Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Moradi A, Tabe Bordbar F, Khosravi S. Determining the Mediating Role of Resilience in the Relationship between Attachment Styles (Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent) and Suicidal Thoughts in College Students. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8320-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran , TabeBordbar@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (493 Views)

Background & Aims: Worldwide, about 1 million people die by suicide every year, which is the 15th leading cause of death. It is estimated; Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between attachment styles (secure, avoidant, ambivalent) and suicidal thoughts in college students. Resilience is defined as a person's confidence in his abilities to overcome stress, and having the ability to deal with stress, self-esteem, stability in emotions and emotional regulation are the characteristics of a person who has high resilience. Resilience is a subset of psychological capital, which is one of the characteristics of positive psychology, with symptoms and characteristics such as being persistent in pursuing goals, creating positive self-documents, believing in one's abilities to achieve success, and enduring. Problems are identified. Therefore, the resilience of a person's understanding of himself includes having a goal to achieve success and standing and resisting issues and problems. In fact, one of the most important human abilities that allows effective adaptation to obstacles and challenges is resilience, which as a process is the ability to successfully adapt to threatening conditions, and in other words, positive adaptation in response to adverse conditions. Having resilience allows people to achieve adaptive behavior in problem-solving situations and makes it easier for them to face problems. Since the relationship between attachment styles and resilience and suicidal thoughts has been investigated in past researches, and the results showed that secure attachment style has a positive relationship with resilience and a negative relationship with suicidal thoughts or factors related to suicide attempts. you have Dealing with the factors affecting suicidal thoughts and the stages of a person's preparation to committing suicide is of particular importance, so according to the research we have done, it seems that resilience in a conceptual model can play a mediating role in the relationship between style have attachments with suicidal thoughts, which considering that the desired model (with all available variables) has not been studied in any similar research, this study was compiled and presented to fill this research gap. In fact, although significant efforts have been made to understand which risk factors contribute to suicidal thoughts and behavior, less attention has been paid to the factors that prevent people from developing suicidal thoughts and behavior. Therefore, in this study, an attempt is made to investigate the predictors of suicide in an overview study and a general model.
Methods: The statistical population of this correlation study included all the students of Shiraz Azad University in 2022-2023, which was equal to 19635 people based on the statistics obtained from the education of Shiraz Azad University. In order to determine the sample size, Cochran's formula was used and according to the calculations, the sample size was determined to be 380 people. Collins and Reid (1990) attachment styles questionnaire, Connor and Davidson (2003) resilience questionnaire, and Beck (1961) suicidal thoughts were used. SPSS and Lisrel software were used for data analysis.
Results: The results showed that secure attachment style has a direct and significant effect on resilience and an inverse and significant effect on suicidal thoughts, and at the same time, resilience has an inverse and significant effect on suicidal thoughts. Also, the results showed that the mediating role of resilience in the impact of attachment styles (secure, avoidant, ambivalent) on students' suicidal thoughts is significant.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that due to the fact that attachment styles are one of the causes of many emotional-psychological-mood problems in people, it is suggested that pre-marriage classes, or class Training courses should be held for parents during pregnancy and so on, and couples should be taught the correct way to communicate with their children so that their children do not have problems in the future.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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