Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini S M, Zargham Hajebi M, Aghayousefi A. The Mediating Role of Cognitive Errors in Explaining the Relationship between Psychological Capital and Social Anxiety in High School Students. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8446-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran , Zarghamhajebi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (293 Views)
Background & Aims: Different cognitive errors cause differences in understanding the internal and external environment for each person, which in turn affects their psychological capital (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience). Theoretical models of anxiety show that information processing errors (which are also called cognitive processing errors or cognitive errors) are important factors in the etiology, maintenance, and treatment process of anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder. Beck (2019) believes that people who have emotional problems commit errors in logic, which inclines the objective reality towards self-deprecation. According to Prapoiz and Klossuska (2018), one of the factors that may negatively affect adolescents in the adolescent period, despite having psychological capital, is cognitive errors. Cognitive errors involve preferential or selective processing of information: In the context of anxiety, information processing biases are specific to threatening stimuli. Researchers have identified four types of cognitive errors in anxious people, which include attention bias, memory, judgment, and interpretation. Investigation of information processing errors in people with social anxiety has shown that they also show these four types of cognitive bias. These biases can appear in two stages of information processing: automatic and strategic. Automatic processing is effortless, involuntary, and unintentional, while strategic or controlled processing is considered effortful, voluntary, and intentional. Adolescence is the most sensitive, important, and critical period of growth. High school students who are in this stage are seeking to discover their identity and independence and separation from their childhood affiliations. Therefore, they do not have a stable mental state and usually, the beginning of most psychological disorders is in this period. One of the major disorders that begins in adolescence is social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, refers to the persistent fear and/or avoidance of social situations associated with the possibility of scrutiny by others and the fear of acting in a way that is embarrassing or humiliating. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the mediating role of cognitive errors in explaining the relationship between psychological capital and social anxiety in high school students.
Methods: This is a descriptive research of the type of structural equations, in which the relationship between variables was investigated with regard to the mediating role of cognitive errors. The statistical population of the research was made up of students of the second secondary schools in Tehran, and a multi-stage cluster sampling method with an estimated sample size (300 people) was used to select the sample. Cognitive error test (CET), psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ) and social anxiety questionnaire (SAQ) were used to measure the variables.
Results: The data were analyzed using structural equations, the results showed that there is a relationship between psychological capital and its components with social anxiety in high school students, and the factor loading of the subscales of hope, resilience and optimism to explain the variable of social capital. , equal to 48.43, 0.0, 0.87 and 0.92, respectively. Also, the results of structural equations showed that cognitive errors can predict the relationship between psychological capital and social anxiety in high school students.
Conclusion: The flow of thinking does not have a correct flow and there are a series of problems in its flow. In other words, there are no correct materials for correct conclusions. Humans naturally tend to stay away from pains and hardships and experience peace and comfort in their lives. On the other hand, behaviors arise from feelings and feelings arise from our type of thinking. If there is a mistake in our thinking, it will spread to our feelings, and after that, our behavior will take on a negative color and go out of the proper state. To have the right behavior, we need to feel positive and this comes through positive thinking. To achieve positive thinking, we must look at life events realistically and deal with them flexibly. Striving for a balance between thoughts that cause anxiety and pleasant and hopeful thoughts brings people closer to positive thinking. This type of thinking brings stable and predictable happiness; but if a person suffers from some kind of negative thinking in life, it leads to momentary happiness, which has many evils, because first of all, it is not stable and it is not in the moment, and in a particular moment, it is not significant in terms of quantity. The results indicated that the components of psychological capital will have an increasing or decreasing effect on anxiety according to the mediating role of cognitive distortions; Therefore, the effect of the relationship between the components of psychological capital and anxiety is not the same considering people's cognitive distortions, and the results obtained in the present study showed that the higher the level of cognitive distortions, the more people will experience anxiety. Therefore, it is suggested to include interventions for the prevention of cognitive errors in the content of educational programs of schools and universities, and in this way, to increase the level of correct understanding and free from cognitive errors of students and in general, to develop correct perception.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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