Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Osivand A, Khorvash M, Askari A R. Investigating the Effect of Physical Activity on the Comprehensive Health of Medical Students across Iran: Developing a Model. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8294-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran , Majid_mmf@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (480 Views)

Background & Aims: Despite significant progress in improving health in the last century, community health promotion and disease prevention remain one of the most important goals of the countries of the world. Public health is one of the most important factors in the development of humanity and an aspect of the general concept of health that relies on the methods and measures used for the prevention of mental illnesses, treatment, and rehabilitation. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers health to include three biological, psychological, and social dimensions. One of the main strategies in the fight to improve community health is to focus on keeping community members active. For the successful and sustainable implementation of health development projects, communities must have the ability to take collective action or develop internal resources to support processes, and knowledge to identify problems and provide solutions. Sports has a potential role in community capacity building in relation to health development. Given what we know about the role of exercise in health development, there is evidence that exercise is a potentially important measure to promote personal health. Understanding the role of sports in human and social development has been an important challenge in sports management science for decades. Exercise has received increasing attention due to its ability to improve health. Also, physical activity is considered a way to fight obesity in children and adults. Sports is an important and valuable tactical tool in health development, so research and investment in sports can be justified. In addition, increased exercise training is associated with participation in the local community, increased social activity, reduced participation in risky behaviors, and improved mental health. Exercise is often considered a popular tool for social communication, intervention, and risk prevention, and has also been used to improve many physical, psychological, and social issues. There is evidence that exercise can benefit community health when used as part of a health education program or as a tool for health awareness activities. Students are one of the most important communities. Improving health in this group helps to empower society. University, as one of the influential institutions in development and progress, should be used as a lever to promote the health of students. Because the university has a vital role in institutionalizing health and physical activities. Higher education is a great opportunity to develop sports, physical activity, and its institutionalization among students. Higher education increases the amount and intensity of participation in sports and plays an important role in helping students grow, become interested in sports, and thus increase participation in sports.Physical inactivity has been described as a global epidemic that leads to dangerous consequences such as the spread of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and other risk factors such as high blood pressure, increased blood sugar and overweight and obesity.This study aimed to develop a model of the physical activity effect on the overall health of medical students across Iran during 2020.
Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, survey data collection method was used to collect data. The statistical population of this research included all undergraduate, master's and doctoral students of universities of medical sciences across Iran (213,143 students). Questionnaire was distributed and collected online through social networks among seven universities of medical sciences (Shahrekord, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tehran, Kerman, Mashhad and Kermanshah cities). The health status questionnaire of the World Health Organization (2012) and the Baecke physical activity questionnaire (2006) were used to assess physical activity. With the opinion of sports management experts, the face validity of the questionnaires, the construct validity (factor analysis method) and the reliability of the questionnaires (Cronbach's alpha) were confirmed. To analyze of data, statistical methods of correlation coefficient and structural equations were used with SPSS 20 and Amos 22 software.
Results: Out of the 384 student in the statistical sample of the research, the majority of them were ranged from 20 to 30 years and their educational level was mostly bachelor's (77.7%). That 61.6% of them were women, 38.4% were men, 74.3% were single, and 25.7% were married. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between physical activity and overall health (r = 0.438, P-value = 0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, the amount of physical activity of student was low. As a result, the officials have looked at this issue as a risk and provide suitable solutions in this field. Activities affect overall health and for the development of health in the society, attention should be paid to sports activities as much as possible.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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