Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.KUMS.REC.1404.260
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Abdi K, Arefi M, Afsharinia K, Amiri H. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Group Spiritual Therapy Approaches with Acceptance and Commitment based Therapy on Increasing Life Expectancy and Happiness of Cancer Patients. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8496-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran , m.arefi@iauksh.ac.ir
Abstract:   (701 Views)
Background & Aims: The diagnosis of cancer causes considerable suffering and anxiety for the patient. It threatens the meaning of the patient's life, which leads to a sense of collapse, so it is necessary to meet the psychological needs of the cancer patient. Meeting the spiritual needs of cancer patients plays a role in accelerating recovery and achieving spiritual well-being. Recently, along with common physical treatments, spiritual therapy has attracted the attention of doctors, and also paying attention to spirituality in life can help to improve the mental health of cancer patients in the difficult conditions of the disease and to accept the disease as a psychological support. By the patient and to be effective in improving psychological disorders and this treatment method is recommended as an effective intervention in improving psychological problems. Many studies report religion and spirituality as complementary treatments for cancer patients. The present study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of two approaches of group spirituality therapy with therapy based on acceptance and commitment to increasing the life expectancy and happiness of cancer patients in Kermanshah City. Group therapies, including spiritual therapy and therapy based on acceptance and commitment, which are part of the third wave of cognitive behavioral therapy, can have positive and significant therapeutic effects in the treatment of cancer patients. Considering the different areas of human life and the effects of religion on mental and physical health, including health and treatment, it is important because it has a prominent and indelible role in human life. Therefore, the knowledge of the effectiveness of group spirituality treatment methods can be used by experts in treating many disorders and increasing cancer patients' life expectancy and happiness. Paying attention to the research background shows that so far no research has been done in comparing the effectiveness of two approaches of group spirituality therapy with treatment based on acceptance and commitment to increasing the life expectancy and happiness of cancer patients. The lack of research findings in this field prompted researchers to compare these two treatments in terms of increasing the life expectancy and happiness of cancer patients. Therefore, how much is the effectiveness of group spirituality therapy compared to treatment based on acceptance and commitment in a group way on acceptance and commitment on increasing the life expectancy and happiness of cancer patients?
Methods: The research method was a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test type with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all cancer patients referred to Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah. The sampling method was available (with the approval of a specialist doctor undergoing chemotherapy). They were divided into three groups of 15 people, including two experimental groups and one control group. Eight 45-minute spiritual therapy sessions were given to the first experimental group and eight 45-minute training sessions based on acceptance and commitment therapy were presented to the second experimental group. Schneider et al.'s (1991) life expectancy scale and Schneider et al.'s (1991) happiness scale were used to collect data.
Results: The results showed that spiritual therapy is effective in increasing life expectancy and happiness, and treatment based on acceptance and commitment is effective in increasing the life expectancy and happiness of cancer patients.
Conclusion: The main goal of this research is to find a better treatment among the existing treatments. The results of the research showed that there is a difference between the effectiveness of spiritual therapy and therapy based on acceptance and commitment to life expectancy and happiness. According to the previous interpretations, the positive effect of both treatments on the variables of life expectancy and quality of life has been proven, and there is no debate there, but according to the findings of the research and considering the native context of the province and the variety of existing religions, spiritual therapy has been able to have a greater effect. Accepting a cancer diagnosis and its treatment is often considered a psychological and spiritual transition that can lead to the restructuring of values and can reflect how patients evaluate their lives and their sense of happiness. Therefore, it is important to assess happiness in cancer patients and look for ways to promote it, that is, by providing support during treatment or encouraging the development of positive characteristics unrelated to the disease or its treatment. Religious beliefs may influence physiological responses such as sensitivity to pain. In addition, prayer may trigger a mechanism called the relaxation response, in which physiological phenomena occur when a person reaches a state of relaxation. Prayers and other rituals are often performed as a repetitive practice. Repetition of this action can cause physiological responses, for example, lowering metabolism and heart rate, causing relaxation and relaxation, and improving well-being and quality of life. Spirituality has different interpretations in every religion and nation, but what they have in common is the existence of God and adherence to moral principles - a belief that can cut through the strings of despair like a winning sword and overcome dark and painful days. Open a new door for people. Men usually respond positively to psychological treatments, especially spiritual treatments, due to their busy work schedules and unsophisticated spirits, and the younger the age, the greater the resistance and stubbornness of accepting this type of treatment among men. Is. However, it should be remembered that these strong men have learned the way and customs of spirituality in the arms of their spiritual mothers, and this spirituality has a special place in their unconscious mind, and we can stimulate emotions and remember moments. By using the principles of proximity and similarity, we have been able to achieve valuable results with a young and male group.Also, the results of the research showed that spiritual therapy has a greater effect on increasing life expectancy and happiness among cancer patients than treatment based on acceptance and commitment. Therefore, by performing psychological interventions on time, it is possible to help increase life expectancy and happiness, speed up recovery and reduce the length of hospitalization in the hospital, and ultimately reduce hospital costs in these patients, and change the view of the physical and pay more attention to the dimensions mental state in this group of patients.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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