Volume 28, Issue 11 (1-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 28(11): 99-107 | Back to browse issues page

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Siahiatabaki A M. Psychopathology of Virtual Education in the Corona Era at Farhangian University. RJMS 2022; 28 (11) :99-107
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8226-en.html
Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran , Alimohammadatabaki@gmail.com
Abstract:   (735 Views)
Background & Aims: The COVID-19 pandemic has created new ways to learn. All over the world, educational institutions are looking for online learning platforms to continue the process of educating students. New methods are currently a changed concept of education, and online learning is at the core of this evolution. Today, digital learning has emerged as an essential resource for students and universities around the world. For many educational institutions, this is a completely new teaching method that they had to use. Online learning is currently not only used for learning academics, but also for learning extracurricular activities for students. In recent months, the demand for online learning and the use of online class software has increased significantly and will continue to do so in the future. Coordination and adaptation with new developments is necessary for the progress of any society. Considering the importance of universities in the social, political, cultural, economic progress and development of societies, it is inevitable to coordinate with the new developments and the ever-increasing advances in communication technology. Virtual education is one of the developments that all the universities of the world have welcomed and taken major steps in this regard. Virtual education means using the Internet for teaching and learning, which can be accessed through web browsers at any time and place. In this type of education, the teacher and student are far from each other, but the teaching content is transferred through different software, so it can be acknowledged that virtual education refers to any type of education that is different from traditional face-to-face methods. make a face E-learning is a significant opportunity to improve the learning process through modern and effective technologies. The World Health Organization has also announced that distance education from podcasts, radio, television and online education are the best ways of education. Virtual education definitely has its strengths and weaknesses, and perhaps the main obstacle to the expansion of this type of education is the negative attitude of some officials and people towards this type of education. Despite the huge growth of e-learning and its perceived benefits in education, several studies have reported a significant amount of barriers that affect virtual education. The change from a physical classroom to a virtual classroom has changed traditional techniques and teaching methods, and this confirms the concern of people and officials. A correct and complete understanding of virtual education is very necessary in order to use it effectively. In numerous studies, researchers have compared traditional and virtual education classes, and in these studies, they have come to the conclusion that this type of education is very economical in terms of science and economics. In Iran, virtual education has become an important part of university education. It seems that despite the experiences gained by universities from this type of education during the Corona era, with the detailed pathology of this type of education, an opportunity can be provided to determine the real position of virtual education in universities, therefore, the analysis and evaluation of virtual education, Identifying and analyzing its damages is essential for the effectiveness and quality of this type of education. Therefore, according to the importance of this issue, the current research has addressed the pathology of virtual education in Farhangian University of Shiraz and seeks to answer the question, what is the pathology of virtual education in the era of Corona in Farhangian University?
Methods: The statistical population in this research was professors and students of Farhangian University of Shiraz, and sampling was done using a purposive method. Two types of tools were used to collect data. In order to initially identify the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities based on the views of students and professors, a semi-structured interview was conducted and in order to prioritize the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities, a questionnaire was developed by the researcher. The method of analyzing the information obtained from the interviews was done through thematic coding and formulation of the final strategy using fuzzy Delphi techniques and FANP software.
Results: The results of the research showed that the weaknesses of virtual education are the lack of necessary infrastructure and low internet speed, the lack of attention of students and professors to the timely formation of classes and the impossibility of holding practical lessons in virtual space and places Its strength is the unprecedented increase in the virtual knowledge of students and professors and their familiarity with various educational software and opportunities, including educational equality, maximum use of class time, and the creation of new educational films and software and threats. They include the lack of emotional connection between students and professors, students' worry and stress about the results of the end of the semester, and lack of supervision on the correct implementation of educational plans.
Conclusion: According to the obtained results, it should be acknowledged that due to the existence of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and serious challenges facing professors and students, university officials and practitioners should pay special attention. To improve the necessary infrastructure such as internet speed and bandwidth, digital resources and content, to update the technical knowledge of professors and students and to explain the necessary curriculum and structures. Although in recent years, most universities and even schools emphasize on education in cyber space, but in practice, the measures taken at the macro level in the Ministry of Science and even the Ministry of Education have been relatively weak, and significant progress has been made in This area has not happened and most of the professors, students and families are concerned about the way of virtual education in universities and schools, considering the current conditions of the world and the acceptance of virtual education in universities is necessary. With full understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of virtual education, electronic education and learning should be considered as an innovative approach to improve the quality of education and learning in universities. Virtual education can provide access to course information for students without time and place limitations and improve the current teaching situation and its deficiencies.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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