Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1402.204
Clinical trials code: 01

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Bahari Ardeshiri B, Taghvai M, Khatirpasha K. Investigating the Mediating Role of Employees' Educational Justice in the Relationship between Excellence in Education Management and Employees' Job Performance. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8415-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , Maryamtaghvaee2017@gmail.com
Abstract:   (556 Views)
Background & Aims: Educational justice is one of the important variables in achieving the goals of education; Educational justice is a term used to describe the role of justice, which is directly related to classroom interactions. Especially in educational justice, the issue of how to treat students so that they feel that they have been treated fairly is raised. Educational justice includes providing all the potential and actual possibilities of educational environments, considering the unique talents and capabilities of people. Also, educational justice means providing equal educational opportunities for students, which is often related to equal treatment of teachers and students, especially in classes where there is a lot of diversity and difference between students. Justice is a moral concept, but educational justice is beyond a moral concept and requires appropriate mechanisms to realize it. Real progress is also based on the moral imperative of eradicating educational injustice, and the models of progress must also be able to reduce injustice. In this way, it is important to strengthen ethics as the most important support of educational justice, because all the factors that are effective in creating the social ethics of society also affect the creation of justice. Beliefs, values, and beliefs, along with economic, cultural, political, and geographical factors, are effective in the formation of public morality, all of which also play a role in the realization of justice. Educational justice can be examined from two different perspectives. It can be considered as a goal or as a means to achieve the long-term goal of social equality. In the classical liberal concept, equality means that all people are equal and free in rights regardless of race, color, social and national origin. In this sense, equality in education means that people should be equal at the beginning of working life and education. In a socialist view, education is seen as the main means of equalizing social differences. Equality of educational justice is achieved when all people are equal in attaining education. Justice is cultural and educational that can create alignment between the elements of society and move society towards higher goals. He aroused the sense of patriotism, sacrifice, self-sacrifice, and standing against oppression in that society and pioneered it with one voice, one heart, and one fabric in the way of construction, development, and progress. Educational justice can change the foundation of society. He moved the country towards a scientific outlook and respect for science. He can lead society from the most difficult paths to achieve greatness, he can free society from double poverty and deprivation, and with the proper distribution of resources, especially in the field of human resources, he can present worthy children to this pure land. Due to the importance of educational justice, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of employees' educational justice in the relationship between the excellence of education management and the job performance of employees.
Methods: The present study was qualitative and quantitative, the number of samples in the qualitative section was 20 people and the sample size was determined to be 320 people according to the number of the statistical population and based on the Karjesi and Morgan table. In this research, because the method of gathering information is a field, and to obtain information and data, it was done in two stages, quantitative and qualitative. SPSS and LISREL software were used to analyze the data in the qualitative part of the Delphi technique and the quantitative part of the structural equation modeling method.
Results: According to the results of the present research, the educational justice of the employees is effective in the excellence of the education management and the job performance of the employees, and the components of the excellence plan have a significant effect on the job performance of the employees.
Conclusion: Considering the effect of the education management excellence plan on job performance with the mediating role of educational justice of education workers, holding in-service training in the form of various workshops to train the job performance of teachers to achieve the goals of educational excellence is hell. Limitations beyond the scope of the researcher include the poor cooperation of some respondents in completing the questionnaire due to various reasons such as lack of time, indifference, lack of knowledge, and ignorance of the people responsible for the research activity; the existence of administrative bureaucracy; Dispersion of subjects' workplaces in terms of distance and geography; There was a different understanding of the subjects in answering the questions. Considering the effect of the education management excellence plan on job performance with the mediating role of educational justice of education employees, it is suggested: to hold in-service training in the form of various workshops to train the job performance of teachers; Managers, assistants should be fully informed about the excellence of management and its effect on job performance with the mediator role of educational justice of employees, and most of them should be taken into consideration.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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