Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Majidi R, Moradi O, Yarahmadi Y, Akbari M. The Effect of Attachment with the Mediating Role of Marital Intimacy on Marital Satisfaction. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8412-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Family Counseling, Sanandaj branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran , moradioma@gmail.com
Abstract:   (622 Views)
Background & Aims: A healthy and dynamic society depends on a healthy family. The family is the first founder of personality, values, intellectual criteria and also one of the most important social institutions and preservation of human emotions. Family is the main pillar in the formation or continuation of mental disorders, this finding has been confirmed in various studies (1, 2). On the other hand, mental disorders can disrupt the functioning of families (3). When one family member suffers from a mental disorder, other family members get involved in some way and bear a lot of pressure (4). In recent years, fundamental changes in the shape and characteristics of the family have been noticeable in Iran. The decrease in the level of birth and fertility, in addition to the decisive effect it had on the rate of population growth and through that population adjustment, has also affected the composition and structure of the population (5). Satisfaction with life and desired number of children is considered the main factor in women's fertility. In his theory, Gary Becker believes that reproductive behavior is the result of family selection (6).Marriage is the most important and fundamental human relationship, because it provides the basic structure for creating a family relationship and educating the next generation (11), according to Sternberg and Hodgett (1997), marital satisfaction is a very important and complex aspect of the marital relationship. In other words, one of the vital aspects of a marital system is the satisfaction of the spouses with their relationship. Marital satisfaction is a process that occurs throughout the life of a couple and includes four areas of attraction (physical, sexual), understanding, attitude and investment. These variables lead to couples' satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the marital relationship (12).
Considering the declining trend of population growth in Iran and its consequences and considering that Khushodi will strengthen the family. In this regard, developing a model that can increase family consolidation and cover population growth strategy to some extent was of interest to researchers, therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate marital satisfaction based on attachment styles through the mediation of couples' marital intimacy.
Methods: In this study, the modeling of marital satisfaction based on attachment styles with the mediation of marital intimacy was done using the path analysis model, and then using descriptive statistics - correlation of the structural equation model type and to develop a semi-experimental model of the post-test type with The control group was used. The collected samples include all married men and women referring to the family clinic laboratory and specialized clinic of Quds Hospital in Sanandaj who lived in Sanandaj between March 2017 and August 2018. To determine the sample size in this research, 500 subjects were selected using available sampling method and research tools were implemented on them. At first, written consent was obtained from all subjects and then they entered the study. Questionnaires were completed for each person in 4 sessions. The questionnaires were presented to the participants along with the necessary explanations. Questionnaires used include: Collins and Reed's adult attachment styles, marital satisfaction, Sexual Quality of Life - Female (SQOL-F) & SQOL-M. The data was analyzed using SPSS-22 statistical software, Lisrel 8.5 and SmartPLS 3.2.8 software. All analyzes were performed at the 5% level. Then the research hypotheses were tested based on the results obtained from examining the questions using descriptive statistics and using statistical tests (variance analysis, correlation and multivariate regression).
Results: The obtained results indicate that secure, avoidant, ambivalent attachment style has an effect on marital intimacy. Also, intimacy has a positive and direct effect on marital satisfaction. Other results obtained indicate that secure, avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles do not affect marital satisfaction. But secure attachment style has a positive effect on marital intimacy; Avoidant and ambivalent attachment style has a negative effect on marital intimacy.
Conclusion: The results obtained from our study indicate that secure, avoidant, ambivalent attachment style has an effect on marital intimacy. This finding is consistent with the results of the study conducted by Rezaei et al. (19) in which it was found that marital satisfaction was significant in the secure attachment style with intimacy and commitment and in the avoidant attachment style with intimacy, passion and commitment. . The findings obtained from a perspective are also similar to the research of Nosko et al. (20) who found that people who showed a more secure (and less avoidant) attachment style at the age of 17, while maintaining this attachment style, at the age of 26, from a True love is consistent in their relationships. It is also consistent with the study by Lavi et al. (21) who observed love as a mediating variable in the relationship between avoidant attachment style and life satisfaction. Hafizi and Jamei (22) also found in their research that love, positive affect and secure attachment style have a positive and significant relationship with marital satisfaction, which is consistent with the present study. In their study, Wong Pakaran et al. (23) concluded that avoidant attachment style along with romantic relationships predict life satisfaction, which is consistent with our study. In their research, Nouri and Jan Zaregi (24) also stated that attachment styles are related to attitudes towards love and marriage values. In fact, from these results, it can be concluded that people with secure, avoidant and ambivalent attachment style have higher marital intimacy, in fact, the components of marital intimacy and attachment style can have a significant effect on better relationships and satisfaction with their spouse. . However, regarding the attachment style, there have been some studies that are not consistent with the results of our study. Among these studies, Rajabi et al.
Most of these views believe that the effective factors in marital satisfaction are important because a person's satisfaction with married life is an important part of interpersonal and family health. According to Allen and Bokam (26), the avoidance style presents the relationship with the main couple as an inappropriate closeness. In this case, it can be said that due to constant anxiety of rejection, these people are constantly in the direction of closeness and excessive dependence on the other party, i.e. spouse, because in their close and intimate relationships, they unconsciously have childhood relationships with the face. It remembers attachment and thus awakens the anxiety caused by the rejection experienced in childhood. This emotional cooling is also effective on people's sexual relationships and causes a decrease in sexual satisfaction. As a result, the more insecure a person is, the less his or her desire to get close to another person, and in this way, insecure attachment can have a negative effect on sexual satisfaction, and finally, it was found that the mediating effect of marital intimacy in the relationship between secure, avoidant and Ambivalence is significant with marital satisfaction. This finding is consistent with the results of a study by Sharnia and X (27) that showed that people with a secure attachment style compared to insecure people have higher levels of intimacy, favorable expectations towards their partner, better marital quality and more optimism towards Marriage and report more love and commitment to each other, it is aligned. In a study conducted by Mansoori et al. (28) with the aim of providing a structural model for predicting marital intimacy based on attachment styles with the mediation of the love commitment component in married students. The results obtained in that research indicated the direct effect of secure attachment style on students' marital intimacy, which is consistent with our study. In explaining this finding, it can be stated that whenever the attachment style is formed in a secure manner, this security is transferred to future interpersonal relationships, especially relationships with spouse. Therefore, they see the relationship of their spouse as full of peace and security, they are not afraid of establishing a relationship, and they describe the established relationship as full of intimacy and love.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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