefs can act as a stable disorder and limit people's ability to deal with challenges in relationships. These are unrealistic beliefs and tendencies that refer to a person's bias in interpreting events and intimate relationships in an illogical way and are based on false or incorrect expectations. Communication beliefs affect the quality of life of couples. The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of couple therapy based on acceptance and commitment and schema therapy on the quality of life and communication beliefs of couples applying for divorce.
Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of methodology with a pre-test and post-test design. The statistical population of this research was all the women applying for divorce who referred to the Arak Family Court, from which 45 couples were selected in a targeted and accessible way. In the pre-test stage, all the samples answered the research questionnaires, then they were randomly divided into two test groups and one control group. In the first group, 10 sessions of couple therapy based on acceptance and commitment were conducted, and in the second group, 10 sessions of schema therapy were performed. The control group remained without intervention. After finishing the sessions, in the post-test phase, all the samples answered the research questionnaires.
Results: The results of the research showed that couple therapy based on acceptance and commitment (60%) was more effective than schema therapy (45%) in increasing the quality of life, and schema therapy (60%) was more effective than couple therapy based on acceptance. And commitment (56%) has been more effective in reducing communication beliefs.
Conclusion: In this treatment, mindfulness exercises, acceptance of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and sensory and physical perceptions are used, and people are also taught that instead of intellectually and practically avoiding thoughts and situations in life, they face them by increasing psychological and mental acceptance of to internal experiences to increase the quality of life. Couples are taught that any action to avoid or control these unwanted mental experiences is ineffective or has the opposite effect and causes them to intensify. These experiences should be removed without any internal or external reaction. They fully accepted. The next step in this approach is to increase the psychological awareness of the individual at the moment, that is, the individual becomes aware of all his mental states, thoughts, and behavior in the present moment, actively and effectively confronting thoughts and feelings, changing the way he looks at himself and reviewing The values and goals of life increase the quality of life in couples. Implementation of the protocol can increase cooperation between couples, reduce emotional reactions, and increase effective communication between couples. This treatment aims to reduce suffering and increase well-being and the ultimate goal of acceptance and commitment therapy is to help increase psychological flexibility. Finally, acceptance and commitment increase psychological flexibility and examine problematic language and cognitions. In other words, this treatment, with its effects on the irrational thoughts of women with marital conflicts, improves their quality of life. Schema therapy has been more effective in reducing communication beliefs. These results are in line with the research. Schema therapy combines various elements of psychotherapy such as cognitive-behavioral and psychoanalytical. In schema therapy, gaps and gaps in couples' lives are identified and they are helped to learn how to fix them. This treatment reduces the impact of irrational communication beliefs in their relationships by increasing couples' effective conflict resolution skills. The approach of schema therapy is based on the awareness that many conflicts could have been caused by the stimulation of the spouse's schema. Each person can prepare a list of behaviors aimed at change.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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