Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Haghighi Tabar M, Jafar Tabatabaee T S, Jafar Tabatabaee S S, Ghanifar M H. Comparing the Effectiveness of the Jigsaw Teaching Method and the Ganiye Teaching Model on Improving the Components of Social Isolation (Loneliness, Helplessness, Social Despair and Reduced Tolerance) of Students. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8493-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran , Toktamtabatabaee@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (556 Views)
Background & Aims: The students of every society are its fundamental assets, and the survival of every society and its status depends more than anything on its students. The present research was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of the jigsaw teaching method and the Ganiye teaching model in improving the components of social isolation (loneliness, helplessness, social despair, and reducing tolerance) in students.
Methods: The current research is a semi-experimental type with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The target population of the present study was formed by all male students of the 11th grade of mathematics in Birjand city in the academic year of 2021-2022. 90 male students in the 11th grade of mathematics were randomly selected based on the size of the population and Morgan's table and answered the social isolation questionnaire. Then 45 people were selected by purposive sampling method and randomly assigned to three experimental groups (15 people using the jigsaw teaching method), two experimental groups (15 people using the teaching method based on the Ganiye model), and control (15 people). Data collection was done with the social isolation questionnaire of Modaresi Yazdi (2013) and hypotheses were analyzed and tested using multivariate covariance analysis in case of differences between groups, post-comparison tests were done with the help of SPSS-22 software.
Results: The results of the data analysis showed that the effectiveness of the jigsaw teaching method and the Ganiye teaching model are different in the components of social isolation, except for reducing tolerance. The difference in the averages also shows that the jigsaw teaching method is more effective.
Conclusion: In justifying this finding, it can be said that in the collaborative learning environment, the learning process is more important than the result, and no one is blamed for not knowing. Students do not compare with each other and do not compete with each other. In cooperative groups, students are allowed to learn complex subject concepts by asking questions and asking for help from group members, thereby increasing confidence in their ability to learn subjects and reducing social isolation. It is in such an educational environment that the student can feel calm, secure, and free from worry and fear. On the other hand, because in collaborative learning of the jigsaw type, compared to the Ganiye teaching model, students learn to help, assist, and cooperate, so this method is suitable for students who have problems understanding the course material. It helps because, in this way, groups are obliged to make sure that all members learn the material; therefore, this self-confidence in learning the course material, which is obtained through the assistance of other students in the group, increases the self-efficacy of each student in learning the lessons, and in this way, it is effective in reducing social isolation. To justify the reduction of social isolation according to the use of the cooperative teaching method, Slavin and Karvit, 1981, believe that because in cooperative classes, the individual is not criticized, social isolation is reduced. Also, Johnson and Johnson, 1989, have considered the lack of competition between classmates as the reason for the reduction of social isolation in a collaborative situation compared to Ganiye's teaching. In other words, according to the social point of view, students can acquire their skills and information by observing the performance of their peers. In terms of Bandura's social-cognitive theory, when students observe their friends doing something correctly, they will learn it themselves, and when their success or that of their friends is strengthened their enthusiasm increases. They find more work for it. Cooperation in collaborative learning provides a suitable environment for the development of social skills and empathy with others reduces negative behaviors such as social isolation to a great extent and increases students' positive feelings towards each other and themselves. It gives and increases the individual's responsibility for his learning. Based on this, it increases students' empathy towards others, reduces intergroup tensions and aggressive and antisocial behavior, and has a significant effect on reducing their social isolation. Also, face-to-face interaction forces people to listen, forces them to be accurate in evaluating the performance of their peers, causes students to be inattentive to lessons, aloof and low - talk, be active, ask each other, explain the course material, suggest things to each other, criticize each other and disagree or agree with each other's opinions, which is a fundamental step towards reducing their social isolation in the teaching model. Jigsaw is considered to be trivial compared to the teaching model. Therefore, it can be said that the effectiveness of the jigsaw teaching method and the Ganiye teaching model on the social isolation of students is different, and this is also reflected in the results of the present study. According to the findings of the research, it can be concluded that the jigsaw teaching method is a more effective method in improving the components of social isolation (loneliness, helplessness, social despair and reduced tolerance) than the Ganiye teaching model.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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