Volume 28, Issue 10 (12-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(10): 112-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Samiei R. The Relationship between Involvement in Work and Citizenship Behavior at the Individual and Organizational Levels and the Moderating Role of Work Autonomy. RJMS 2021; 28 (10) :112-119
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8276-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran , r-samiei@aliabadiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (573 Views)
Background & Aims: They are faced with how to increase the motivation of employees so that employees can perform their roles and duties well and ensure that the organization will maintain its effectiveness. Organizational citizenship behavior is one of the skills and strategies that can help employees in this field. As an organizational citizens, human beings are expected to serve the goals of the organization beyond the requirements of their role and beyond their official duties. In other words, the structure of organizational citizenship behavior seeks to identify, evaluate and manage the extra-role behaviors of employees who work in the organization, and as a result of these behaviors, organizational effectiveness is improved. On the other hand, the high level of organizational citizenship behavior in an organization makes that organization an attractive environment for work and activity, because organizations with a high level of organizational citizenship behavior attract more efficient employees. And reducing the rate of leaving the service of employees will perform better. For this reason, the concept of organizational citizenship behavior is proposed as one of the basic issues in the field of organizational behavior, which tries to provide solutions to increase the commitment of organizations and improve performance, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and job satisfaction. Take effective steps. Also, in today's world, human power is considered the most important factor of growth and sustainability and the most critical competitive advantage of organizations. Today's organizations have not spared any effort in searching for the best and winning the war of talents and they always try to attract the best, most talented, and knowledgeable people and use them to achieve their goals. Many organizations spend huge amounts of money to attract the best, but with improper management, they put them in a situation where all their talents and motivations are wasted and destroyed. For the human power in the organization to become a permanent, valuable, and maximum value-creating capital for the organization, it is necessary to provide conditions for them to be able to perform their roles in the organization with security, peace, and without worry. In line with the goals of the organization, they should use their maximum efforts and abilities and get involved in the work so to speak. Job involvement as an attitude is an important variable that helps to increase the effectiveness of the organization. The higher the level of job involvement of an organization's employees, the more effective it will be. To increase the level of job involvement, we must have a realistic and comprehensive view of its determinants. Among the different views on job conflict, the most realistic view considers this concept as a function of personality and organizational environment. Since the involvement of employees in work environments is of particular importance to perform job duties, the concern of today's organizations is to create ways to promote the involvement of employees at work. The cognitive aspect of engagement is related to the employee's belief about the organization, its leaders, and its working conditions. The emotional aspect of the employee is related to the positive attitude of the employee regarding all three mentioned factors. The physical aspect of employee engagement is related to the physical energy that people use to fulfill their roles. Considering the importance and special status of organizational citizen behavior as well as the importance and role of the concept of job involvement in today's organizations, it seems that conducting a study in this field is very necessary. Therefore, this article has been prepared and compiled to investigate the relationship between involvement in work and citizenship behavior at the individual and organizational levels and the moderating role of work autonomy.
Methods: The research method was a descriptive survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population included all the employees of the Islamic Azad University, Aliabad-Ktoul branch, numbering 130 people, of which 97 people were selected using the simple random method based on the Karjesi and Morgan table. In order to collect data related to the variable of involvement in work, the questionnaire of Schaufeli & Bakker (2003), citizenship behavior from the questionnaire of Williams and Anderson (1994) and work independence from the questionnaire of Houtman et al. (1994) were used. Descriptive statistics were also used to analyze the data and the structural equation modeling method was used to examine the hypotheses.
Results: The results showed that the direct relationships between the variables of involvement in work and individual and organizational citizenship behavior were confirmed with path coefficients of 0.712 and 0.751, respectively, as well as the indirect relationships between involvement in work and individual organizational citizenship behavior. And the organization with the moderating role of work autonomy was also confirmed with the path coefficient of 0.479 and 0.320, respectively.
Conclusion: Based on library studies and scientific findings from internet searches and getting familiar with theorists' opinions, the researcher conducted the present field research in order to validate his claim to confirm that there is a difference between engaging in work with organizational citizenship behavior at the organizational level and There is a significant relationship between individuals and the moderating role of work autonomy. In explaining this section, it should be acknowledged that organizational citizenship behavior is an optional and extra-task behavior that has an effect on increasing the effective performance of the organization. Considering that increasing effectiveness is always one of the problems and concerns of managers, knowing organizational citizenship behavior and the factors affecting it can be an effective and useful step in this direction. Organizational citizenship behavior is considered a social resource through the exchange of behaviors that receive social rewards. Therefore, when employees feel as if they are receiving something from the organization, their citizenship behavior will increase. Organizational citizenship behavior is desirable for any organization because it is related to organizational variables such as job satisfaction, system maintenance, and organizational productivity. The results of the studies show that managers can cultivate organizational citizenship behavior by improving the work environment, and for this purpose, instead of resorting to force or coercion, they rely on recruitment or socialization processes to create these behaviors. The present research was carried out in Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katul branch, so the results of this research cannot be generalized to other universities. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the managers of the organization in organizing and designing jobs and organizational positions, as well as placing people in different jobs, discuss topics such as job analysis, job engineering, examining the personality type and mental and physical conditions of the individual or individuals. take into consideration the target so that the level of willingness and enthusiasm of employees in carrying out organizational activities will increase and in other words, employees will be more willingly and willingly involved in the organization's work issues. Also, the managers of the organization provide the conditions for getting stuck in the work at the organizational level by carrying out actions and reforms at the macro and structural level of the organization by changing their management style to leadership and also creating a suitable platform for using the opinions and suggestions of employees.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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