Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 182-189 | Back to browse issues page

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Kahriz S Z, Asghari A A. Collecting and Restraining Garbage Pickers on the Protection and Control of Environmental Health in Shahr Karaj Corona Disease from the Point of View of Seyed Al-Shohada Clinic Personnel. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :182-189
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8287-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , amiraliasghari94@gmail.com
Abstract:   (189 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the emerging phenomena that is the source of the emergence and spread of diseases in the current conditions of society and the spread of the coronavirus is littering. Waste management is critical for human development and health outcomes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as masks, and gloves are essential to human life and have added more solid waste. The current research was conducted to investigate the collection and curbing of garbage pickers on the protection and control of environmental health in Shahr Karaj corona disease from the perspective of Seyed al-Shohada clinic personnel.
Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose. This research is in the category of mixed research and includes two parts: qualitative method and quantitative method. The current research method is descriptive and surveys according to the way of data collection. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative research stage included experts and experts in the field of environmental health. Also, the statistical population in the quantitative method includes the employees of Seyyed al-Shohdai clinic in Karaj city, which according to the latest statistics obtained from that center is equal to 100 people. The sampling method in the qualitative method includes snowball sampling. According to the data analysis method of the qualitative stage, which is done with the Delphi technique, the number of samples was equal to 10 people. Based on the snowball sampling method, first, 5 experts including university faculty member managers, and experts in the field of environmental health were selected as a Delphi panel. They know that in terms of experience, expertise, communication, and having the time to be able to participate in this group, introduce them. Some of the experts introduced by them were already identified by the researcher, some of them excused themselves from cooperating with the research due to time constraints, and some were added to the panel of experts, finally, the number of members of the panel of experts was determined to be 10 people. The composition and characteristics of the 10 members of the sample are as follows: 6 people with doctoral education, 2 people with doctoral education, and 2 people with master's education. The sampling method is available in quantitative form and the number of samples based on Cochran's sample size formula, 80 people are considered as the sample size. The information collection tool includes checklists, documents, and scientific sources of databases in the field of methods of controlling and collecting garbage collectors and their effect on environmental health and preventing the spread of Corona. In the next step, the interview with the panel of experts will be conducted by presenting questions. The results were validated for generalizability. At this stage, the data collected through questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS version 25 software.
Results: The research findings in the qualitative part showed that 18 factors were identified as the roots of littering, which are poverty, poor waste management, and unemployment. They were one of the most important factors. Also, the findings of the quantitative part, in confirmation of the qualitative findings, showed that each of the factors identified in different categories had a positive effect. The average, standard deviation, and variance of the main variables of the questionnaire, can be said that the average opinions of the respondents regarding the index "Roots of the problem of littering" (with an average of 45.35) were higher than other indicators. Also, the average of how to control and organize the population of garbage collectors (with an average of 3.96) was lower than other variables. According to the research questions, this result shows that among the components, the highest average was related to the components of "poverty", "poor waste management" and "unemployment". Also, among the components, the highest average is respectively related to the components of "cooperation of law enforcement and non-law enforcement agencies", "forecasting special places for garbage collectors to settle" and "identifying garbage collectors through related institutions. Among the components, the highest average is respectively related to the components of "Using the capacity of NGOs and philanthropic NGOs", "Allocating a percentage of the municipal receipts by the annual fees for municipal services" and "Plan in the Parliament". And it was foreseen in the country's budget law. Among the components, the highest average was related to the components of "improving the city landscape", "no disease outbreak" and "improving services to citizens". Among the components, the highest average was related to the components of "Using the capacity of social workers", "Inviting experts for basic waste management" and "Establishing festivals with the presence of performance groups". Among the components, the highest average was respectively related to the components of "providing facilities to families to separate waste", "preventive training for waste pickers" and "supporting innovative methods for converting waste".
Conclusion: Based on the results, by identifying the effective factors, planning, and proper management measures, it is possible to prevent the health hazards of garbage collectors while organizing them. Garbage picking is a way to earn money and provide a living for the garbage pickers, and the choice of picking garbage is a result of the socio-economic background in which a person is placed. The results of the research showed that the roots of the problem of littering are: poverty, unwillingness to beg, loss of a family supporter, unemployment, poor waste management, low social sensitivity, addiction, lack of government support, lack of social prohibition, lack of contact by government officials. , the widespread presence of foreigners, the hidden location and activity of garages, lack of social belonging, low education, lack of culture, lack of family support, insufficient education, and lack of belief in usefulness. Another finding of the research showed that the important indicators in the way of controlling and organizing the population of garbage collectors in Karaj city are: identifying and forming a database of garbage collectors, identifying garbage collectors through related institutions, predicting special places for housing garbage collectors, cooperation Law enforcement and non-law enforcement agencies, formation of trained groups. Also, based on the findings of the research, the methods of providing financial resources to control and organize the population of litter pickers are: using the capacity of charities and humanitarian non-governmental associations, allocating a percentage of the municipal budget per capita and other related organizations, allocating a percentage of the municipality's receipts from annual service fees Urban, plan in the parliament and forecast in the country's budget law.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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