Research code: IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1401.111
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1401.111
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.TABRIZ.REC.1401.111

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Islamic Azad University of Tabriz ,
Abstract:   (454 Views)
 Backgrounds: Conduct disorder is a common and very destructive psychiatric disorder related to impulse control, which is characterized by frequent, severe aggressive and antisocial behaviors. Conduct disorder is a developmental disorder characterized by chronic law-breaking, aggression, and disregard for the rights of others (1). Aggression is a complex, heterogeneous and multifactorial phenomenon. Currently, two distinct forms of human aggression are widely accepted: impulsive aggression, also known as reactive aggression, and preplanned aggression, alternately known as instrumental or active aggression. (17). Also, another problem that is observed among students with behavioral symptoms is interpersonal communication, which is a set of potential and actual abilities of a person that can be used to achieve acceptable and informative behavior. A level of emotional connection was achieved. This behavior is called interpersonal communication skills (22). Experimental studies show that students with behavioral disorders have problems in interpersonal relationships and cannot have effective and useful relationships with those around them (24, 25). Based on the available literature, one of the approaches that can be effective in preventing behavioral and educational disorders is counseling based on choice theory. Glaser emphasizes on five basic human needs in the choice theory. These needs are internal, universal, dynamic and harmonious with each other (30) and include survival, love, freedom, power and entertainment (31). Numerous studies show that this type of intervention can affect the person's current behavioral abnormalities and cause behavior modification (32, 33, 34, 35, 36). The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of counseling based on choice theory on Aggression and Interpersonal Relationships of Male Students with Symptoms of Conduct Disorder in Sulaimaniyah City.
Methods: The research method was a part of applied research, and in terms of implementation, it was a pre-post-test quasi-experimental design with a control group. The statistical population of the research included all the male students with symptoms of behavior disorder in the city of Sulaymaniyah who were studying in the academic year of 2022-2023, 30 of them were selected in two groups of 15 people, experimental and control, using a targeted method. Group training was conducted on 10 sessions in 45 minutes on the first experimental group using counseling based on choice theory. Research data were collected through the standard questionnaire of Arnold H Bass and Perry AGQ Aggression (1992), Mattson Interpersonal Skills (1983) and Shahrivari et al.'s Conduct Disorder (2009). Hypotheses were tested using SPSS software with the MACOVA.
Results: The findings showed that the average aggression scores of the students in the experimental group in the pre-test stage was 73.27 with a standard deviation of 7.851 and in the post-test it was 61.67 with a standard deviation of 14.24 and in the group Controlling the average scores of aggression in the pre-test was 47.47 with a standard deviation of 6.413 and finally in the post-test equal to 41.40 and with a deviation of 6.620 and the average scores of interpersonal relationships of the students in the experimental group in the pre-test stage was equal to 61 and with a standard deviation of 8.350 and in the post-test it is equal to 80.87 and with a standard deviation of 8.651. While in the control group, the average score in the pre-test is 54.33 with a standard deviation of 6.61 and finally in the post-test it is 58.80 with a standard deviation of 6.678. Also, the inferential findings showed that there is a significant difference between the adjusted averages of the scores of group training according to the selection theory on aggression and interpersonal relationships of male students with behavioral disorder symptoms in Sulaymaniyah according to group membership (experimental group and control group) in the post-test stage. Therefore, the hypothesis of the research is confirmed. Therefore, group training in the selection theory method had an effect on aggression and interpersonal relationships of male students with behavioral disorder symptoms in Sulaymaniyah city in the experimental group in the post-test. The intensity of this effect in the post-test stage is equal to %57.3 for aggression and %68.6 for interpersonal relations (P=0.05).
Conclusion: In general, the internal and external research conducted in the field of group education in the method of selection theory on aggression and interpersonal relationships of male students with behavioral disorder symptoms indicate that aggressiveness and interpersonal relationships of knowledge have been successfully improved. to improve the male students with symptoms of behavioral disorder in Sulaimaniyah city, the results obtained seem logical and the results of previous research as well as the existing theoretical foundations also support the findings of this research, which is the average obtained from the experimental group in the pre-test and post-test They have a significant difference that is the result of group training in the method of selection theory. In this regard, the theoretical foundations show that the obtained results cannot be considered as the result of only one factor, this is only because of the interconnected and multi-factorial structure of this program. For this reason, various factors can be mentioned in explaining the obtained results. Based on the results obtained regarding group training in the method of selection theory on the aggression of male students with behavioral disorder symptoms in the present study, it can be stated that since aggressive teenagers cannot correctly predict the consequences of their behavior, many symptoms They see hostility in social stimuli, they associate the behavior of others with their hostile intentions in ambiguous situations, they do not have a correct understanding of their own aggressiveness, they use verbal methods to prove themselves in social issues. They mostly use aggressive treatment, without thinking about the non-aggressive solution that group training in the selection theory method can do by introducing human behavior and its four components (thought, action, emotion and physiology) and increasing knowledge. and self-awareness, helping aggressive students to identify ways to transform unsuccessful choices into successful choices through (increasing self-awareness, responsibility and acceptance of their choices, focusing on their behaviors to make better and more effective decisions) an effective role in reducing aggression Male students with symptoms of behavior disorder. Regarding the explanation of the results of the effectiveness of group training in the method of selection theory on the interpersonal relationships of male students with behavioral disorder symptoms, it can be mentioned that this method can have a preventive and developmental role in addition to the therapeutic role. Therefore, by teaching selection theory to male students with behavioral disorder symptoms, unhealthy communication patterns among them can be prevented. Accordingly, this method can be suggested as an effective intervention for male students with signs of behavior disorder to specialists and school counselors. Therefore, according to the obtained results, it can be said that counseling based on selection theory can reduce aggression and improve interpersonal relationships of Male Students with Symptoms of Conduct Disorder in Sulaimaniyah City.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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