Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.114
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ZamanPour O, Andervazh L, Arya K. Explaining the Development Model of Making Medical and Health Tourism Dreams by Relying on Experiential Marketing. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8334-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Khorramshahr International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran , Leila.Andervazh@srbiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (497 Views)
Background & Aims: Today, in the era of global medicine, where international travel and online medical information are easily available to the public, health tourism is an important issue, for national healthcare systems, and from a global health point of view. Patients all over the world can choose their treatment system by getting enough information from unlimited sources and independent of borders and financial resources, and easily buy a plane ticket to go to any destination they want. The present research explains the development model of making dreams. Medical and health tourism is based on experiential marketing. Experimental marketing was designed to build tourism dreams, which were designed using a data-based approach and based on data obtained from past studies and interviews with experts in the field of tourism in Khuzestan province. Relying on experiential marketing.
Methods: This research is a descriptive-survey in terms of practical purpose, in terms of data collection, and quantitative research. The research community was formed by tourists visiting Khuzestan province during the years 2022-2023 (the last 10 years), whose number is unlimited and uncertain. The sample size based on Cochran's formula was 384 people who were selected by simple random method. Data collection was done through a closed questionnaire, the reliability and validity of which were confirmed through the conducted tests.
Results: The aforementioned questionnaire was prepared based on the results of data-based analysis related to the data obtained from the interviews with experts in the model design phase. To test the model of using experiential marketing in the construction of tourism dreams, the structural equation model test was used, which was done through PLS software.
Conclusion: The most important element in experiential marketing is establishing constructive communication with tourists; According to this issue, tourism marketers should create interaction with tourists, improve social relations and create two-way and sincere communication with tourists. In general, people who have already traveled to a destination usually talk about their travel experiences with others. These experiences and their history of traveling to a destination can be much more acceptable than other sources of information. Tourism planners should try to provide suitable tangible products to tourists and leave good memories for them. This good experience will serve as a positive advertisement and create the right image in the minds of tourists. Using information technology and creating an internet base with the aim of providing better and more effective information to the target markets and providing information needed by potential tourists, as well as creating websites for travel companies to express the opinions and views of customers about the services provided at the destination, to be aware of the existing weaknesses and to fix them, and to encourage customers to talk about the destination and its services with others in virtual environments, which causes the transfer of a favorable image of the destination among will be tourists. Preparing and presenting tourist guidebooks that represent the tourist places of the desired region and presenting them to tourists so that both tourists can use the information and can use it to introduce the desired destination to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. It seems useful and necessary for them to use it. Tourism destinations should use branding strategies to create a competitive advantage for themselves. The personality of the brand is one of the long-term effective factors in the formation of the special value of the brand. Therefore, destinations should consider these factors when formulating their business strategies so that they can create a suitable character of the destination in the minds of tourists. It is suggested that in order to increase trust in the destination brand, marketers should fulfill the obligations they have conveyed to the minds of customers through advertising and brand stabilization activities, otherwise the credibility of the advertised messages, image created and also consumers' trust in the brand name will decrease. Providing the promised services to customers and hiring people who best meet the needs of customers leads to the formation of trust in the destination. Tourism policy makers should always keep in mind that one of the reasons for choosing tourist destinations by tourists is to gain new experiences and adventures and also to enjoy them. Therefore, it is expected that tourism organizations, using management sciences and modern innovations, provide ideal and new conditions for tourists to gain experiences so that they can respond to such needs and that to satisfy Considering the difference in taste and character (part of which is related to the geographical environment), people certainly have different needs and characteristics. Based on this issue, tourism organizations are not excluded from this category, and in order to be ready to respond to the different needs of tourists, these organizations should long ago understand the needs of general tourists, potential and actual tourists, the characteristics of tourists. , identify and predict the feelings and emotions as well as the attractions of the tourists and make the necessary plans to respond to each of them by obtaining detailed information from the tourists. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the model variables. In such a way that the causal conditions have a positive effect on the central phenomenon; The central phenomenon, background conditions, and intervention conditions have a positive, positive, and negative effect on strategies, respectively; And finally, the strategies had a positive and significant effect on the results.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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