Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 0
Ethics code: IR.IAU.BEHBAHAN.REC.1401.012
Clinical trials code: 1

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Gharib M, Ghashghaeizadeh N, Omidian F. Investigating Nurses' Professional Ethics: A Case Study (Behbahan City). RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8200-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Isfahan (Khorasgan), Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran , ghashghaeizadeh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (393 Views)
Bakcground & Aims: Professional ethics is a rational thinking process and a set of ethical actions and reactions accepted by organizations to provide the most favorable social relations. Professional ethics deals with ethical issues and questions as well as ethical principles and values ​​of a professional system and today it is considered as a competitive advantage in the organization (1). Being professional in nursing means doing things in the best possible way and making a commitment and promise to the society for quality care. Professional ethics in nursing is related to patients, colleagues and other professionals and society and guides ethical behavior to provide security and humanitarian aid. Professional ethics is an important concept that integrates critical thinking and ethics of nurses and is necessary to provide competent care in this profession (2). Nursing ethics is one of the most important components of protecting high quality standards in the nursing profession, which affect the personal principles and behavioral standards of people and provide the possibility of creating an ethical framework; (3). Therefore, ethical practice is an essential part of good nursing, and having moral perception, sensitivity, and moral imagination is necessary to deal with ethical practice, and although compliance with professional ethics is necessary in all jobs, it is more necessary in the nursing profession. Based on this, the aim of this research is to design a structural-interpretive model of nurses' professional ethics.  
Methods: The present research is a field research in terms of its practical purpose and in terms of the method of data collection. With regard to the main goal, the research method was the qualitative method (foundational data theory). The statistical population in this research includes experts in the field of professional ethics and nursing. Using the snowball sampling method and the theoretical saturation technique, key Informers (including 15 experts in the field of professional ethics and nursing) have been selected to design the professional ethics model of nurses, and a semi-structured interview was conducted with them and The components and factors affecting the professional ethics of nurses were identified. (MicMac) and (Excel) software were used for data analysis.                                                                             
Results: According to the findings of the research, moral intelligence and spiritual values, culture, management style and education are the most important factors affecting the professional ethics of nursing. Also, based on the interpretive structural model of research, moral intelligence and spiritual values ​​in the fifth level of this model, increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the fourth level, policies and improving education in the third level, optimizing culture and management skills in the second level and promoting health. The community is placed at the first level of the output of the interpretive structural model software.          
Conclusion: Professional ethics in the organization increases the productivity of human resources and improves the health of the organization, and effectiveness and efficiency are its most important achievements in the organization (12). The two components of moral intelligence and adherence to spiritual values ​​are the most important foundations of professional ethics, which fortunately can be improved through proper training. In the field of nursing, when the curriculum adequately deals with ethics, it provides tools for nurses to help them think and act according to what is required of good nursing (13). In Iran, professional ethics, especially in the field of health and treatment, are not observed as it is appropriate for our society and Islamic culture. The existence of a limited number of nursing professional ethics units in university courses of this field cannot be very effective, and after that, nurses are deprived of in-service training in the field of nursing professional ethics due to various reasons, including the indifference of some managers. According to the available evidence, what the nurse knows, faces many organizational obstacles to be implemented. Limitations such as: high workload, low number of personnel, rotating work shifts (and its harmful consequences for nurses' health), lack of facilities and lack of proper information (for example, training and information about ethical codes) are some of the challenges. They are in front of the nurses. If we enter the category of professional ethics with a management approach, we must acknowledge that managers at different levels of the ministry, general offices, regions, etc. play an unparalleled role in the formation of professional ethics. They directly affect the variables of professional ethics by making sound decisions, creating optimal human relations, appropriate management styles, motivating through incentives and rewards, support, supervision and evaluation. In the cultural aspect, the level of society's expectations and the health beliefs that govern it, the existing views towards the nursing profession and the nursing class, are among the categories that affect the quality of work and professional ethics of nurses. In this regard, various media can be the basis for creating cultural competence through the publication of correct health beliefs and the creation of health literacy in the society and explaining the valuable position of nurses. In the organizational dimension, the more spiritual values ​​prevail, the more morally inclined people make better moral decisions when exposed to spiritual experiences. This culture helps employees to distance themselves from the pressures and daily tasks, recover internal motivation (such as social motivation) and develop their ethical ideas and practices and thus their creativity (14). Professional ethics can affect performance by better regulating relationships, reducing differences and conflicts, and increasing the atmosphere of understanding and cooperation, as well as reducing costs caused by control, and it increases the efficiency and productivity of the organization, and if organizations With measures such as moral intelligence workshops and spiritual and personal development of people, in order to empower the professional ethics of their employees, they have taken an effective step towards realizing their efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore The development of nurses' professional ethics requires the simultaneous use of several Intra-organizational flows and Extra-organizational. Things such as training, creating legal frameworks for attracting and hiring sufficient and qualified personnel, forming ethics committees and working groups, and benefiting from humanistic and ethical management styles provide the necessary motivation and stimulus to move towards this Important.        
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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