Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Pormer Khanafcheh M, Akbari B, Moqtader L, Mehregan B. Structural Equational Modeling between the Mother-Child Relationship with Suicidal Tendendencies in Adolescent Girls with Mediating the Role of Religious Obsession. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8315-en.html
ProfessProfessor, Department of Psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran or; Department of Psychology, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran (corresponding author) , Bakbari44@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (436 Views)
Background & Aims: Suicide is a serious public health issue worldwide, and the management and prevention of suicide in communities, especially in its early stages, is considered an important intervention for the healthcare system. Suicidal tendency is also a behavior in which a person has thoughts of suicide but sometimes does not have the desire to die. Tendency to commit suicide in adolescence predicting other value abnormalities, mood and several factors such as mental and physical disorders, functional, cultural, economic, and social disorders, broken families, stressful life events, and consumption of illegal drugs, smoking, drugs drugs, alcohol, etc. On the other hand, religious obsession has been considered a relevant and determining structure in relation to mother-child interaction and suicidal tendencies. Obsessive religious disorder is obsessive thoughts, doubts, severe anxieties, compulsions or rituals, and intentional repetitive behaviors. These compulsions cause confusion that is triggered by the sufferer's fears and anxieties and may interfere negatively with religious practices or considerations. Fear of punishment and obsessive repetition of religious acts are symptoms of this disorder. Research showed that religious obsession is related to suicidal tendencies and can be a predictor and mediate many psychological components. Also, the research showed that religious obsession plays a mediating role between the mother-child relationship and the suicide tendency of girls. Therefore, on the one hand, it is related to the mother-child relationship, and on the other hand, it is related to the tendency to commit suicide in teenage girls, as a result, it is able to provide the ground for the tendency to commit suicide in teenage girls. In fact, the mother-child relationship and religious obsession have been investigated as the underlying factors in the tendency of teenage girls to commit suicide, and it has been assumed to be the underlying cause of suicide-related behaviors. The tendency to commit suicide is a complex and multifactorial behavior and many efforts are made to identify the risk factors in the tendency to commit suicide, including among teenagers who are one of the vulnerable groups against suicide. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of modeling the structural relationships of mother-child relationship with suicidal tendencies in adolescent girls with the mediating role of religious obsession.
Methods: The current research was a descriptive correlation type and structural equation modeling type. The statistical population included all mothers and daughters who referred to counseling clinics in Tehran in 1400 to 1401, which were selected using the purposeful sampling method, a sample size of 540 people (270 mother-daughter pairs) was selected using the Klein structural equation analysis method. The research tools included: the mother-child relationship questionnaire by Robert (1968), the religious obsession questionnaire by Janan and Pi (2001) and the multi-method suicidal tendency questionnaire by Auerbach (1981). In order to analyze and analyze the data, it was done using the inferential method (Pearson correlation coefficients and regression coefficients) at a significance level of 0.01 using spss-26 software and the structural equation method using Amoss-24 statistical software.
Results: The findings showed that the validity of the measurement structures of the relevant variables is confirmed at a significance level of 0.01. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the variables was more than 0.7. The same findings showed that the direct effect of the mother-child relationship on the return to suicide is 0.18, which is negative and significant. Indirect effects were calculated through Baron and Kenny's stepwise test. The indirect effect is observed. Standard measurement parameters indicated that the indirect effect of mother-child relationship and suicide tendency has increased with the mediation of religious obsession, which is 0.28- negative and significant. In fact, the results of Baron and Kenny's test showed that in the second stage of the model, the mediator variable (religious obsession) entered the model and was placed between the two variables of parent-child interaction and suicidal tendency. The path coefficient between these two variables increased from -0.18 to -0.28.
Conclusion: The results confirming the significant relationship between the mother-child relationship in mothers and their daughters' suicide tendency scores were that religious obsession also plays a mediating role in the relationship between these components. Therefore, it is suggested that the training of parent-child interaction skills, along with paying attention to obsessions and problems in the field of religion, and in order to prevent issues related to suicide, especially among teenage students, should be considered important by school officials and the country and should be on their agenda.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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