Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghorbanzadeh M. Comparative Study of Doctor's Guarantee due to Mistake in Embryo Transfer. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8247-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran , m.ghorbanzadeh@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (505 Views)
Background & Aims: According to the relevant laws of Iran as well as the rules of international law, the responsibility of doctors towards patients can be moral or legal, and the legal responsibility or warranty itself will have a civil and criminal aspect. Medical responsibility is the responsibility of the doctor for the damages that he causes to the patient and these damages are caused by the performance of medical duties. The civil liability of doctors in the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2012 is that if the doctor is not at fault in knowledge and practice, there is no guarantee for him, even though He has not been acquitted. In fact, the new penal law has accepted the basis of fault and not negligence, while previously the presumption of fault was taken into account. It is further explained that the treatments performed by the doctor are examined from two criminal and civil aspects. These medical and surgical practices will not be a crime if there are conditions stipulated in Article 158 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2012. Although the proper place to propose regulations related to the civil liability of the doctor is in the civil law, there is no specific regulation in this regard in the civil law, and most of the regulations related to the doctor's guarantee are in the criminal laws. Despite the fact that the conditions of non-criminal liability are the same, unfortunately, the legislator has not followed a single basis regarding the civil liability of the doctor. Before the revolution, the civil liability of the doctor was based on fault according to the generality of the civil liability law approved in 1339. After the revolution, in various laws, including the Diet Law approved in 1361 and the Islamic Penal Code approved in 1370, the civil responsibility of the doctor has been recognized as pure responsibility. The rule of pure responsibility of the doctor has many supporters in jurisprudence, so that it is a famous saying regarding the doctor's guarantee. According to this famous fatwa, the legislator of our country has also approved the same sentence in various laws, for example, articles 319 and 321 of the Islamic Penal Code of 1370, and following the famous sentence, the only way to acquit the doctor is to acquit the doctor, which has been able to some extent. Adjust the laws governing the doctor's responsibility. In the international community, this issue has been considered by jurists. For example, in 1989, the Supreme Court of France commented on this for the first time and made legislation regarding the wrong transfer of embryos. According to the criminal law of this country, the people responsible during the wrong transfer, including doctors and nurses, and institutions that These actions are under its supervision, they are prosecuted according to their perpetrators and have criminal and civil liability. The doctor's guarantee regarding the wrong transfer of the fetus, which means the legal responsibility of the doctor for the wrong transfer of the fetus in its real mother to another woman, creates a compulsory guarantee for the wrongful doctor and a criminal guarantee for him or her (Article 1 comment) 495) approved in 2012, it is assumed that the doctor is not at fault, even if he has not been acquitted, or one can adhere to the general rule of freedom of contracts in Article 10 of the Civil Law and identify the responsibilities from this point of view. The parents of the person born from this mistake and his lineage, how to obtain the criminal guarantee due to the wrong transfer of the embryo, is raised.
Methods: This research is a descriptive-analytical type of research, and it was done in terms of collecting information in a library method and through the study of valid laws and sources, and the obtained information was analyzed and analyzed in a descriptive-analytical way.
Results: The historical course of the doctor's guarantee confirms the absolute responsibility of the doctor in the previous law and the granting of freedom of action in the penal law approved in 2012 according to legal articles 158, 495, 496, 497, which has uncovered the legal gaps of this profession, although with the comparative review of the laws Internationally, the civil liability of the wrongful doctor in embryo transfer is accepted, and in Iran's related laws, in addition to the civil liability of the doctor, it is accepted in the theory of presumption of fault or forced guarantee.
Conclusion: In Iran's legal system, unlike other legal systems, there is no difference between the wrong transfer of an embryo and the transfer of an embryo in good faith, and in both cases, the doctor's responsibility is burdened. On the other hand, embryo transfer is done in embryo transfer centers today as an organizational activity, and therefore, the doctor's supervision in these cases should not be considered as his sole responsibility.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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