Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 201-210 | Back to browse issues page

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Boskabadi F, Mohamadi M, Rezaeifar H, Mahmodzadeh M. Examining the Challenges of Virtual Teaching and Learning in the Education System to Provide Appropriate Strategies. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :201-210
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8467-en.html
Assistant Professor, Public Administration Department, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran , mohammadi@iaubir.ac.ir
Abstract:   (151 Views)
Background & Aims: In the third millennium, deep attention has been paid to the phenomenon of leadership, the reason for this attention being the importance and role that the quality of leadership can play in making a difference in the achievements of organizations. No organization can survive, grow, and develop without powerful and effective leaders, and the failure of any organization to achieve optimal productivity is largely related to its ineffective leadership. In recent decades, new leadership approaches, which are also called modern leadership approaches, emerged and evolved, which are trait-oriented and their main focus is on perspective, spirituality, and charisma. These trait-oriented styles include transcendental, visionary, charismatic, transformative, exchange, servant, ethical, benevolent, paternalistic, and jihadi leadership. Transcendental leadership style is a new paradigm in the field of leadership, for organizations that want to successfully create spiritual employees and lead this change. The current methods of managing organizations have lost their effectiveness. Excellence-oriented leadership is a new paradigm in the field of management, which, as a healing elixir, reminds the managers of organizations that they should take steps towards creating a superior organization to grow and develop; Therefore, the purpose of the study was to design an excellence-oriented leadership model in medical sciences universities of the country using the qualitative technique of foundation data theory.
Methods: The research method is practical in terms of purpose and exploratory in terms of descriptive nature. In this regard, the methodology of foundational data theory with the approach of Strauss and Corbin was used. The population studied in this research was formed by the directors of medical sciences universities and by relying on the principle of purpose-based sampling, theoretical saturation was achieved by conducting 14 interviews with experts. In the present study, the analysis of the data set was done through open, central, and selective coding stages. In the open coding stage, 138 concepts were counted from the total results of qualitative interviews, 34 sub-categories (core code), and 10 main categories (selective or selective code) were counted. The 10 main categories (selective or selective code), in which the subcategories (core codes) of the present research were placed, are 1- Transcendent characteristics, 2- Sovereignty of transcendental organizational spirit, 3- Sovereignty of transcendental talent, 4- Transcendent moralism. 5- Transcendent individual competence, 6- Transcendent managerial competence, 7- Transcendent interpersonal competence, 8- Transcendent leadership institutionalization, 9- Transcendent spirit institutionalization, and 10- Emergence of transcendent organization. The following is explained to achieve the main categories (selective codes) through the qualitative technique of the foundation's data theory.
Results: After analyzing the data, 138 concepts were identified through open coding, then in the axial coding stage, through the identification of similarities in the underlying structure of concepts, 34 subcategories, and finally by merging similar structures in subcategories and continuous comparison, the emergence of the model The final result of the research was the excellence-oriented leadership model in universities of medical sciences. The main categories were named and defined according to the basic purpose of the research, which was the design and validation of the excellence-oriented leadership model in universities of medical sciences. According to Tables 4 to 8, the subcategories were included in 10 main categories (selective code) which are: 1- Transcendent characteristics, 2- Transcendent organizational spirit rule, 3- Transcendent talent rule, 4- Transcendent moralism, 5- Transcendent individual competence, 6- Transcendent managerial competence, 7- Transcendent interpersonal competence, 8- Transcendent leadership institutionalization, 9- Transcendent spirit institutionalization and 10- Emergence of transcendent organization. Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 show the categorization table related to each of the main categories (selective or optional codes) of the subcategories based on the paradigm model of Strauss and Corbin (1998). According to Table No. 1, "Causal Conditions" has a main category of "transcendent features" and two subcategories of "individual features" and "organizational features" with 14 concepts.
Conclusion: The medical sciences universities of the country will be able to think about development and progress in a dynamic and turbulent environment by using an excellent leadership style and strengthening the extractive categories. Therefore, the high-level officials and managers of the country's medical sciences universities should strengthen each component of the excellence-oriented leadership that was identified in the present research in order to cultivate excellence-oriented leadership among their managers. The discussion in the field of leadership has always been a hot topic since this concept entered the management literature, and at no point in the history of humanity has its appeal and tremendous impact on human society diminished; On the contrary, new concepts have been formed in this field every day. One of the concepts whose importance is very important for organization and management is the concept of excellence-oriented leadership. According to many scientists, the most important type of leadership style in the current world is the transcendental leadership style, because it is a distinct type of strategic and competitive leadership in the current world and it has put all the concepts of management and other leadership styles under one roof. Despite the great importance of transcendental leadership, this concept has not received much attention and there are many hidden angles and gaps in the field of transcendental leadership and its conceptualization literature, and background. Considering this lack and the importance of excellence-oriented leadership for today's organizations, especially universities, the present research sought to identify and discover the components of excellence-oriented leadership in medical sciences universities of the country; In order to extract dimensions and components of excellence-oriented leadership, interviews were conducted with 14 experts in the field of management, whose doctorates are in the field of organizational behavior management, human resource management, and strategic management.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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