Research code: IR.TUMS.SPH.REC.1401.081
Ethics code: IR.TUMS.SPH.REC.1401.081
Clinical trials code: IR.TUMS.SPH.REC.1401.081

XML Persian Abstract Print

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract:   (1659 Views)
Compilation and Validation of Virtual Educational Content for Preventing and Controlling COVID-19 among Pregnant Women and Healthcare Providers
Background & Aim: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of prompt and accurate responses to global health crises. It has also underscored the need for effective strategies, such as digital educational interventions, to manage potential epidemics in the future. This study aimed to develop and validate virtual educational content on COVID-19 prevention and control for pregnant mothers and healthcare providers.
Methods: The information of this study was obtained from the electronic records of 4124 pregnant women or women who have given birth (with or without a history of COVID-19) included in the Sib system of Babol University of Medical Sciences in the form of a census. In this study, informational and educational packages were prepared for the target groups of pregnant mothers and healthcare providers using infographics, motion graphics, short video, interviews with experts and e-books in four stages;1) Identification of adverse pregnancy outcomes with high frequency, 2) Preparation of appropriate scientific contents, 3) Preparing infographics, motions, short videos, e-books and interviews and 4) Determining the validity of the generated virtual packages.
In order to prepare a questionnaire (checklist) after reviewing extensive literature and examining studies in valid profiles about adverse maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes and using the results of studies, the opinions of experts in this field and the information and questionnaires available in the electronic system, the initial checklist was designed and validated using a panel of experts. The different sections of the checklist were extracted and completed by the researcher through the review of electronic health records or through interviews (telephone, face-to-face) of the mothers. In order to check the validity of the checklist, we used the opinions of technical professors and related experts by forming an expert panel. After examining 4124 pregnant women and those who have given birth (with and without a history of COVID-19) from 20/02/2020 to 20/03/2022, whose information was registered in the Sib system of Babol University of Medical Sciences, data analysis performed and unfavorable consequences were determined with high frequency. Obstetric complications and maternal diseases such as hypertension are at least one of the cases of bleeding during pregnancy, premature birth, premature rupture of the amniotic sac, improper weight gain, the most common consequences in pregnant mothers with a history of COVID-19. In adverse neonatal outcomes, there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of Apgar minutes one and five of infants, exclusive feeding with breast milk and the presence of symptoms of COVID-19 in infants according to the physician’s diagnosis. Preparation of infographics, motions, short videos, e-book and interview: The preparation of electronic content from the information collected in the previous stage was done using Canva, Photoshop, etc. software. Determining the validity of the produced virtual packages: In order to validate the educational content, a questionnaire was first designed and given to three groups of experts, pregnant women and health care workers, and its validity and content were evaluated using two qualitative and quantitative methods. Criteria were used to design the questions of the educational content validation questionnaire (such as objectivity, accuracy, integrity, non-contradiction, transparency, clarity of content, attractiveness, applicability, appropriateness, necessity, etc.) Some evaluation criteria of educational media are used. To check content validity in a quantitative way, content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were calculated.
Results: The content validity ratio was found to be greater than 62.0, and the content validity index was found to be greater than 79.0 during the content validity check. The developed educational package was deemed suitable and applicable for both experts and expectant mothers. The agreement percentage among experts regarding the desirability of educational content was 87.5%. For pregnant mothers and healthcare providers, it was 86% respectively. Both groups found the educational content favorable in terms of content and structure.
Discussion: The main goal of this research was to compile and validate virtual (digital) educational content in the field of prevention and control of COVID-19 in pregnant mothers and health service providers. According to the studies conducted, studies of this type are very limited. Due to the fact that today the rapid changes in technology have a significant impact on the education of learners, information and communication technological devices have been developed to present and regardless of place and time, knowledge quickly appeared in new forms of media presentation. This was in order to make virtual content suitable for existing content types such as motion graphics and infographics. In all cases, attention to the attractiveness, simplicity, practicality and availability of the type of content was emphasized. On the other hand, due to the fact that the preparation and compilation of the training package requires investment and time, awareness of the quality of virtual training provided and the efficiency of their effectiveness are among the most important expectations. This is expected from the implementation of training programs that are developed to increase the quality and effectiveness of the virtual training package. Compliance with the necessary standards was emphasized in their preparation, and in line with the implementation of the virtual package quality evaluation program, the use of the opinions of experts and the target group for the purpose of validating and judging it and asking the training recipients (pregnant mothers) were included in the program. In order to improve knowledge and correct attitudes in the areas related to the adverse outcomes that have occurred more commonly after contracting COVID (obstetrical complications and maternal illnesses and the adverse end of pregnancy) in accordance with the target groups (pregnant mothers and health care providers) in a virtual and Using digital tools and technology to empower people and avoid repetition in preventable cases, a virtual training package was compiled with consultation and review and validated with the opinion of experts in this field and the target group. The purpose of validity is to determine the ability of a tool to measure what it is designed to measure. The results of the present study showed that the prepared educational content has content validity and appropriate criteria.
Conclusion: The developed educational content has demonstrated high validity and reliability in providing training on effective measures to mitigate the adverse effects and consequences of COVID-19. It was found to be suitable and applicable from the perspectives of experts, healthcare providers, and expectant mothers.
Keywords: COVID-19, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Pregnant Women, Maternal and Infant Outcomes,
Virtual Training Package

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Educational Health

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