Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Bolori A, Shalchi B, Azmoudeh M. Effectiveness Comparison of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Cognitive Emotion Regulation on Academic Excitement and Academic Well-Being of Secondary High School Students. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8435-en.html
Associate Professor, Center Research of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Science, Tabriz, Iran , shalchi.b@gmail.com
Abstract:   (503 Views)
Background & Aims: The issue of education, learning, and academic success is one of the most important concerns of educational systems in different societies. School is one of the most important and fundamental social, educational, and educational institutions and the main pillar of education and learning. School is a place where teenagers spend a lot of time and get to know new ideas and activities. Adaptation to educational opportunities and challenges has always been the focus of educational researchers. Schools and educational spaces are not only used for education, but they must also meet the emotional and spiritual needs of students. In order to be effective, teachers must simultaneously consider different aspects of students' behavior so that they can give appropriate feedback in different situations. Therefore, schools play an important role as providers of mental health services for adolescents. This period has been associated with biological and physical changes, the need for independence, academic and occupational pressures, as well as fluctuations in social relationships. Psychologists recently found out by conducting research that Excitement and its regulation are among the strategies that can affect the social, educational, and emotional relationships of students. In general, emotions are divided into two categories: positive emotions and negative emotions. The research results show that the reduction of negative emotions increases students' adaptability in the field of social, emotional, educational adjustment and increases friendly behavior, and also increases problem-solving skills and causes empathic response. The academic emotions of second-year high school students are characterized by two dimensions: positive emotions with three components of pleasure, hope, and pride, and negative emotions with five components of anger, anxiety, shame, disappointment, and fatigue. In the virtualization of education, important concepts such as academic excitement and academic well-being have undergone changes. This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of teaching self-regulation learning strategies and cognitive emotion regulation on academic emotions and the academic well-being of secondary school students.
Methods: The research is semi-experimental and the statistical population includes students of the second year of high school in Tabriz, 60 of whom were selected by cluster sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group as the research sample. The students of all three groups completed the questionnaires of motivational and self-regulation strategies for learning by Pinterich and DeGroot (MSLQ), cognitive regulation of emotion by Granfsky et al. (CERQ), academic excitement by Pakran et al. (2011), academic well-being by AWBQ in pre-test and post-test. Experimental groups one and two received training in self-regulation learning strategies and cognitive regulation of emotion during 16 one-and-a-half-hour sessions.
Results: According to the findings of the research, it was observed that the value of F state istic for the independent variable (group) is equal to 224.975 and its Sig value is equal to 0.000. Because the value of Sig is less than 0.01; therefore, there is a significant difference between experimental 1, experimental 2, and control groups in the level of academic well-being of students. It should be explained that the eta squared value for the group variable in the above table indicates that 88.9% of the changes in the scores of experimental groups A and B in the academic well-being variable are due to the training of self-regulation learning strategies and the training of cognitive regulation of emotion.
Conclusion: In the present study, which was conducted to compare the effectiveness of teaching self-regulation learning strategies and cognitive regulation of emotion, on the academic emotions and academic well-being of the second-year high school students, the results showed that compared to the control group, the effect of the strategies training sessions was witnessed. Learning self-regulation and cognitive regulation of emotion were in the experimental groups. The teaching of self-regulation learning strategies made the learners with self-regulation in all stages of learning consider themselves efficient and independent and also adjust their goals to expand their knowledge and sustain their motivation. Evaluate your progress towards the goal. They also became aware of the importance of optimal use of available resources such as teachers, parents, friends, educational materials, and educational aids. In general, the students who received self-regulated learning training considered themselves the architects of their learning. Also, compared to the control group, we see the effect of cognitive emotion regulation training sessions on the use of adaptive strategies in training group A. The data show a decrease in the use of adaptive strategies for emotion control in the group that received cognitive emotion regulation training. , is. The students gained more understanding and power to recognize their emotions and this made the person act more powerfully in establishing emotional relationships and measuring environmental events and helped the person to have the psychological conditions necessary to adapt to different environments, including the environment. Get educational skills. On the other hand, emotional regulation made it possible for people to adapt better to themselves and the environment with appropriate behavioral changes in critical situations, the occurrence of tensions, and stressful issues. The data was analyzed using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) test. The results show that during the coronavirus pandemic, positive academic emotions increased in the experimental groups compared to the control group, and negative academic emotions decreased. The effect of teaching self-regulation learning strategies was more than that of cognitive regulation of emotion. Academic well-being also increased in both groups, but the effect of cognitive emotion regulation training was more than self-regulation learning strategies. Due to the change in teaching and learning methods, appropriate supplementary training is necessary in addition to regular classroom training.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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