Volume 29, Issue 7 (10-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(7): 221-230 | Back to browse issues page

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Bigdlo T, moayedfar H, Nazari F. The Suitability of the Structural Equation Model of Self-Handicapping Based on Help-Seeking Behavior with the Mediation of Cognitive-Emotional Regulation in Male Students of the Second Secondary Level of Khodabandeh City. RJMS 2022; 29 (7) :221-230
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8455-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran. , Moayedfar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (313 Views)
Background & Aims: Adolescence is a gradual process of a person's life, and passing from childhood to adulthood causes a deep transformation in the body and mind. Due to the characteristics of adolescence, this period is considered important for students. Self-handicapping has negative effects on academic achievement. The self-handicapping student reduces success from the very beginning of a performance by building the foundations of failure within himself. The feeling of failure and lack of success affects the cognitive processes and motivation, and then on the student's performance, and in the long run, it leads to a decrease in self-esteem. When some students intentionally don't try hard, or put off studying until the last minute, hang out the night before an exam, or use other self-handicapping strategies, they tend to use reasons rather than consequences Reduce possible failure. This research was carried out to evaluate the suitability of the structural equation model of self-disability based on help-seeking behavior with the mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation in male students of the second secondary level of Khodabandeh City.
Methods: The cross-sectional research method is correlation type. The statistical population of the present study included all students of the second level of high school in Khodabandeh city in the academic year of 1401-1400, 420 people were selected by cluster random sampling method. This research was carried out using the method of correlational research and structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study was made up of all second-level secondary school students (boys) in Khodabandeh city in the academic year 2022-2023 who were studying. There are different opinions about the sample size in the studies related to the structural equation model correlation research method, but everyone agrees that the structural equation model is similar to the factor analysis of statistical techniques that can be implemented with a large sample. He considered the volume of about 200 people to be enough to fit the model. Based on the expected effect size and the distribution of the measured variables, as well as considering the power of the test, at least 10 subjects may be sufficient for each estimated parameter, provided that the estimated effect size is large and the measured variables have a normal distribution. Therefore, the minimum sample of the current research, taking into account the number of parameters estimated in the model, was at least 400 students, which, taking into account the possible dropout of 450 second-year high school male students, was selected as the research sample, and finally 420 questionnaires were the full face was returned. The sampling method in this research was random cluster sampling. In this way, three schools were randomly selected from among the secondary schools in Khodabandeh city, and then four classes were randomly selected from each school, finally, the questionnaires were distributed among the students of those classes. It should be mentioned that to collect data according to the health conditions of the country (coronavirus outbreak), the researcher has access to active groups in the virtual networks of students (groups created to hold online classes in virtual networks), after explaining the research objectives, questionnaires were sent to the groups. It should be noted that all the details and information of the students remained confidential. In this research, the tools of self-handicapping (Jones and Rudwalt, 1982), help-seeking behavior (Ryan and Pintridge, 1997), and emotion regulation (Garnefsky and Kraij, 2006) were used. To analyze the data, SPSS-V23 and Lisrel-V8.8 software were used. Also, to respond to the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling was used.
Results: According to the skewness and kurtosis values that are in the range of (+1.96, -1.96), the assumption of the normality of the data is strengthened, therefore, the assumption of the normality of the data can be raised and accepted. In this section, to investigate the relationships between the variables of the second hypothesis, the confirmatory structural equation model is used. The findings of the research showed that the model is a good fit. The results showed that self-disempowerment based on help-seeking behavior with the mediation of cognitive regulation of emotion is a good fit in the male students of the second secondary level of Khodabandeh City.
Conclusion: The present study was conducted with the aim of fitting the structural equation model of self-disability based on help-seeking behavior with the mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation in second-year high school boys of Khodabandeh City. The results showed that self-disempowerment based on help-seeking behavior with the mediation of cognitive regulation of emotion is a good fit in the second-secondary school boys of Khodabandeh. The effect of help-seeking behavior indirectly through more adapted coping strategies on self-handicapping is -1.02. The effect of help-seeking behavior indirectly through less compromised coping strategies on self-handicapping is -1.08. Less compromised strategies of cognitive regulation of emotions cause arousal and negative emotions to form in the person, which causes the person to avoid help-seeking behavior, but students who use compromised and positive strategies of cognitive regulation of emotions to follow the help-seeking behavior as one of the strategies of academic success. Although it was expected that the avoidance of academic help-seeking is caused by the components of positive emotional regulation, low emotional regulation in students reduces academic help-seeking behaviors and increases self-disability. The results showed that the necessary coordination between counseling centers and school counselors should be emphasized more in order to improve emotional regulation and help-seeking behavior and to provide a basis for reducing self-handicapping in students.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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