Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-13 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 123348012395271600005162576576
Ethics code: IR.SSRC.REC.1402.161
Clinical trials code: 123348012395271600005162576576

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Madani M M, Abednatanzzi H, Gholami M, Ghazalian F. The Effect of 12 Weeks of Intermittent Resistance Training with Algomed Algae Supplement on FGL-1 Levels in Obese Men. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-13
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8479-en.html
Department of Professional Physical Education and Sport Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , abednazari@gmail.com
Abstract:   (441 Views)
Background & Aims: The prevalence of obesity in different countries of the world is increasing alarmingly and at a fast pace, which factors such as the increasing popularity of cheap and high-calorie foods, the spread of inactive lifestyles, heavy workloads and time constraints are the reasons for the increase in global prevalence. Obesity has been raised. In humans and other higher organisms, systemic metabolism is controlled by sophisticated signaling pathways that regulate energy expenditure and food intake. The liver tissue is the main regulator of energy homeostasis by sensing the availability of nutrients and changing the production of energy and metabolites required for other tissues. Liver tissue leads to regulation of systemic glucose homeostasis through hepatic glucose production and glycogen storage. It has been proven that during the post-meal period, the liver tissue leads to an increase in glucose uptake in response to an increase in plasma glucose levels and insulin levels, and then converting glucose into glycogen or using it for lipogenesis. Algomed algae is the most popular dietary supplement used by athletes and is increasingly used in combination with resistance training to maintain or increase lean tissue mass and increase muscle strength, especially in obese individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks of intermittent resistance training with Algomed supplement on FGL-1 in obese men.
Methods: According to the topic and the method of doing the work, i.e. the existence of an experimental group and a control group, pre-test and post-test and providing an independent variable to the experimental groups, this research was a semi-experimental and applied type of research that was conducted in the field. has been done, it is also practical in terms of using the obtained results.. Obese male people were between 23-32 years old. The participants in this study were obese male volunteers who were selected by calling in public and administrative centers. To achieve this goal, they were randomized in a blinded manner with the ethics code SSRI.REC-2305-2206 (R1), in 44 Obese men were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups and a control group, and intermittent resistance training was performed with the help of Algomed for 12 weeks. Estimation of sample size using G-Power software and based on 4 intervention groups, statistical test of 2-way analysis of variance (exercise*supplement design), statistical power = 80%, type 1 error = 5% and type 2 error = 20% Done. Based on this, the sample size was determined to be 40 people (10 people in each group) and taking into account 15% withdrawal from the study, 44 people (11 people in each group) were selected as a statistical sample. Then randomly and by block method in blocks of 4 in one of the groups of intermittent resistance training (11 people), Algomed supplement (11 people), intermittent resistance training + Algomed supplement (11 people) and control (11 people) were divided The subjects of the twelve-week training group will do three resistance training sessions a week. They will complete the entire training sessions after attendance and absence, coordinating and explaining the necessary explanations, each training session with 10 minutes of general warm-up (slow running, stretching and softening) and 3-5 minutes of special warm-up and then the main program of intermittent resistance exercises for muscle groups including 8 movements of the upper body and lower body (squat, chest press, knee bend, forearm press, leg press, shoulder press with barbell , the back of the machine, the underarm of the cable from the back) were done intermittently and in different intensities. The original meaning of overload was that 5-10% of 1RM was added to their weight every 2 weeks. Performing movements (squats, chest press, knee bends, forearm press, leg press, barbell overhead, back foot of the machine, cable puller from the back) in the form of 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 60% of 1RM, rest between active sets and with The intensity was 20% and the number of repetitions was 15, and they finished with 10 minutes of cooling. Finally, the control group practiced their daily life during 12 weeks and were prohibited from participating in regular activities. All ethical principles were observed during the training process, and the subjects were allowed to withdraw from the research at any time during the training period. At the same time, the researcher emphasized the need to maintain daily diet and exercise habits. Also, the subjects of the group of 1800 mg Algomed Algae supplement in the form of 6 tablets (2 tablets an hour and a half before breakfast, 2 tablets one An hour and a half before lunch, they took 2 pills an hour and a half before dinner) (according to the factory instructions). Blood was taken 48 hours before the start of the research and 48 hours after the last day of training, and the aforementioned indicators were measured using an ELISA kit and device.
Results: The results of the present study showed that there is a significant difference between the groups (P<0.05). The post hoc test showed that the supplementary, exercise and supplementary exercise groups decreased FGl-1 compared to the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The present results showed that intermittent resistance training alone and with chlorella supplementation decreased FGl-1 levels in obese men. Also, consumption of chlorella along with intermittent resistance training compared to intermittent resistance training alone had a greater effect on the levels of the investigated variables.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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